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Is there a mod that changes depht limit?


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2 hours ago, Gazz said:

It's very possible because the underground layers are defined in biomes.

You'd just insert a bedrock layer less deep or structure it any other way.


I tried and I cannot get it to work. Whatever number I change to the bedrock layer, nothing seems to happen. Hardcoded maybe?

append xpath="worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='snow']/layers">
<layer depth="*" blockname="terrBedrock"/>
<append xpath="worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='pine_forest']/layers">
<layer depth="*" blockname="terrBedrock"/>
<append xpath="worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='desert']/layers">
<layer depth="*" blockname="terrBedrock"/>
<append xpath="worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='water']/layers">
<layer depth="*" blockname="terrBedrock"/>
<append xpath="worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='wasteland']/layers">
<layer depth="*" blockname="terrBedrock"/>
<append xpath="worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='burnt_forest']/layers">
<layer depth="*" blockname="terrBedrock"/>

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Interesting.  I was looking into the xml file for this and the question I have is, how is the layer depth specified between the very top layer and the bedrock area


            <layer depth="1" blockname="terrForestGround"/> <layer depth="3" blockname="terrDirt"/>
            <layer depth="*" blockname="terrStone">
                <resource blockname="terrOreIron" prob="0.6500" rwgGenerationType="all"/>
                <resource blockname="terrGravel" prob="0.7830" rwgGenerationType="all"/>
            <layer depth="3" blockname="terrBedrock"/>


Would you just change the value * to a specific number?  I assume that, when the game reads *, this is hard coded in the game files.  If you were to change * to, say 10, that would override what the game normally does and would only go 10 layers down of stone / oreIron/Gravel after the top 4 layers, and then add the 3 layers of bedrock.


After posting this, now I am thinking that wouldn't work as the game wants to make the bedrock at a specific distance down from 0 height.  The * is used because of elevation changes at the surface so it would account for hills and such.  That way, the game always specifies the bedrock layer as X, the top layer as 4 layers deep, and everything in between is filler to match the contour.

Edited by BFT2020 (see edit history)
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