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Everything posted by hordeslayer

  1. I tried and I cannot get it to work. Whatever number I change to the bedrock layer, nothing seems to happen. Hardcoded maybe? append xpath="worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='snow']/layers"> <layer depth="*" blockname="terrBedrock"/> </append> <append xpath="worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='pine_forest']/layers"> <layer depth="*" blockname="terrBedrock"/> </append> <append xpath="worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='desert']/layers"> <layer depth="*" blockname="terrBedrock"/> </append> <append xpath="worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='water']/layers"> <layer depth="*" blockname="terrBedrock"/> </append> <append xpath="worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='wasteland']/layers"> <layer depth="*" blockname="terrBedrock"/> </append> <append xpath="worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='burnt_forest']/layers"> <layer depth="*" blockname="terrBedrock"/> </append>
  2. You know you can dig to a certain level to reach an indestructible rock, right? Well Me and my friends want that indestructibel rock to hit in eairler. This will make it harder to hide undergrond from screamers. Is this possible with a modlet? Maybe this is impossible?
  3. Hello Survivors! The prefab looks nice in game, I have converted it from A19 to work with A20. In the prefab editor there is no errors. Now I wanted to add it in the world generation. I have the custom prefab in the 7daystodie\Data\Prefabs When I am starting up the game and generate a new world. My custom prefab is not in the list (prefabs.xml). I tried placing it in the POI folder also, but no luck. It worked in Alpha 19, but does not seem to work in Alpha 20. I dunno why.... Please help
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