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Problem: Outside of  LAN, clients are able to connect to the server.  Inside of LAN, clients are unable to connect to the server.  


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I currently have a working 7D2D Alpha 20.4 (B42) with Undead Legacy 2.5.82 dedicated server running on my secondary desktop.   I recently generated a new map and added it to the server and I started having a strange problem.  When attempting to connect to the server from the same wifi network as the server, I am unable to join the game "could not receive server information".  My friends are able to connect to the server and in frustration, I attempted to connect to the server through my phone's hotspot network.  This worked, and I was able to join the server on my phones network. 


Problem: Outside of  LAN, clients are able to connect to the server.  Inside of LAN, clients are unable to connect to the server.   


Point me in the right direction.


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