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A20.5 B2 BSOD issue


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Since updating to A20.5 B2 stable, the game now launches, loads the splash screen, EAC logo spins, says waiting for game in the splash screen, switches mode to load the game and then proceeds to blue screen (or green screen in my case).

I have a 12th gen Alder Lake CPU with E cores enabled.
Windows 11 22H2 25.115.1000

The game crashes with:

The bugcheck was: 0x00000139 

This is the only game that this happens with.

I have:
Verified files in steam
Cleaned game data with 7d2d launcher.

This did not happen before updating to A20.5 B2.

Please fix this, I don't want my whole computer to bluescreen just because I launch 7 days to die.

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@Jugginator, i'll have to respectfully disagree this time. This is the only game this happens with, and it only started happening after upgrading to A20.5 B2.

I can play every other game just fine with no issues (Rust, Dual Universe, Eve Online, Star Citizen).
If I had the ability to roll back the game to before A20.5 B2, it would work.

This is definitely a bug.

A pastebin from the logs:


Note, the output_log_client__2022-05-19__22-45-53.txt got cut off because of the blue screen.

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If you google those errors, they have zero to do with software. Heck, just google BSOD and that also explains it’s a system failure. 7 Days didn’t cause a system failure, it uncovered a problem that you have. You said you have played all these other games with no problem but that was in the past. My guess is if you went back to play those games now you’ll have the same problem because whatever is causing it, like corrupt chipset drivers etc, just happened. Explore those BSOD errors with google or Microsoft forums, and do what is recommended then you’ll be able to play again.

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