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All of my items and half the work on base missing!


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Summary: Half of my base progress missing as well as all of my resources and items I had in my room in game.


Game Version: Xbox Series X

Platform: Xbox Series X

OS/Version: Unsure

CPU Model: Unsure

System Memory: 1TB

Screen Resolution: 4k

Video Settings: Default

Game mode: MP host 


Did you wipe old saves? Yes

Did you start a new game? No

Did you validate your files? Unsire

Are you using any mods? No

EAC on or off? I don't know what that is


Status: NEW


Bug Description:


Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:


1) Log into game


Actual result: See above


Expected result: Restore older save

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58 minutes ago, JCrook1028 said:

You're in the PC section of the forum. This needs to go to the console section.

I put it in the general support section. If you can show me where that is under console, I will be happy to post there. Only option I see there is news and updates or general discussion. I need support.

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Out of curiosity; did your game happen to crash, then when you loaded back in, part of your base was missing? if so it's a common issue on the console version affectionately referred to as an MD-5 error, while the issue was fixed some time ago on the PC version, the console version didn't get the same TLC, they did try to work it out but it was made...difficult...as it was Tell-Tale Games that were responsible for the console port not Fun Pimps. If that isn't what happened then who's to say🤷‍♀️ I played the Xbox version for a few years before moving onto PC and it's the only thing I can think of🤔

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8 hours ago, Littleknowndiva said:

Out of curiosity; did your game happen to crash, then when you loaded back in, part of your base was missing? if so it's a common issue on the console version affectionately referred to as an MD-5 error, while the issue was fixed some time ago on the PC version, the console version didn't get the same TLC, they did try to work it out but it was made...difficult...as it was Tell-Tale Games that were responsible for the console port not Fun Pimps. If that isn't what happened then who's to say🤷‍♀️ I played the Xbox version for a few years before moving onto PC and it's the only thing I can think of🤔

That is exactly what happened. Unfortunately the autosave kicked in before I could delete the save file and download the previous save from the cloud. I am crushed. I got on here hoping the devs team could restore a previous save or the items like devs do for other games. It does not seem like that is going to happen though which means I am probably going to stop playing. My entire storage chest of items is gone. My forge full of 10s of thosands of smelted items is gone. All the stuff I scavenged and stored for my biddy who was plating it with me, gone. 

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6 hours ago, cvenezia said:

That is exactly what happened. Unfortunately the autosave kicked in before I could delete the save file and download the previous save from the cloud. I am crushed. I got on here hoping the devs team could restore a previous save or the items like devs do for other games. It does not seem like that is going to happen though which means I am probably going to stop playing. My entire storage chest of items is gone. My forge full of 10s of thosands of smelted items is gone. All the stuff I scavenged and stored for my biddy who was plating it with me, gone. 

Yup, the issue is caused by the game resetting the player chunk to it's original state (i.e Day 1) if you have taken a prefab building as your base then it will reset it, there isn't much you can do given that we don't actually know what causes is, having played the Xbox version for several years, I checked everything I could think of but it seems so random. The only potentially good news is that there's word down the grapevine (although only rumours, they're as recent as a week ago) that the Fun Pimps may be involved in updating the console versions, which if that IS the case then you may end up with a working version of the game.

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