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Here's a thing I've noticed as well (Also not a complaint, just something I saw and took note of).


Trees, grass, and other foliage sways in the wind. Crops do not. They're always perfectly static and motionless no matter how windy everything else is.

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Here is something I had to get used to, default field of view is narrow, if you increase it to max (without middng). There is a lensing effect where was the zombies seem further away but can still reach out and love ya.

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Similar to this, on a foggy day you may not be able to see a POI in front of you. But if you turn to the side, it becomes visible. I think both of these things should be fixed. I just haven't figured out how to phrase it in a bug report, so the response that comes back isn't, 'Oh yeah, that happens because camera projection blah blah blah field of view yadda yadda yadda...' I know that's how games do things, but it doesn't mean it's not a visual error. :)

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On 6/24/2022 at 3:45 PM, Khyron said:

Trees, grass, and other foliage sways in the wind. Crops do not. They're always perfectly static and motionless no matter how windy everything else is.

Trees, grass and foliage reacting to the wind is a fairly new addition to the game, A20 I think. My hope is that they give the same treatment to crops as well, but maybe they just ran out of time for A20s release.

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