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No zombies spawn during the day in the wasteland.


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No zombies spawn during the day in the wasteland.


Is this a known bug or just something broken in my game?  Running a dedicated server on my own computer.  During daytime all pois in the wasteland are empty.  Also,  I can't complete clear missions in the wasteland.  Things spawns but I'm never able to find them all.  I've completely demolished several building looking.

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As for the latter issue, some zombies do not spawn until you enter a room.  So you will have to make sure you enter each room and kill zombies as they spawn.  Getting overly destructive in a clear mission can work against you because of how some things spawn.

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Go to a corner street on any town or city in the wasteland. Start killing Z's. If they don't begin spawning in numbers that's going to overwhelm you within five minutes, something is wrong.


I don't recall seeing lots of them outside the cities and towns. When I'm going cross country in the western I generally run into bears.

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It happens whether other  players are on or not.  At night I get a ton of zombies in the wasteland but during the day zero.

I have maxspawned at 72

    <property name="MaxSpawnedZombies"                value="72" /> 


Maybe it needs to be higher?

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