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Why does my modified splat3.png file make everything look like desert?!


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I am trying to edit a base-game (vanilla) generated map, and I need to add and remove some roads. Thanks to Tallman Brad's tutorials I was able to successfully edit and export the original splat3.png file. 

However, the problem is that the entire map is covered in desert ground. It appears that the games knows where the biomes are, based on the foliage (trees, bushes, etc.) and ambient sounds; It only seems to affect the ground.


This happens in both the World Editor AND when I start a new game using the map.


I would like to know what is causing this, and more importantly how to fix it. Thanks!



Bad Splat3.png

Bad Splat3 again.png

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You possibly had the biomes.png and/or the preview.png files still visible in the Layers panel when you saved and exported the splat, Jimbo. It is the biomes.png which controls the ground and therefore vegetation type, but the biome file needs very explicit colour values for each biome. When layering two or more files but only painting one of them, it is very easy to forget to turn off (the "eye") before the save: I now delete the overlaying files (within GIMP), such that only the particular file one is painting is visible during the save and export. While Brad's videos are awesome - his mistakes are 'seldom' or 'never', - however - one must be extremely careful when using GIMP while following video instructions: GIMP won't tell you if you're making a mistake, and I've found that it's only by going through the whole process two or tree times (or more (sigh)) that you suddenly realise what bit you've missed.  Brad (and others - me included) will often assume that others have a greater skill with GIMP than they actually have, and occasionally the consequences of missing something will be very . . . . . noticeable.  

Hope this gives you some direction.

Edited by paulj_3 (see edit history)
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Thanks for the advice, @paulj_3 but unfortunately it didn't work; I still have desert ground covering the entire map. I deleted all layers except invisible prior to exporting, but I came up with the same results. Even exporting an unedited version of the original splat3 file yields the same results.


Reinstating the original unaltered, unedited splat3.png HAS restored the ground correctly to the correct biomes, however. So I am forced to conclude that the problem lies somewhere in trying to export the splat3 file.


Here are the steps that I am taking;


1. Open splat3.png in Gimp

2. Select spat3 layer

3. Select channels

4. Uncheck the Alpha layer (the eye)

5. Go back to layers

6. Select New Layer from Visible

7. Uncheck eye from original splat3 layer*

  *I have even tried deleting the splat3 layer entirely

8. Select File and Export As...

9.  Select Load Defaults for export options

10. Export the splat3.png

11. Run the game, hoping for different results


Attached is a screenshot of the export optionsExport_Options_Gimp.png.f0a29688f6d3a52b730939c7ba0763ce.png

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... but what does that process achieve? There is no editing going on here.  Make a copy of the 'good' splat file first, then use that good file - or the copy - your choice - and do process 1, 2, 3 and 4 - then decide what road you want to add or edit, then delete the eyes on the other two road types - and then click on the remaining channel in the column - say the green one. This will highlight the channel with a lighter 'browny-greyish' band behind the word green and the eye. This makes this the only one which will accept paint.  That is the one to edit, and then export.  I think, too, that the splat is a bit more complicated than the biomes, as there are other files that undergo 'work' done by the game itself during startup. This reminds me that we're both using different methods to edit the games files: I'm using MapToolz, which creates a work folder with the biomes, dtm and splat3 ready for editing. With the new map opened once, and then exited from - to the main 7 Days opening screen - (thus initiating the creation of the rest of the new maps files) - one then runs a console command 'mapexport' to create the (MapToolz) work folder and brings ready-to-edit files into it. One then starts GIMP, makes the changes, and exports the files back into the work folder. After this one then runs 'mapconvert' - and this brings the edited files back into the game folder and probably does some linking or something, to re-establish the new files with the older files - just as a new game does as it starts up for the first time..  I reckon Brad or other mapping genius might jump in here if we ask him nicely . . . .  I don't see how what you're doing will change the entire biome png to be all desert. Something to do with the alpha, maybe?


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I appreciate all the insight, as this is really out of my comfort zone!


12 hours ago, paulj_3 said:

I reckon Brad or other mapping genius might jump in here if we ask him nicely . . . . 

Good idea! @Tallman Brad Do you have any insight as to why editing & exporting a splat3 file would lead to all the topsoil looking like desert?!


11 hours ago, paulj_3 said:

I'm using MapToolz

@paulj_3, do you happen to have a current link to download MapToolz? I can't seem to find one that works.


11 hours ago, paulj_3 said:

I don't see how what you're doing will change the entire biome png to be all desert. Something to do with the alpha, maybe?

This has almost nothing to do with the biomes.png, as it appears that the biomes are working correctly; This only happens when I try to export the splat3 file. Also, the only thing is that changing is the ground (the topsoil), as the trees, grass and bushes all remain the same for whatever biome I am in.

I do believe that you are correct that this has something to do with the Alpha channel as that is about the only thing that is changed (apart from editing some roads, of course)



11 hours ago, paulj_3 said:

Make a copy of the 'good' splat file first, then use that good file

Yep! I did that. I also preserved the original splat.3png so that I can revert back to it when I have to.



Again, this is what the edited splat3 file looks like in-game:



And this is what happens when I restore the original, unaltered splat3 file (with the Alpha channel intact):



As you can see, the topsoil is restored, but also changes to the road are gone. I am quite sure this has to do with the Alpha channel, but I don't how to fix it.


Again, thanks for the help!

I am keen to get this map sorted out, because then 7 Days to Die can have an airport!



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Pleased you got it sorted. Not sure why I didn't get notificatuin for being tagged. The problem you were facing was the lack of alpha layer in the exported version. Editing splat3 files is best done using MapToolz to export to an editable format but then re convert the splat using MapToolz, which re places the alpha layer. I believe it also checks the bit depth but I can't confirm that.

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  • 2 months later...

Im Gimp:
1. Open & overwork or create your spat3.png in Gimp: Full-Red=Asphalt, Full-Green=Gravel, Full-Black=Background/Nothing.

2. You will need an Alpha channel - create it if its missing under "Layer/Transparency" - "Add Alpha Channel".
3. Set the "Threshold Alpha" (also to find under "Layer/Transparency)  to full "1,0000". 
4. Export your File as splat3.png, 8bpc RGBA + "Save color values from transparent pixels" = YES!!!
5. If the "Threshold Alpha"-Setting in Step 3 didn't work it should work after reload your File in Gimp. Save/overwrite it again like in Step 4.

Hope this works for you! So you do not need any other methods or Apps.
Just put this new splat3.png into your Map-Folder and it should do its job!

By the way... just in the Making 🙂

"Navesgane X":


Edited by DirkillerGaming (see edit history)
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