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Can I "bug report" on a general CTD?


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So,  having found out that another player in My little group,   was in favor of trying out 20.1   I went in and updated to the new experimental.  Then I generated a new RGW.  Everything looked fine,  I started in the initial starter quest, and when upgrading the frame shape,  sudden crash to desktop.    I closed out STEAM,  restarted 7D2D then went back into the new game world.   It placed Me right back in the same spot.  and I went on with things,  then about 25 minutes later ,  while playing stabby stabby with a zomb.   another CTD. Hmm, unusual,  so I checked that I had no other programs in background running (such as updates to any business or entertainment apps)   Nothing seemed out of place,  so  I restarted My PC,  then launched STEAM,  launched 7D2D, entered the new game world.    Played for approx 40 minutes, and another CTD when opening a crate to drop My excess inventory into.  So,  the events that happened when the CTD occurred,   aren't the same.    I'm not big on My knowledge of creating bug reports,  but a general CTD,  is that something I can get enough info to fill out a Bug Report?  Its simply a bit alarming that prior to today,  its probably been 8-10 months since I last had a CTD on My PC,  for any reason.

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There is a way to see the logs where it might say what is causing the CTDs, I believe it's located in the 7DaysToDie_Data file and is titled output_log.  Find the one for your game session where you experience the CTD and look towards the bottom.  Hopefully it will tell you if you had some kind of error.  If so then you could put in a bug report for that event that caused it.

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@PoppaSmirk I don't think anything is really off-limits when it comes to creating a bug report. You fill out the info and the TFP staff organizes it where it should go.


Here's the instructions on how to do it.


That said, for an issue like this, you might get some help from the community and/or other staff who have had the same problem if you posted the latest log file.


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Much appreciated.  since none of the crashes happened indoors in any specific POI, with the exception of the last one.  That one happened in the small room I am using for My temporary base.  

8 hours ago, Sjustus548 said:

There is a way to see the logs where it might say what is causing the CTDs, I believe it's located in the 7DaysToDie_Data file and is titled output_log.  Find the one for your game session where you experience the CTD and look towards the bottom.  Hopefully it will tell you if you had some kind of error.  If so then you could put in a bug report for that event that caused it.

  I was unsure what data I could provide, but I will check into that datafile..  

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