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Goodbye Immersion, Hello Anti-Stealth


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59 minutes ago, Viktoriusiii said:

if I wanted efficiency, I'd go fortitude/str.
Nothing more efficient than that, PERIOD. The best perks are in there.
Usefull in every situation. Mining, check, food, check, surviviability, check, clearing pois, check, hordenight, check.

Its not about efficiency. Its about every playstyle having their thing.

FOR/STR is direct confrontation
PER is the open field and looting
INT is the trader and turrets
AGI is... pistols? I guess.
I just want to be able to sneak without confrontation. I like the feeling of Z' dying to my blade.
I dislike confrontation. I like knowing that I only cleared that POI because of my skill, not because my rolls were lucky.
If I wanted that I would be playing Dragons dogma and be savescumming.

I just want to be able to sneak without being forced into fights.
Make sneaking harder. Make me crawl at snails pace... as long as 'silent' weapons are silent (meaning if I shoot a crossbow or bow, zombies dont wake up) and I can get to decide when I want to slowly crawl forwards and when I want to rush in... I am fine with that.

Basicially what I am asking for is:
give me the possibility to 100% that poi if I bring the skill. Make it ridicolously hard... I dont care... that can be tweaked...
but even a 0.1% chance of zombies waking up even though I was doing the best possible play is too much in my opinion (HYPERBOLE!!! I am sure there is a percentage where I wouldnt even notice. That does not mean that the principle is a good one. Only that the effects are negligible enough to ignore it... but why have a system if it has to be tuned down so much that the player doesnt notice it anymore?)

PS: @Roland I will now try to always mark my hyperbole and state what is factual... lets see if that will actually help... I doubt it since I think most forum users just dislike critics... but who knows... maybe I lived a lie for the last... when was A17 released? that long.



With the perk changes in A21, FORT/STR won't be the only appealing option for direct confrontation (e.g. sexy t-rex)


As far as being able to stealth a POI 100% without waking up any zombies (especially the final loot rooms), I don't think there is time to re-design / overhaul that system any further given the push for gold.  I can forsee maybe some quality of life improvements to stealth maybe but nothing that is going to drastically change how POIs are designed / paced.  Who knows, perhaps the next game will incorporate stealth gameplay in a more significant fashion.

Edited by Laz Man (see edit history)
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4 hours ago, Laz Man said:



With the perk changes in A21, FORT/STR won't be the only appealing option for direct confrontation (e.g. sexy t-rex)


As far as being able to stealth a POI 100% without waking up any zombies (especially the final loot rooms), I don't think there is time to re-design / overhaul that system any further given the push for gold.  I can forsee maybe some quality of life improvements to stealth maybe but nothing that is going to drastically change how POIs are designed / paced.  Who knows, perhaps the next game will incorporate stealth gameplay in a more significant fashion.

The camera and recorder will be on 24/7 from now on. And the crossbow is always loaded! Fear is weakness leaving the body. 

Do ya feel lighter yet boi? Keep sneakin n peakin...  Let me catch any of you crossing into my yard!

You'll wish you hadn't...wink

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On 2/26/2023 at 2:59 PM, unholyjoe said:

but you all might as well keep waiting to ask a dev because you wont be happy until you corner them in with the 50 question trick... :) oooops


Why do you assume we are all trying to trick the devs into answering something.

I just wanted an answer to a question I am sure one of the devs could answer.

I mean someone had to program the stealth eye that pops up when you crouch.

They must have had some reason for the number to change. As it is already out in A20 I don't think it would be a secret.


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