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A20 changed everything...and not necessarily for the better...


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For the last 6-7 years this game has been my go-to, the game that I always come back to no matter what new and shiny project some triple-A dev's sucker us into buying😝, but as the updates continue to trickle in, I'm finding myself becoming disenfranchised because the 'updates' seem to cause more and more issues than they solve, while some of my gripes are certainly personal (like the absolute sh*tshow that the 'Living off the land' perk became😒) some of the more severe issues can render the game literally unplayable😬, updating to A20.5 for example prevents any of my friends from joining my dedicated server, I have been through the dev diary multiple times and checked the settings that they said would need to be changed as well as poring through the threads to find 'fixes' but now all any of us get is 'Could not retrieve server ID' requiring me to roll the server back to A20.3 to make the server playable again🤨.

Even though I haven't been playing the game as a long as some other players, with nearly 1200 hours on the PC version alone (not to mention the amount of time I spent playing the Xbox version, way back when😅) it's fair to say I'm a little jaded as to the direction the game is currently going in.

Don't get me wrong some of the updates have been incredible (The stunning graphics overhaul of A19 comes to mind😊) but with some of the proposed changes heading into A21, it kind of feels like the Fun Pimps would rather be stepping on toes than dancing with their fans.

While I do get that it's the Fun Pimps game they're free to change it how they see fit and not everyone will like the changes that they do make,  I can't help but feel that even as a pretty avid fan of the game myself, it will sooner rather than later slide into the 'hidden' folder in the Steam library while we move onto something more consistent and stable😭.


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18 hours ago, Littleknowndiva said:

For the last 6-7 years this game has been my go-to, the game that I always come back to no matter what new and shiny project some triple-A dev's sucker us into buying😝, but as the updates continue to trickle in, I'm finding myself becoming disenfranchised because the 'updates' seem to cause more and more issues than they solve, while some of my gripes are certainly personal (like the absolute sh*tshow that the 'Living off the land' perk became😒) some of the more severe issues can render the game literally unplayable😬, updating to A20.5 for example prevents any of my friends from joining my dedicated server, I have been through the dev diary multiple times and checked the settings that they said would need to be changed as well as poring through the threads to find 'fixes' but now all any of us get is 'Could not retrieve server ID' requiring me to roll the server back to A20.3 to make the server playable again🤨.

Even though I haven't been playing the game as a long as some other players, with nearly 1200 hours on the PC version alone (not to mention the amount of time I spent playing the Xbox version, way back when😅) it's fair to say I'm a little jaded as to the direction the game is currently going in.

Don't get me wrong some of the updates have been incredible (The stunning graphics overhaul of A19 comes to mind😊) but with some of the proposed changes heading into A21, it kind of feels like the Fun Pimps would rather be stepping on toes than dancing with their fans.

While I do get that it's the Fun Pimps game they're free to change it how they see fit and not everyone will like the changes that they do make,  I can't help but feel that even as a pretty avid fan of the game myself, it will sooner rather than later slide into the 'hidden' folder in the Steam library while we move onto something more consistent and stable😭.



As a 7D2D server operator I learned a long time ago that there is a decent chance that an update to a new version might break the game.

So now I always suggest to my co-players to take an update only if they really really want some bugfix or feature. And expect the worst case of the game not working anymore.


After some time everyone seems to forget that this game is still in development. This is not an excuse, the city upgrade you mention is a good example how much the game is still changing and developing. If you want to help finding bugs, sure, update. But if not, if you are just interested in playing the game, why are you updating at all?



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