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Editing traders.xml didn't get expected result


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Hello! I'm newbie to modding. I will be grateful for any advice.
I edited some medical groups, but did`t get the desired result. If I understood correctly then propery <trader_items count="all"> is spawning each groups in trader list. And that <item group="rareMedicine" count="2"> means a two random items spawning from group="rareMedicine"? I have tried many variations but the result isn`t what I expected. Including complete replacement names group with medicine/rareMedicine and commenting on other groups who may including medicine or rareMedicine group. Who know whats need do?
My randoms roll list:

  • no any item from group="rareMedicine"
  • bigger than 2 items from group="rareMedicine" (3-6 items)
  • bigger than 5 different item and different/same items from group="medicine".

My traders.xml:

<trader_info id="2" full_reset="true" min_inventory="50" max_inventory="100" min_items_swapped="20" max_items_swapped="20" reset_interval="4" open_time="4:05" close_time="21:55">
	<trader_items count="all">
		<item group="rareMedicine" count="2" prob="1"/>
		<item group="medicine" count="5" prob="1"/>
		<item group="traderGeneral" count="4,8"/>
		<item group="generalResources" count="9,14"/>
		<item group="constructionSupplies" count="2,8"/>
		<item group="decorativeBlocks" count="2,7"/>
		<item group="tools" count="1,2"/>
		<item group="weaponsMeleeAll" count="1"/>
		<item group="weaponsGunsAll" count="1"/>
		<item group="weaponsGunParts" count="1"/>
		<item group="clothes" count="1,4"/>
		<item group="groupArmorLightMixed" count="1,2"/>
		<item group="groupArmorHeavyMixed" count="1,2"/>
		<item group="traderElectrical" count="1,2"/>
		<item group="modAllT1SecretStash" count="1,2"/>

Goup lists:

<trader_item_group name="rareMedicine" count="1">
    <item name="medicalFirstAidKit"/>
    <item name="drugAntibiotics"/>
    <item name="drugFortBites"/>
    <item name="drugRecog"/>
    <item name="drugSteroids"/>
    <item name="drinkJarGrandpasMoonshine"/>
    <item name="drinkJarGrandpasAwesomeSauce"/>
    <item name="drinkJarGrandpasLearningElixir"/>

<trader_item_group name="medicine" count="1">
    <item name="medicalBloodBag" count="5"/>
    <item name="medicalFirstAidBandage" count="5"/>
    <item name="medicalBandage" count="5"/>
    <item name="medicalSplint" count="5"/>
    <item name="drugPainkillers" count="1"/>
    <item name="drugVitamins" count="1"/>
    <item name="medicalPlasterCast" count="1"/>
    <item name="medicalSewingKit" count="1"/>


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On 8/8/2022 at 12:22 PM, The_Dream said:

Hello! I'm newbie to modding. I will be grateful for any advice.
I edited some medical groups, but did`t get the desired result. If I understood correctly then propery <trader_items count="all"> is spawning each groups in trader list. And that <item group="rareMedicine" count="2"> means a two random items spawning from group="rareMedicine"? I have tried many variations but the result isn`t what I expected. Including complete replacement names group with medicine/rareMedicine and commenting on other groups who may including medicine or rareMedicine group. Who know whats need do?


Well, it's hard to know what's wrong when you say "did`t get the desired result" and "the result isn`t what I expected" - but you never say what you expect, vs. what actually happens.


As far as I can tell, from looking in the C# code, this is how it works (I'm using XPath syntax, hopefully that's easier to understand):

  • trader_items[@count="all"] seems to be ignored. The count is determined by the min_inventory and max_inventory values in the trader_info tag. The game simply picks a random entry from trader_items until a random number between min_inventory and max_inventory is reached. The prob attributes are taken into account, where no prob attribute translates to a probability of 1. (That doesn't mean "guaranteed," it means it has an equal "weight" against other entries with a probability of 1.)
  • trader_items/item[@count="X"] will spawn X items from the matching trader_item_group. Note that the trader_item_group must come before the trader_items in the XML file.
  • think that trader_item_group[@count="Y"] will determine how many items are spawned for each X in trader_items/item[@count="X"]. 
  • think that trader_item_group/item[@count="Z"] will determine how many items are spawned for each Y in trader_item_group[@count="Y"].
  • Every item entry in trader_item_group has a random chance to spawn whenever an item from that group is spawned - meaning there could easily be duplicates depending on RNG.

I could easily be wrong about this, but that's how I interpret the code.


What are you seeing that you aren't expecting?

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On 8/9/2022 at 4:31 PM, Gamida said:

I have never edited the traders loot but am wondering if you started a new game when you made changes or if you played past the traders new loot respawn day.

I didn't start a new game. But all tests i checked in a new spawned trader (with help spawner) or reset a new assortment with admin commands (in trader menu).

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On 8/10/2022 at 6:16 AM, khzmusik said:

Well, it's hard to know what's wrong when you say "did`t get the desired result" and "the result isn`t what I expected" - but you never say what you expect, vs. what actually happens.

I mean if I set Two items from my group="rare Medicine" I expect to receive two random item from this group. But i get (3-6 items or no any item).
Or 5-items from my group="medicine" I expect to receive max 25-items (beacose in this group some items has multiply 5-items). But i get bigger items. (15-medicalBloodBag, 10-medicalBandage, and few item drugVitamins/drugPainkillers).

Edited by The_Dream (see edit history)
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On 8/10/2022 at 6:16 AM, khzmusik said:

trader_items[@count="all"] seems to be ignored. The count is determined by the min_inventory and max_inventory values in the trader_info tag. The game simply picks a random entry from trader_items until a random number between min_inventory and max_inventory is reached. The prob attributes are taken into account, where no prob attribute translates to a probability of 1. (That doesn't mean "guaranteed," it means it has an equal "weight" against other entries with a probability of 1.)

If this so then all becomes clearer. Each random spawn trader has random multiply count. This count depends from my values( min_inventory="50" max_inventory="100"). In one case it`s 55 but in another case this may is 95. Then according to probabilities in my group="rareMedicine" all items has similar chanse. And this make strage spaw items (no any item or 3-6 items).
I assumed that somewhere there is a multiplier all items. But didn`t think if this values (min_inventory="50" max_inventory="100" ).

It think need find optimal values from min_inventory and max_inventory
Thanks for explanations.

Edited by The_Dream (see edit history)
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