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no chunk for position warning


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I got these warning in log and console:

  1. 2022-12-07T11:38:30 929.238 WRN No chunk for position -1755, 37, 96, can not add childs to pos -1755, 36, 95! Block cntDumpsterFlies
  2. 2022-12-07T11:38:30 929.299 WRN No chunk for position -1744, 37, 280, can not add childs to pos -1745, 37, 281! Block decoPicnicTable
  3. 2022-12-07T11:38:31 930.109 WRN No chunk for position -1744, 36, 343, can not add childs to pos -1745, 36, 343! Block hayBaleRound
  4. 2022-12-07T11:38:42 941.483 WRN No chunk for position -1717, 32, 96, can not add childs to pos -1717, 32, 95! Block cntMetalDesk02Open
  5. 2022-12-07T11:38:42 941.494 WRN No chunk for position -1728, 43, 112, can not add childs to pos -1728, 43, 111! Block decoClawFootBathTub
  6. 2022-12-07T11:38:42 941.494 WRN No chunk for position -1721, 43, 112, can not add childs to pos -1721, 43, 111! Block hospitalBed
  7. 2022-12-07T11:38:44 942.595 WRN No chunk for position -1872, 37, 360, can not add childs to pos -1874, 36, 360! Block cntCar03SedanDamage1v02
  8. 2022-12-07T11:38:45 944.033 WRN No chunk for position -1681, 37, 272, can not add childs to pos -1681, 36, 271! Block garageDoorMetal_v2
  9. 2022-12-07T11:38:46 945.091 WRN No chunk for position -1672, 40, 128, can not add childs to pos -1672, 40, 127! Block hayBaleSquare
  10. 2022-12-07T11:38:46 945.140 WRN No chunk for position -1664, 36, 285, can not add childs to pos -1665, 36, 284! Block hayBaleRound
  11. 2022-12-07T11:38:46 945.150 WRN No chunk for position -1668, 37, 320, can not add childs to pos -1668, 36, 319! Block hayBaleRound
  12. 2022-12-07T11:38:47 946.258 WRN No chunk for position -1654, 37, 208, can not add childs to pos -1655, 36, 206! Block cntCar03SedanDamage2v08
  13. 2022-12-07T11:38:47 946.285 WRN No chunk for position -1652, 36, 288, can not add childs to pos -1653, 36, 287! Block hayBaleRound
I have no mods installed and I verified the files. I even deleted the blocks file and verified again to make sure. Here is my log: https://pastebin.com/nc92hkC0

Also it was a new map and new save

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Safe to ignore, those warnings I see all the time.


Not sure, but I think it has to do with separate regions (biomes) on the map and those items are from a POI that is straddling both biomes.  It would be interesting if you went to those coordinates and took a screenshot of that location.


I also could be wrong, I vaguely remember this being discussed before but don't think it was this year. 


Also note that it is talking about not being able to add a child to position, that makes me think of Parent / Child relationships.  If you go to those exact locations, you will still see the block in question, just it wouldn't have established the Parent / Child relationship.  Maybe someone with better technical information on what TFP are doing with regards to biomes / POIs / blocks and Parent/Child relationships could fill in the blanks better than I can.

Edited by BFT2020 (see edit history)
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I didn't start seeing them until I was modding the rwgmixer.xml on my modded copy of the game so I went to my unmodded copy made a new map and started a new save and got the warning there to. I thought at first it was my mod but, when I got the same warnings on the unmodded version of the game that told me it wasn't my mod. I don't like getting errors or warnings when I make a mod.


thank you,


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There is also the theory this warning could be generated when virus scanners interfere with the save game/world gen location. No idea if the theory has any merit though


Since you were modding I assume you know not to confuse modded and unmodded copy. But did you also make sure you really generated a new world? Maybe you reused a seed and the game just used a modded world?





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I saw this same thing when I added a new POI using the world editor.  It has nothing to do with my POI or with any POI next to the one I added, but instead one that was a couple hundred or so meters away.  It was a small construction site I know well and when I went there to check, the items warned about were placed properly, so it apparently loaded correctly after the warning or the warning was incorrect.  It did not affect any other maps.  I just ended up ignoring it since everything seemed fine.

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