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  1. I`m used some modlets and want to create my fixes for it. I know that I can determine the load order of the mods with the help of names. And created my name folder in the end list mods. But don't understand how is better overwrite recipes.xml or items.xml. Can I use <append> for edit existing recipes? <append xpath="/recipes"> <recipe name="drinkJarGrainAlcohol" time="120" area="stationChemistry"> <ingredient name="foodCornMeal" count="10"/> <ingredient name="drinkJarRiverWater"/> </recipe> </append> Or should I remove the existing one first and add a replacement? <remove xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='drinkJarGrainAlcohol']"></remove> <append xpath="/recipes"> <recipe name="drinkJarGrainAlcohol" time="120" area="stationChemistry"> <ingredient name="foodCornMeal" count="10"/> <ingredient name="drinkJarRiverWater"/> </recipe> </append> And same question for overwrite values for items.xml. If i need to change multiple exist properties in my <item>, can i use <append> for it? <append xpath="/items/item[@name='drinkJarGrainAlcohol']"> <property name="Stacknumber" value="1000"/> <property name="EconomicValue" value="60"/> <property name="CarryWeight" value=".25"/> </append> Or should use <set> with xpath? (But I don't like this method. Because I have to duplicate the properties that I do not need to change.) <set xpath="/items/item[@name='drinkJarBeer']"> <property name="Group" value="Resources,Items"/> <property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Food/bottled_waterPrefab"/> <property name="DropMeshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sack_droppedPrefab"/> <property name="Material" value="Mglass"/><property name="Weight" value="10"/> <property name="Stacknumber" value="1000"/> <property name="EconomicValue" value="60"/> <property name="CarryWeight" value=".25"/> </set> And same solution with <set> with full xpath for each property. Maybe it's right solution for overwrite properties. But it is not always possible to understand how to write xpath="..." <set xpath="/items/item[@name='drinkJarGrainAlcohol']/property[@name='Stacknumber']/@value">1000</set> <set xpath="/items/item[@name='drinkJarGrainAlcohol']/property[@name='EconomicValue']/@value">60</set> <set xpath="/items/item[@name='drinkJarGrainAlcohol']/property[@name='CarryWeight']/@value">0.25</set> What is the best method to use to avoid problems in the future? I don't fully understand how it works full xpath="..." with different search attributes. What if I need overwrite more properties in 100 different items? Will this cause performance issues?
  2. If this so then all becomes clearer. Each random spawn trader has random multiply count. This count depends from my values( min_inventory="50" max_inventory="100"). In one case it`s 55 but in another case this may is 95. Then according to probabilities in my group="rareMedicine" all items has similar chanse. And this make strage spaw items (no any item or 3-6 items). I assumed that somewhere there is a multiplier all items. But didn`t think if this values (min_inventory="50" max_inventory="100" ). It think need find optimal values from min_inventory and max_inventory. Thanks for explanations.
  3. I mean if I set Two items from my group="rare Medicine" I expect to receive two random item from this group. But i get (3-6 items or no any item). Or 5-items from my group="medicine" I expect to receive max 25-items (beacose in this group some items has multiply 5-items). But i get bigger items. (15-medicalBloodBag, 10-medicalBandage, and few item drugVitamins/drugPainkillers).
  4. I didn't start a new game. But all tests i checked in a new spawned trader (with help spawner) or reset a new assortment with admin commands (in trader menu).
  5. According to practice is better use prefix-tag (3-4 letters) + vanilla name. Like this "tdmDoorMetalVariantHelper" This this applies to both groups and items. If you think about UX. For example if u created some items prefix tag it`s help arrange this items near.
  6. Hello! I'm newbie to modding. I will be grateful for any advice. I edited some medical groups, but did`t get the desired result. If I understood correctly then propery <trader_items count="all"> is spawning each groups in trader list. And that <item group="rareMedicine" count="2"> means a two random items spawning from group="rareMedicine"? I have tried many variations but the result isn`t what I expected. Including complete replacement names group with medicine/rareMedicine and commenting on other groups who may including medicine or rareMedicine group. Who know whats need do? My randoms roll list: no any item from group="rareMedicine" bigger than 2 items from group="rareMedicine" (3-6 items) bigger than 5 different item and different/same items from group="medicine". My traders.xml: <trader_info id="2" full_reset="true" min_inventory="50" max_inventory="100" min_items_swapped="20" max_items_swapped="20" reset_interval="4" open_time="4:05" close_time="21:55"> <trader_items count="all"> <item group="rareMedicine" count="2" prob="1"/> <item group="medicine" count="5" prob="1"/> <item group="traderGeneral" count="4,8"/> <item group="generalResources" count="9,14"/> <item group="constructionSupplies" count="2,8"/> <item group="decorativeBlocks" count="2,7"/> <item group="tools" count="1,2"/> <item group="weaponsMeleeAll" count="1"/> <item group="weaponsGunsAll" count="1"/> <item group="weaponsGunParts" count="1"/> <item group="clothes" count="1,4"/> <item group="groupArmorLightMixed" count="1,2"/> <item group="groupArmorHeavyMixed" count="1,2"/> <item group="traderElectrical" count="1,2"/> <item group="modAllT1SecretStash" count="1,2"/> </trader_items> </trader_info> Goup lists: <trader_item_group name="rareMedicine" count="1"> <item name="medicalFirstAidKit"/> <item name="drugAntibiotics"/> <item name="drugFortBites"/> <item name="drugRecog"/> <item name="drugSteroids"/> <item name="drinkJarGrandpasMoonshine"/> <item name="drinkJarGrandpasAwesomeSauce"/> <item name="drinkJarGrandpasLearningElixir"/> </trader_item_group> <trader_item_group name="medicine" count="1"> <item name="medicalBloodBag" count="5"/> <item name="medicalFirstAidBandage" count="5"/> <item name="medicalBandage" count="5"/> <item name="medicalSplint" count="5"/> <item name="drugPainkillers" count="1"/> <item name="drugVitamins" count="1"/> <item name="medicalPlasterCast" count="1"/> <item name="medicalSewingKit" count="1"/> </trader_item_group>
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