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Mobs getting stuck in pillars?


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Just on a whim, I decide to surround my base will pillars the night before a horde night.   The results were interesting.  Several of the zombies got stuck in between the pillars, and froze.  Is that an known issue?


It was also weird to me, that 99% of the zombies ran around the wall to the opening I made, but 1% decided to just attack the wall.  I'm not sure if that is normal or not.  






Edited by ungkor (see edit history)
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Those look like centered round pillars. If that's the case while technically there is space between them they do take up the entire space block. I can't explain why they would get stuck, but it makes sense in my head that they could. I'm sure someone with more knowledge of how the game works could break it down. Mot sure if this would be considered a bug or not. Interesting experimentation though. 

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I assume you are estimating the percentages but yes, it is intended that not all zombies will be able to successfully path to you but that there will be a degree of randomness of some stopping their pathing and going into area destruction mode. If you damage them it will usually switch them back to pathing towards you.

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On 9/21/2022 at 10:58 AM, Roland said:

I assume you are estimating the percentages but yes, it is intended that not all zombies will be able to successfully path to you but that there will be a degree of randomness of some stopping their pathing and going into area destruction mode. If you damage them it will usually switch them back to pathing towards you.

Thanks.  Some built-in randomness.  Makes sense. 

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