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Error message help?


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I posted in the wrong place but I do not know how to delete this. I'm sorry.





Hello. FIrst, thank you for taking the time to read this. Second, I NEED HELP!! lol I've been trying to play the latest version of Apocalypse Now and I get an error message when trying to create a new world in the editor. The message is: keynotfoundexception: The given key was not present in the dictionary


I've got the latest version of 7 Days installed on Steam. I downloaded the files from the link in this forum. I made a copy of my 7 Days To Die folder from my local files on Steam and made a new folder on my desktop. I pasted my 7 Days To Die folder that I copied from Steam into this new folder and renamed it Apocalypse Now. I then unzipped the files I got from the download and pasted it into my newly created folder. The file name was called Mods. I opened up my newly created folder and clicked on the 7 Days To Die application (not with EAC) and loaded it up. The screen for Apocalypse Now was there (not the vanilla) and so I went to create a new world. I did some minor adjustments but before it would create any POI's, the error message popped up.


I've certainly done something wrong. I don't know what it is though. I've watched tutorial videos on installing mods manually (I don't like using the launcher) and I just can't figure this one out. Can anyone please help me?


Edited by Lorri (see edit history)
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Thread was moved to the right location.


For help on a specific mod it often is better to ask the mod author himself in his thread.


As far as I can see you did everything right except maybe starting the exe directly instead of using one of the shell script. The scripts are often used to add some library to the search path before a program is started. So I don't know if it helps but you could try that first.


The next step would be looking inside 7DaysToDie_Data for the logfile (output.log) that shows the error message, posting that on pastebin and linking to it when you ask for help. The error messages alone often do not tell the complete picture to find out the problem.




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. . . .not a whole lot of problem-specific help, but the logfile that meganoth is referring to doesn't seem to exist anywhere my machine, (using grepWin to find it) and the only one I do get is called "Player.log", along with "Player-prev.log": I found it a while ago in the " C:\Users\pj\AppData\LocalLow\The Fun Pimps\7 Days To Die\ "  folder, which seems strange I know, but this "Player.log" shows the entire game from startup to shutdown. 
Here is yesterdays file  https://1drv.ms/u/s!AueVg7eVAeXMlWZBGQalJHegq8eq?e=1oF0kR    I think this is the one that meg is talking about, but I may well be wrong, (and in that case i appologize for sticking my nose in!)

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