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Can you get previous tier bonus rewards from traders?


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Usually after doing X number of quests for the trader, they will give you a bonus reward such as bundles or workstation/vehicle. But once they give it to you, can you get it again from the same trader for the same tier? For example, is it possible to get multiple bikes from the trader by spamming Tier 1 quests?

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2 hours ago, OneManStanding said:

You can reverse back to previous tier missions, but you won't get the bicycle over and over from the same trader.

Thanks, I think this answers my question.



3 hours ago, Sjustus548 said:

I'm not sure if the same one will give you bonus rewards but you can go to different varieties of traders and they will start back at level one.  Will have to be a different type of trader though, if your usual trader is Jen then going to another Jen won't work.

Yep, I knew about different traders starting back at tier 1, just wasn't sure if it was possible to get the bonus rewards again from same trader. The scenario I had in my head is what if you've exhausted those options from all the traders and still haven't found what you were looking for, such as a really rare item that is hard to obtain and one of the very few ways to get it is via trader tier bonus rewards (seems unlikely? but I don't think it's impossible if the reward set is a huge pool and only 3-4 are chosen to display to the player)

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