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NPCMod and Addons


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13 hours ago, MrSamuelAdams said:



So I have Cleanerz and Raiderz  in my game. If I want to cut back the spawn rate on them but still have them in. I could just divide their spawn rates in half in the entitygroup config and that would be alright, right? 


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NPCCore updated to,  which requires SCore version     More testing is needed but this combination may be considered the first Stable build for 21.1   All major bugs on SP and dedi seem fixed, but minimal testing has happened on dedi so YMMV.


Known bugs:  1.  NPCs turn towards target too slowly, so may fire ranged weapons before aligning with targets.  This was fixed before but has returned in A21.1    

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NPCCore updated to,  which requires SCore version     More testing is needed.   All major bugs on SP and dedi seem fixed, but minimal testing has happened on dedi so YMMV.


Known bugs:  1.  NPCs turn towards target too slowly, so may fire ranged weapons before aligning with targets.  This was fixed before but has returned in A21.1    

                       2.  On Dedi, hired NPCs dropped backpack can occasionally cause a NullRef when opened.   This is their backpack inventory, not loot bag.

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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17 hours ago, Ru Melin said:

Thanks a lot! Great work!


may I ask how I can get the NPCs patrol a way? In the NPC menu I can give them a code and I can say patrol. But I am not sure how I can set the patrol way.


Best regards

Currently they use pathing blocks.  Im not sure if there is a video showing how to use those yet.

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Hello Team,

I know that there are some known problems - among others the one with the UI or the menu which is displayed during conversations or currently at the bottom of the screen can only be used if you shrink the overlay to 80% which is admittedly very strange in the game.

In my search for a solution to this problem, I came across Spherell's NPC Dialog Windows, which is just for the 1.19 and since then have not been updated. 

In single player, the whole thing goes so far without problems even in the A21.1 as soon as someone here but then wants to connect to my PC for a LAN game this comes only to the loading screen of the world and no further.

You can hear wonderfully on the basis of the PC fan how long 7 Days is loading and when virtually nothing happens - but there is no corresponding error message.

I would therefore appreciate it very much if here maybe someone could look at what would have to be changed on the modlett so that looks normal again ^-^


PIC1 https://photos.app.goo.gl/oMeNhSA6sYCacrHWA
PIC2 : https://photos.app.goo.gl/VPrZCvKuBXjRSpzP7
PIC3 : https://photos.app.goo.gl/q7q8i8PHM76TyD548
PIC4 : https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZuFdQKMuTfFK5zqz6

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14 hours ago, M4RCJOGAMING said:

Hello Team,

I know that there are some known problems - among others the one with the UI or the menu which is displayed during conversations or currently at the bottom of the screen can only be used if you shrink the overlay to 80% which is admittedly very strange in the game.

In my search for a solution to this problem, I came across Spherell's NPC Dialog Windows, which is just for the 1.19 and since then have not been updated. 

In single player, the whole thing goes so far without problems even in the A21.1 as soon as someone here but then wants to connect to my PC for a LAN game this comes only to the loading screen of the world and no further.

You can hear wonderfully on the basis of the PC fan how long 7 Days is loading and when virtually nothing happens - but there is no corresponding error message.

I would therefore appreciate it very much if here maybe someone could look at what would have to be changed on the modlett so that looks normal again ^-^


PIC1 https://photos.app.goo.gl/oMeNhSA6sYCacrHWA
PIC2 : https://photos.app.goo.gl/VPrZCvKuBXjRSpzP7
PIC3 : https://photos.app.goo.gl/q7q8i8PHM76TyD548
PIC4 : https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZuFdQKMuTfFK5zqz6

The mod is compatible with the vanilla games UI.  If you use a UI mod, that UI mod needs to be compatible.  Many are not yet.

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17 hours ago, M4RCJOGAMING said:

Hello Team,

I know that there are some known problems - among others the one with the UI or the menu which is displayed during conversations or currently at the bottom of the screen can only be used if you shrink the overlay to 80% which is admittedly very strange in the game.

In my search for a solution to this problem, I came across Spherell's NPC Dialog Windows, which is just for the 1.19 and since then have not been updated. 

In single player, the whole thing goes so far without problems even in the A21.1 as soon as someone here but then wants to connect to my PC for a LAN game this comes only to the loading screen of the world and no further.

You can hear wonderfully on the basis of the PC fan how long 7 Days is loading and when virtually nothing happens - but there is no corresponding error message.

I would therefore appreciate it very much if here maybe someone could look at what would have to be changed on the modlett so that looks normal again ^-^


PIC1 https://photos.app.goo.gl/oMeNhSA6sYCacrHWA
PIC2 : https://photos.app.goo.gl/VPrZCvKuBXjRSpzP7
PIC3 : https://photos.app.goo.gl/q7q8i8PHM76TyD548
PIC4 : https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZuFdQKMuTfFK5zqz6

Which mods are you having issues with? 

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I have the HUD / CHAT ISSUE are now be fixed !!!

I using the following HUD Mod -> AGF HUD PLUS https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/870

If i use these Mod without SCore, XNPCCore and some NPC-Addons the Dialogboxes with Traders will be Normal.
The Same is if i use SCore, XPCCCore and these NPC-Addons without AGF HUD PLUS.

Only if i use these two Mods together there will be these Issues like you will see in the Pictures i have Added above.

