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(A21) Old West Migration


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Old West Migration has been updated to A21 and can be downloaded here:

(Click on the Green 'Code' icon and select 'Download ZIP')

The whole mod (A21-OldWestMigration) can be placed in the 'Mods' folder. 7 Days will be able to read and use the Prefabs from directly within the mod.

Ensure that the mod is not nested with other folders. The hierarchy will be 'Mods / A21-OldWestMigration / Config, Prefabs, ModInfo.xml, and Old West Migration Tiling.txt'

If it is something like Mods / A21-OldWestMigration-main / A21-OldWestMigration... it will not load as the ModInfo.xml file must be where the game can see it. ^^


Terms of Use:
- Please ask for permission before using this Mod in an Overhaul or Modpack. This ensure there is only one 'official' release and reduces the possibility of outdated clones being in the community.
- Please do not add this Mod to a Prefab/POI pack.
- This Mod can be distributed within a closed community. Please do not upload it to an alternative location which is publicly accessible.


Old West Migration is a small modlet that provides the following:

- Increases the size of the Old West tiling system by using higher min/max tile values in the RWG creation stage.

- Increases the amount of Old West settlements being created in a RWG.

- Adds a gateway and Trader to the Old West tiling system. One custom trader can appear directly inside the town.

- Adds custom Old West POIs that can be quested and are in context with the Old West theme.

- Converts remnant and decorative default POIs to quest POIs.

- Adds custom tiles to expand the current TFP selection.

- Adds decoration POIs to the desert and forest biomes in context with the Old West theme.


Here is a video to demonstrate from Flat Lander.


Here are a few images to demonstrate.


The length of each straight is quite long but game play is smooth since these POIs do not require heavy rendering.


Bubbles is a T3 custom POI. It has been repurposed and rerouted from a default POI. Downstairs is an innocent 'soda fountain' establishment while upstairs offers something stronger.



This is 3 POIs connected as a T3. We have 'Crapper', 'Trapper', and 'Dapper' for hygiene, hunting, and attire. ^^



Gold Rush offers a T2 quest.



Gee Gee is a T1 stable.



This image shows how the Old West generally expands with an intersection with two buildings at each end to cap them off.



1. Old West enlargement. ^^



In addition, there are a variety of Decoration POIs that will spawn randomly and at a regulated amount in the Biomes. Here are a few examples.



The custom POIs have some of the 'key' triggers to unlock doors. These rarely work unless the Client also installs the POIs. While this is a Server Side Only mod, this issue with the 'key' triggers may be noticed if it's used on a dedicated server. This has been reported as a potential bug.

Edited by arramus
Update TOU (see edit history)
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Just putting in the foundations on a new POI for a Pony Express service for the Old West. As with the standard naming quirks, it'll be called 'Bony Xpress'.

It'll have the walk in office on the left and stable on the right and possibly something upstairs for admin.




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Pushed a small update to the Old West Migration Mod.


- Added a 50 x 25 POI (Bony Xpress) for T3 to support all quest types. This is a play on Pony Express and has a main office and stable on the left side with a storage facility on the right side. This POI helps to fill in any of the large 50 x 25 empty gaps that may appear on the Old West streets. There are an abundance of 25 x 25 POIs and they can fill up a road on both sides most appropriately. Occasional gaps where there was not an alternative 50 x 25 POI to add in place is no major issue but can look a little empty. This will now be filled at a greater frequency with this new POI on top of 'Apper' and the regular default strip POIs.



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Pushed a small update with a new T2 Quest POI.

This is a 50 x 25 POI to give additional variety for RWG builds with 'Many' Towns selected.

It is an outdoor stage and barbecue venue for 'locals'.

All POIs are typically indoors but this offers a fence enclosed area exposed to the outdoors.




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Pushed a small cosmetic update.


A bit of aging, fascia filling, and sun shade for 3 of the POIs.


Aging on the roof tiles and broken fence.



Fascia lighting (unpowered) and a few extra props.



Canopy for the seating area for sun shade (because zombies appreciate that ^^)


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Of the 9 remnant default Old West POIs, 5 take up 25 x 25 slots of which 2 are questable. Adding a few more 25 x 25 POIs should decrease the chance for destroyed non questable POIs but not totally eliminate them. This will maintain some level of destruction but restore some life. This is going to be a 25 x 25 addition called 'Meat Loaf'. The 'L' has unfortunately fallen off on this occasion.



