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What .xml handle the Console Window (F1)?


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Hello 7DtD community!

First time posting here. So, hello sweet awesome 7DtD community! 😁

I want to tweak a few things with the console window (the one that appears when you hit F1).
But i have a hard time finding the .xml file that handles this.

I have looked at all the files in the ConfigsDump directory. Including the two subdirectories XUi and XUi_Common. Tried various search keywords. Still can't find the darn thing! At this point I probably just staring blindly at the code. When the answer is in front of me.


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If I was a betting man, I think it would be something like this


<window name="ingameDebugMenu"


Also, the files you are looking at, those are the log files form the game to show you what was loaded during the session (great if you are adding mods and want to see the actual changes applied - great for debugging).


For changing the actual values, you want to go to the configs folder in the data folder where it loads up everything

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On 5/18/2022 at 5:33 PM, BFT2020 said:

If I was a betting man, I think it would be something like this


<window name="ingameDebugMenu"


Also, the files you are looking at, those are the log files form the game to show you what was loaded during the session (great if you are adding mods and want to see the actual changes applied - great for debugging).


For changing the actual values, you want to go to the configs folder in the data folder where it loads up everything


Thank you for your answer!


<window name="ingameDebugMenu"


isen't that just the Debug Tools (typing dm in the console)?



line 4016


<window name="ingameDebugMenu" anchor="RightTop" pos="-320,-80" width="300" height="920" controller="InGameDebugMenu" cursor_area="true">


anchor="RightTop" that is one of the debug tools. A bit lower down you find

<simplebutton name="btnSuicide" depth="3" pos="5, -8" width="290" height="32" caption_key="xuiDebugMenuSuicide" />


i've searched for "close" as well. Cuz the there is a button in the Console Window with that name. My thought was that it would make the search easier. There is only 27 entities that contains that word. But 26 of them are just close_group_on_tab="true" 

the 27th is 


<label depth="2" name="windowName" pos="0,-1" justify="center" text="CLOSE" text_key="xuiClose" font_size="36" />


and that make sence. That  must be it! Then i see <window name="windowSignEdit" 😒

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