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Chunk Reset Command Won't Work on Dedicated Server


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I'm hosting the latest stable Revenhearst mod on a dedicated server. The 'cr' or chunkreset command was working initially but now it won't work online. If I start a private game on my pc, it works in solo admin mode. The 'dm' debugmenu is on for all occasions.


It worked on my online map for the trader at least once, but now it won't reset any building. I'm unsure why chunks can't be reset by command, but quest missions still reset them.

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SHFT+F6 doesnt work for resetting ground either.

This is extremely irritating. I need to reset regions on my public server to clear damage, and to set custom pois. But the F3 console>CR shows wrong region designations. the region is   r.-2.5, but in the region file folder there isn't a r.-2.5.

This is really just, I can't even start to express how irritating this is. I want to use my custom poi's but I can't because I can't get the right region!

Can't evern reset regions at all! You can't arbitrarily start resetting regions that are "close" to that value, and expect not to jack up the map.

And CR doesn't work AT all on a server. Not online servers at least.

Edited by Macklan12 (see edit history)
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