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Server login page


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Why are you changing the server login page Again?  It was working fine!  Now only some of the servers show up, Most all the filters are turned off.

Your going to be losing players, Because they cannot find server they were playing on, & you erase our favorites. This is not good. Please put it back the way it was. What logical reason is there to change it this much? I have over 12,000 hr's in this game & now you make it so we don't want to play anymore, Because we cannot find the servers we love, It's crazy we have to login using Ip address, If we cannot find our server ip, we go play another game. You had it all going for Fun Pimps till you changed this. Now i am looking for another game to play because my favorite servers were erased & no way to get them back. 

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I quit this game until they fix the server menu, They is no reason to mess with server page,  We need game content, Are the just bored & can't think of anything else to do. We would like to know why is was changed.

I tried to find servers the way you suggested & that method does not work & you cannot search for servers either  Some servers i play on I pay money to & now cannot find them. 

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7 hours ago, apache5328 said:

I quit this game until they fix the server menu, They is no reason to mess with server page,  We need game content, Are the just bored & can't think of anything else to do. We would like to know why is was changed.

I tried to find servers the way you suggested & that method does not work & you cannot search for servers either  Some servers i play on I pay money to & now cannot find them. 


Since you state that there is no reason to change the server page why are you then asking for a reason?


It probably was necessary for their inclusion in the Microsoft xbox gamepass, and if that is true they did not have much time and obviously put out a mediocre first version.


This can happen in an alpha. If you want an experience without surprises then wait about 2 years until the game is out of early access.



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  • 3 weeks later...

What does that have to do with (7 days to die) servers?  That i have been playing for years, Not Xbox servers, & 7 Days servers page is still not working, Like it used to, We cannot find servers that we play on. It is divided USA east & USA west & servers do not show up. Please turn on the filters they helped a lot

On 5/7/2022 at 11:01 AM, Star69 said:

Here is a way to find your favorites and server history. Use Steams view servers, filter by 7 Days to Die and all of your favorites and server history are there.

That method does not work & only lists a recent servers

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