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Starting on a T3 50 x 25 with two buildings to make up the POI.

The left will have the Zombie cast of Little House on the Prairie at the local school.





The right side will have a wagon repair shop in place of a modern garage.

This addition will expand the T3 choices which are minimal for Old West and give some extra variety.

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Update to the Old West Migration Mod:


- Re-balanced the tiling system to accommodate new custom POIs and correct a typo.

- Added an optional setting that allows the 'rural' POIs to surround the Old West as an outskirt district.

This is optional and while the code to activate it is in the rwgmixer.xml, it is currently commented out.

Instructions to activate this and an image of how it may look are in the first post.

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Update with additional POI:


- Crater field T2 in a 42 x 42 size.

There is only 1 42 x 42 POI in the Old West (T1 Coal Factory) but there are 2 Old West street tiles that allow for a 42 x 42 POI. To reduce too much duplication in the larger towns, Crater field provides an alternative and also brings a farming element to the town.


In keeping with regular farm fields an abundance of the corn is dead and provides good cover for the zombies. There are also a few guaranteed plants in there as well along with random luck chances to keep it a little more dynamic. Players may be lucky and find the odd pumpkin or potato as well.

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Pushed an update for the Old West Migration:


- rwg_tile_oldwest_corner_02


This is a new street tile that expands on the original rwg_tile_oldwest_corner. It removes the 42 x 42 space and replaces it with a smaller 25 x 25. It also adds some more variety for that corner tile area. Here are some images to demonstrate.


This is how it looks in the editor. The 'road' area is hardcoded but the surrounding area is very flexible.



And in game.

At one end is the start of a rail road. It is very much under construction and there is no completion date in sight. ^^



In the original, this area was a dead animal patch. This tile turns it into a public resting area.



In the original, this area was a smaller post-harvest area and had a small puddle in the middle. This enlarges the area and adds some pre-harvest farming items to pick.



It has been given the same weighting to appear as the downtown tile with the bridge area going over another road. How it will balance in the Old West will require some monitoring but on a 10K RWG there were 2 regular and 2 _02 versions so both variants can appear in the same area or separately. This is a new area to delve into so we'll see how it goes.

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Pushed a new POI for the Old West Migration Modlet:


Duke Patrol is a T3 for Clear, Fetch + Power Restore.

This brings T3 choices to 6 for the Old West and each new addition reduces quest choice duplication.

There is very little damage in this POI on the premise that it was established after Z day and acts as the local faction in control.
It is well stocked inside to reflect their access to resources. It also has a high zombie count and covers quite a large area as each floor is split into separate areas and it goes up 4 storeys. A bit of Duke lore on this one.


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Another small push for the Old West Migration Mod:


- T2 POI 42 x 42 - Duke Power

This POI supports clear, fetch, and restore power. It has more generators than usual and serves the Town in place of traditional power stations that bring power from a distant location. It is another one of the Duke 'enterprises' and further strengthens this factions grip on 'power'.


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Here's an update for the mod:


- The Buck's Den

This is a 42 x 42 T2 POI covering all quest types. There are two tiles in the mod which accept 42 x 42 and this brings in a 3rd POI of this size to keep them mixed up in each town. It is a replication of a Fall Out 76 POI which is built into one of the quest compounds. The whole compound is quite large and built on a slope in the hillside and not really appropriate for this mod. The Buck's Den makes for a decent T2.


It was made primarily for The Wasteland Mod as it contains assets which are better suited but also fits with the theme of the Old West even with purely 7D2D default assets.


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Here is an update for the Old West Migration Mod.


- Biome specific Decoration POIs.

Here are 4 small Decoration POIs that will appear randomly in the Desert and Forest Biomes. There are 2 individual Decoration POIs for each Biome.

They will appear quite rarely to ensure they are the exception. They provide players with a variety of rewards.


One of the Desert POIs has a small wall type safe in the back of the Wagon. It may be open or closed based on the regular random feature. These POIs may also have some ammo, drink, food, and random store crates which could give weapons, construction material, electronics, etc.

The backstory for these POIs is survivors who are travelling to or from Traders that didn't quite make it to their next destination. ^^

There is a new file in the mod which amends the biomes.xml. This instructs the World to spawn these POIs in their specific Biomes at a set probability. Feel free to share feedback on how these work out; too often or too infrequent.


