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i am going to have to post my log here because both pastebin and justpasteit wouldn't take it but i am getting a nullreferenceexceptionerror even when i start a new game. i validated files through steam. the errors start with a bunch of prefab not loading. now i am playing in offline mode so i get error for server fail to conect and then a bunch of null references. log file follows so i hope it isn't a problem because i  tried to use pastebin and just paste it and neither would take it. the link will take you to it on my google drive hope someone can help.



thank you,




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WTH! The mods section in your log is more than 1000 lines long. 😲

Wow, i've never seen that before.

And some of them are even from older game versions (A18, A19 etc.). They are most likely not compatible with A20 and will give you errors like you've mentioned above.


Don't forget to delete your mods folder, when reinstalling the game:

C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/../Mods


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it has been running just fine with all those mods until today the only  that changed is i removed a few mods but i saw in the log it was still loading them i use vortex to install some of my mods and i have noticed sometime when i disable a mod in vortex it doesn't fully disable it. and yes i deleted both the 7 days to die folder and the appdata one to. i am still waiting for it to download i have a slow internet connection.

i could understand some of the log file but, most was beyond my coding ability. i am good with xml files and jsons but, beyond that i am lost haha.

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Actually, editing xmls should be best way to mod your game. In fact, many mods are just xml edits. Any mod that hasn’t been updated to A20.6 has a high probability of failing because of game engine updates to the game. Also, removing mods from the mods folder many times doesn’t actually revert changes that the mods made, you would need to verify file integrity to get rid of the changes. Verifying game integrity also reverts any xml edits that that you’ve made. That’s why when the game updates, you need to re-edit the xmls.

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Yeah, I actually make copies of the edited xmls so after updating, I upload the edited versions so I don’t have to re-type everything. However, I only do that updates within a version. So for A21 I’ll re-edit in case tfp adds/removes something from the xmls.

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i probably want update to a21 because i don't like that learn by looting system they are implementing i think the system we have for now is just fine but, that just my opinion hahaa

and i am still waiting on 7 days to die to finish downloading it's taking forever

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Just some information on using mods (if you reload them):


2022-08-31T13:39:04 9.619 WRN [MODS] Failed loading mod from folder: 'AAW-CreaturePacksAnimals-1062-19-2-2-1-1605214297'

That means the mod is not loading correctly.  You should remove any that give you that warning during the startup of the game


2022-08-31T13:39:05 10.492 WRN [MODS] Folder No Sleeper Respawn does not contain a ModInfo.xml, ignoring

Another indicator of a mod not loading correctly, missing the ModInfo.xml file for it


2022-08-31T13:39:08 13.141 INF [MODS] Loading localization from mod: Duriel's Bunch of Cooking Recipes
2022-08-31T13:39:08 13.142 WRN Localization: Entry missing a key! Please check Localization file. Skipping entry...
2022-08-31T13:39:08 13.142 WRN Localization: Entry missing a key! Please check Localization file. Skipping entry...

Localization error here, be careful with mods that have these errors as they can screw up your game and save files


After that, you got a lot of errors that are tied back to the various mods (around 500) that you have in your mod folder.


I would recommend removing any of the mods that failed to load to start with.  They are not doing anything and will just make troubleshooting in the future difficult.  Add a few mods at a time and load up a game.  Verify that you don't see any issues.  Keep adding mods.  If you see any that have issues, remove them.


Sometimes mods will work on their own, but then have conflicts if loaded with other mods.  Recommend that you don't use them.  Just because it might load okay with only warnings showing up, later on the mod might reference something that didn't get loaded properly and mess up your game.


And the best advice, only use mods that have been updated to A20 or the mod owner is still active and confirmed that the mod works for A20.

14 hours ago, rallenb3 said:

yes i know when it  updated to a20.6 i had to redew the edits i did to the rwgmixer but, that's just par for the course i geuss

i would put the edits in mod form but, i can never get the modinfo file right



Here is what the ModInfo.xml file should look like (note the capitalization on the file name)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Name value="BFT2020_AllInOneMod" />
    <Description value="MyMod" />
    <Author value="BFT2020" />
    <Version value="0.1" />


The blue text are the items you can modify for your mods.



@rallenb3 @Star69


I would recommend doing a modlet instead of changing the exact data files.  It makes it easier to add and remove mods, and make changes to try things out (like commenting the changes you made to return to vanilla)

<!-- ***************************************************************************************************************  -->
<!--  Removing the ability to repair items  -->

    <remove xpath="/items/item[contains(@name,'meleeWpnSpear')]/property[@name='RepairTools']"/>
    <remove xpath="/items/item[contains(@name,'gunRifle')]/property[@name='RepairTools']"/>
    <remove xpath="/items/item[@name='gunExplosivesT3RocketLauncher']/property[@name='RepairTools']"/>
    <remove xpath="/items/item[contains(@name,'gunShotgun')]/property[@name='RepairTools']"/>    


    <set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunMGT0PipeMachineGun']/effect_group/passive_effect[contains(@name,'ModSlots')]/@tier">0</set>    
    <set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunMGT0PipeMachineGun']/effect_group/passive_effect[contains(@name,'ModSlots')]/@value">0</set>    

<!--    <set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunMGT0PipeMachineGun']/effect_group/passive_effect[contains(@name,'DegradationMax')]/@value">136,159</set> -->
    <set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunMGT0PipeMachineGun']/effect_group/passive_effect[contains(@name,'EntityDamage') and contains(@operation,'base_add')]/@value">6</set>  




When I troubleshoot other mods or made a modlet for another mod to add aspects to the game, I can simply move my main mod to a temp folder so it doesn't load anymore while I play around with some different code.

Edited by BFT2020 (see edit history)
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i only had around 100 or something mods i think but, vortex was double or triple copying every one the first folder would be the actual mod the others would just have the modinfo file in them. this time i am installing all the mods manually so i don't have that problem. it was hard trying to find out which was causing the problem with multiple copies of each mod and a chore trying to find every one. vortex also wasn't disabling and uninstalling them properly. i would think a mod was disabled but, it was still loading.

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50 minutes ago, rallenb3 said:

i only had around 100 or something mods i think but, vortex was double or triple copying every one the first folder would be the actual mod the others would just have the modinfo file in them. this time i am installing all the mods manually so i don't have that problem. it was hard trying to find out which was causing the problem with multiple copies of each mod and a chore trying to find every one. vortex also wasn't disabling and uninstalling them properly. i would think a mod was disabled but, it was still loading.


I would stay away from Vortex for 7D2D really.  Best thing to do is just to manually copy and paste the mods into the mod folder.  Vortex is not setup to work with 7D2D correctly.

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