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Electrical Fence


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ok when build electrical fence, I wake in the fence, I get shocked. When my friend on the server, walks in to the fence nothing happens, we have tried different places on map still same effect.


When we check the fence after my friend has walk in to it, it shows the fence as degraded taking down the fence HP but he not being shocked.


On fight night Zombies enter the area getting loads error's, we have removed the fence replaced the fence back on the position where it was still same. have tried another mini site base still same very far away from other base in a empty huge field as well.


 We have testedd either way with hosting server swapped and changed who host still the same this is & Days to Die have made an ops with this Electrical Fence don't work now


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I actually had this issue before in A20.1, I think. The fences just wouldn't work sometimes, and the console would pop up with errors in red text if zombies walked through them (they still shocked my friends, but would oftentimes not shock zombies).

Take all of your batteries, engines, etc. out of your powered components, then have the server host delete their power.dat file. Should be in \Saves\WorldName\. The game should remake it when he next restarts the server. You'll need to rewire everything back up again and place your batteries/engines back in their respective banks/generators, but the problem on my server was that file got corrupted and this fixed it, for me. Perhaps that will fix it for you too.

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