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Cities and Lag


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A problem I've noticed occurring since I believe Alpha 18, is lag while looking towards certain directions in the cities. As in dropping from 60 to 30-40 fps.


My first instinct has been the relation to skyscrapers, I think in Alpha 16 a huge issue relating the laggyness of skyscrapers was fixed; however they seem to have made their way back. I find it difficult to confirm if this is truly the case though, the lag inconsistently appears at certain distances; being far or very close to a skyscraper or any other building causes no issues, and I've tried changing a bunch of settings and play with most of them on low but nothing seems to fix this issue.


Was wondering if any of you are encountering the same issue?


Update: It seems the dynamic mesh system is responsible for the lag here.


Edited by shutitbex
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Yeah, I was having the lag issue. When approaching the city, if I was facing in direction to Dishong Tower, the game would start lagging. When I turned around, got normal again. Looked again, lag.

I tried changing the Dynamic Mesh quality setting, from detailed to normal (Or something similar) and it started to work fine all the time. I even did another Dishong run to test it. Only lagged when a horde was having a party in the bottom part. But the sniper rifle took care of that.

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