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Pushed an update for the Old Migration Mod with a new POI and some simple conversions.


Here is Lyttle Trippers.

It serves as a Transport Hub for the Old West and gives some context for the recent Deco POIs (wagon types) that appear in the Biomes.

It is a 42 x 42 T3 for all quest types. It seems another tile supporting 42 x 42 is needed as the balance has gone the other way now where one or more of the 42 x 42 POIs may not appear because of competition.



It follows a very linear set loop from one entrance to the other for Outbound and Inbound.



In addition, there are 2 very nice TFP POIs for Old West business 07 and the Old West jail which fit in well but serve a limited purpose. They have been converted to quest types for T1 clear and fetch. This increases the number of zombies and makes some internal and minimal external updates.


For example:


Eric's Stuff is fundamentally the same beyond an expansion to the left side and back for parking and chickens.





An the Jail brings in a Cop to protect the Gun Safe which has always been there. A few more 'residents' will also appear to make the numbers more viable for a T1.





These 2 extra T1's converted from TFP stock and the T3 now provide the following Quest opportunities overall:


Quest Tier 1 - 6 x Clear - 12 x Clear + Fetch = 18
Quest Tier 2 - 6 x Clear + Fetch - 4 x Clear + Fetch + Restore Power = 10
Quest Tier 3 - 2 x Clear + Fetch - 5 x Clear + Fetch + Restore Power = 7


T1 is very well supported for substantial variety.

T2 with 10 allows for good variety and throws in the Restore Power opportunity.

T3 with 7 hits that magic number for the minimum to complete a Tier. In real game play it is very rare to see them all appear in one Old West Town so increasing up to 10 will be a decent target.

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Pushed a remaining 3 viable remnant Old West POIs and 2 regular type Old West POIs which contained sleeper volumes to spawn zombies but were not questable.

This brings them all into T1 questing and gives that tier an overwhelming choice of 23. Plenty for beginner GS players to contend with.



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Pushed a new 42 x 42 T3 (All quest types) POI for the Old West Migration Modlet.


Old West Mine
The default POIs have a coal factory and this brings in a supporting mine.

At 42 x 42 it will be placed on the rarer Corner of T junction tile and may only appear once in a World.

It provides number 8 for the T3's and further expands this tier variety.


The top area is fenced off and has minimal features. The entrance for miners, a pulley system at the back to bring up resources, and some simple decoration.



Gameplay takes place underground on different levels and areas. The tunnels were made with the Developer Shovel Tool. It seems to be very rarely used but is perfect for making smooth circular tunnels of a decent size.



This shaft leads up to ground level and shows the maximum depth. It's not overly extreme.


Edited by arramus (see edit history)
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Pushed a T2 POI (all quest types) onto a small 25 x 25 location.


Old West Mini Strip

This POI has 4 buildings built into a terraced format. It is 25 x 25 wide and fills up the maximum size. If two of these identical POIs spawned next to each other there would be no gap for 50 blocks (this is unheard ^^). Any additional Mini Strip type POIs will be 24 across to leave a one block gap for thoroughfare. Maybe a new Mini Strip type in the future can also be 25 x 25 to offer that 50 block terraced strip which emulates some Old West photographs from the past.


This strip is split into 4 separate buildings for some 'well known' game characters.


Yo, Joe, Moe, and Boe. A florist, arms dealer, bar, and book shop respectively. Moe the bar owner...now where did I hear that one before.


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Pushed a small update to the Old Migration Mod.


A new tile 'straight_02' expands on the existing straight. It is added because there are 5 42 x 42 POIs (2 default and 3 custom) and they weren't always all getting placed.
This straight_02 brings in an additional 42 x 42 on top of 25 x 25 and 25 x 50 versions.



The 42 x 42 replaced a 25 x 50 and those extra 8 blocks were filled with a small wagon repair stop built into the tile.



The straights can be quite long and this shows the 42 x 42 zombie church on the right opposite the 25 x 50 band stand barbecue.


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  • 2 weeks later...

A small update for the Old West Migration modlet:



This was originally shared with the Not Medieval Mod but ports over quite nicely for the Old West and offers one more 'General Store' feature to mix up the loot assets a little bit. It is a T2 clear and fetch and brings up T2 choices to 12.


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