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NEW UPDATE - WHAT A MESS! Tons & TONS of lag and missing menus and so many servers not online...


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I've been gaming since the early days of the Speccy and seen some gaming updates fail and triumph but this latest one by FP;s is ridiculous, I cant find a server that has "No lag" and the main one I play on myself and other players are moaning that its taking minutes to open a box due to lag? I was having a jolly on my bicycle and fell through the map? I came out of game and went back in an hour later to have lost my bike Grrr, so another bike later off I went and jumped off the bike as buildings were disappearing in front of me and I saw my bike for some reason behind me on its own riding towards me and then stop??

Is anyone else having this issue and does anyone know how it can be sorted please? as per norm FPs are "Unavailable" lol 


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Haven't had this issue with my family but our internet is pretty good and it is just three of us on a private server playing with a few modlets (no overhaul adding tons of new items, recipes, enemies, etc). We game out of California, Utah, and Arizona so pretty close in the grand scheme of things.

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@Biglittle I ran a few tests, and found the EOS networking in some cases could double your ping.  On a Server that was on the other side of the county, I normally had 70 ping.  The Server Browser reported 370 ping... in game it averaged 140- 160 ping while EOS networking was utilized.  When you launch 7 days to die with the launcher, there is a text box at the bottom of "Game Start Options" that is labeled: "Additional parameters:" type in:


That may help :) 

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