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Creating a character error "Calling Animator.GotoState on Synchronize layer"


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HI, I have problem with joining to friend. Game stops at creating a character. Last thing that shows up on the console is "Calling Animator.GotoState on Synchronize layer". I don't know what that means, I tried to find some solution for this problem but I can't find anything. My friend is host so i told him to remove these 3 files 

[EOS_00025f412e9b44549e2436e77995264d.ttp | EOS_00025f412e9b44549e2436e77995264d.map | EOS_00025f412e9b44549e2436e77995264d.ttp.bak]

and it helped in joining the game but I didn't have my items. I just start from scratch.

If anyone can help i'll be grateful.


Edited by gattf (see edit history)
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We would need to see the entirety of your output log. Copy the log and paste it at pastebin.com & post the link generated here. It's extremely important that we see the entire log and most likely your answer is in that log. Instructions for finding the output log are in the pinned topic "Read before posting..."

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9 hours ago, Star69 said:

We would need to see the entirety of your output log. Copy the log and paste it at pastebin.com & post the link generated here. It's extremely important that we see the entire log and most likely your answer is in that log. Instructions for finding the output log are in the pinned topic "Read before posting..."



8 hours ago, Beelzybub said:

Your friend can give you back your levels with the "givexp" command, and they can give you back your lost

inventory from the creative menu.


I know but i don't remember exactly what i had. If nothings help we'll do that.

Edited by gattf (see edit history)
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Unfortunately, from the log it looks like your player profile is corrupted. This can happen from multiple causes. Examples are power fluctuation/failure resulting in losing connection to the server, killing the game while still connected to the server, the server rebooting or shut down while you’re still connected to the server as well as several other reasons. Your friend will need to go into the Save folder and delete the 3 files associated with your profile then do as @Beelzybub suggested with the creative menu and givexp command to get your levels, items and books back as best as you can remember. The only other option is to start a new seed.

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1 hour ago, Star69 said:

Unfortunately, from the log it looks like your player profile is corrupted. This can happen from multiple causes. Examples are power fluctuation/failure resulting in losing connection to the server, killing the game while still connected to the server, the server rebooting or shut down while you’re still connected to the server as well as several other reasons. Your friend will need to go into the Save folder and delete the 3 files associated with your profile then do as @Beelzybub suggested with the creative menu and givexp command to get your levels, items and books back as best as you can remember. The only other option is to start a new seed.

About  losing connection, I forgot to tell you that I lost connection before that happend. Thank you for spending your time and for your help.

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