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Skills and Parts


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I've probably posted this before, but I still do not get the idea of combining leveling up skills plus "parts".  


I work towards knowing how to make a pistol.  I put a point into making a pistol.   I cannot make a pistol until I find 5 pistol parts.  And in the meantime, I've probably found a pistol.


It is just such a disjointed world-view right now.   Is this a survival game where we scrounge and find weapons, or is this a crafting building game where we role play and level up and build more increasingly complex stuff?


If the later, then let us build stuff.   Give us content not artificial barriers to fun.  

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4 hours ago, ungkor said:

I've probably posted this before, but I still do not get the idea of combining leveling up skills plus "parts".  


I work towards knowing how to make a pistol.  I put a point into making a pistol.   I cannot make a pistol until I find 5 pistol parts.  And in the meantime, I've probably found a pistol.


It is just such a disjointed world-view right now.   Is this a survival game where we scrounge and find weapons, or is this a crafting building game where we role play and level up and build more increasingly complex stuff?


Both, but not like a pure survival or a pure crafting game.


4 hours ago, ungkor said:


If the later, then let us build stuff.   Give us content not artificial barriers to fun.  


Well you can. In a pure crafting game you would craft all guns. In this game you will likely craft some of them.


I agree though that the balance is still a bit off, you should find more parts (also as quest rewards) and less complete weapons.


What I don't like is the "jumpiness" of the weapon crafting system. Just find a tier2 or tier3 gun recipe and have a few points in the weapon perk and you can immediately craft a gun that is OP for weeks.







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I've said it before as well.


You should IMO be able to upgrade existing weapons with the parts you find.  So that L1 pistol you found could be upgraded with x number of parts to a level 2 once you buy into the Pistol skill.  


The way it is now (and has been for a while) makes crafting weapons and those weapon parts useless most of the time (maybe not for everyone for certainly for me in 90% of my playthroughs.



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I guess I'm going to pause playing until the game figures out what type of game it wants to be.   I'd prefer a game that lets you level up and build stuff based on items you can grind (iron, mining, etc).   Right now, it seems like it is in between the two styles (constant looting vs leveling)  and isn't very fun.


In my ideal world, I'd love to experience all the new content and items, but have something similar to the alpha 17 skill tree and loot.  


Is it possible to have experience the new content and new poi's but use an older skill/weapon system like alpha 17?  Some mod?

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