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No audio when turning off EAC


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Sooooooo....I'm at a loss.  And I'm man enough to know when I'm beat.

I like modding.  SMX, etc...  Problem is, if I shut off EAC, no audio.  None.  Zero.  Dead (pardon the pun) silence.

Close out of the game, turn EAC back on, voila!  Audio.

Could you please get rid of EAC?  And can anyone tell me what's going on here?  What is it about EAC being on-off that affects AUDIO?  Please help, I'm at my wits end.

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No idea, but I'd suggest providing output logs from when EAC is on, and one from when it's off. Maybe someone will spot the issue.

Also, what are your system specs? More than one sound device?

Read the sticky that says to read before posting in this thread for instructions on providing logs etc.

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as he stated "I like modding.  SMX, etc..."


i am leaning towards an issue with a mod. but until MORE important info is provided... we can only speculate.


i 95% of the time only run my dedi server with family or sp games for testing and EAC is off... i only turn it on if QA is testing and if one of our servers is the ones with it on, then i have to turn it on.


but either way, nobody on the team has had that issue (yet).


Edited by unholyjoe (see edit history)
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