So i looked into the Mods and found an really simply solution ... (but still do not know where exactly now the error lies or why exactly this error arises)

In the AGF HUD PLUS Mod there is also a windows.xml file - in these File there will be a "CHATBOX IMPROVEMENT" Section and the only thing i have made is to disable these section by moving the "-->" from its original Position to the end of these section (above the next Section Named "BOTTOM LEFT IMPROVEMENT")

Then finally saved the File and run the Game with a big smile ^-^


OLD FILE (windows.xml - now saved as windows.xml.old)


		<!--Removing the entering area x thing.-->
		<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowEntering']"/>
		<!--positioning of location name-->
		<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowLocation']/label/@pos">0,-8</set>
		<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowLocation']/label/@justify">Right</set>
		<!--removal of skulls and background-->
		<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowLocation']/sprite"/>		
		<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowLocation']/grid"/>

		<!--Added the location display onto every window.-->
		<append xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowNonPagingHeader']">
			<rect name="Location" pos="525, -5" width="240" height="60" depth="-20" controller="Location">
				<sprite pos="0,6" name="Background" sprite="menu_empty" color="[darkestGrey]" height="46" width="250" type="sliced" />
				<grid pos="125, -12" pivot="center" cols="8" cell_width="30" cell_height="16">
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor1}" visible="{visible1}" />
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor2}" visible="{visible2}"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor3}" visible="{visible3}"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor4}" visible="{visible4}"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor5}" visible="{visible5}"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor6}" visible="{visible6}"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor7}" visible="{visible7}"/>
					<rect width="16" height="16" visible="{visible_half}">
						<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" type="filled" fill="0.5" color="255,128,0"/>
						<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" type="filled" fill="0.5" fillinvert="true"  color="[lightGrey]"/>
		<append xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowPagingHeader']">
			<rect name="Location" pos="725, -5" width="240" height="60" depth="-20" controller="Location">
				<sprite pos="0,6" name="Background" sprite="menu_empty" color="[darkestGrey]" height="46" width="250" type="sliced" />
				<grid pos="125, -12" pivot="center" cols="8" cell_width="30" cell_height="16">
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor1}" visible="{visible1}" />
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor2}" visible="{visible2}"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor3}" visible="{visible3}"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor4}" visible="{visible4}"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor5}" visible="{visible5}"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor6}" visible="{visible6}"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor7}" visible="{visible7}"/>
					<rect width="16" height="16" visible="{visible_half}">
						<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" type="filled" fill="0.5" color="255,128,0"/>
						<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" type="filled" fill="0.5" fillinvert="true"  color="[lightGrey]"/>

	Feature: 	1. Improved readability of the chat output when sending and receiving messages.
				2. The background of the Chat Output fades when the text does, not immeidately after sending a message.
				3. Chat windows now appear behind other windows.
		Why:	1. My goal is for easier readability / accessability.
				2. When the background faded before the text, I would have to reopen chat to read the messages!
				3. Decided to have chat behind menus so they don't interrupt whatever you are doing in the menus.
	Default: 	You would have to read white text without any background to aid in visibility.
				Chat window will get in the way of seeing menu items.
	Delete?: 	Safe to remove this section on existing games.
				To remove, delete this windows section.

	XML's: 		windows
	Code:		(windows.xml) Removed original chat windows.
				(windows.xml) Appended new chat window placing the output background within the chat.
	<!--Removed original chat windows-->
		<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='chatoutput']"/>
		<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='chat']"/>
	<!--Appended new chat window placing the output background within the chat.-->
		<append xpath="/windows">
			<window name="chatoutput" pos="20, -250" depth="-1" width="500" height="250" anchor="LeftTop" controller="ChatOutput" fadeout_wait_time="5" fadeout_duration="2">
				<textlist name="txtOutput" pos="8,-214" width="484" height="210" list_style="chat" pivot="bottomleft" depth="2" font_size="26" crispness="Never">
					<sprite depth="-1" name="border" pos="-8,212" width="500" height="218" sprite="menu_empty2px" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false"/>
					<sprite depth="-1" color="[darkGrey]" pos="-8,212" width="500" height="218" type="sliced"   globalopacitymod=".95" />

			<window name="chat" pos="20, -250" width="500" height="250" anchor="LeftTop" controller="Chat" cursor_area="true">
				<rect name="input" depth="2" pos="0,-218" height="32">
					<sprite depth="8" name="border"   sprite="menu_empty2px" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false"/>
					<sprite color="[darkGrey]" type="sliced" globalopacitymod="0.95" />
					<combobox name="cbxTarget" type="ComboBoxList`1[EChatType]" value_max="party" pos="2, -6" width="100" height="22" font_size="22" localization_prefix="xuiChatTarget" />
					<textfield name="txtInput" backgroundcolor="[transparent]" depth="2" pos="110,-16" width="386" height="28" pivot="left" justify="left" overflow="ClampContent" max_line_count="1" crispness="Never" open_vk_on_open="true"/>

	Feature: 	1. Compact and readable display of health, stamina, food, water, level, xp, elevation, and temperature.
				2. Health bar above stamina.
				3. XP bar now in a circle.
				4. Food/water displayed with percentages.
				5. Tooltip_keys used on added stat icons. 
				   -When you move your cursor over an icon, a text label will tell you what it represents.
		Why: 	1. In my opinion, default HUD is way too simple without providing enough useful information.
				2. Something about Health above Stamina seems the norm for me, so I did that.
				3. XP bar in circle gives you a quicker idea of how far along you are in leveling up.
				4. I wanted a more direct way to see hunger and thirst status.
				5. Tooltip_keys help when someone doesn't know what an icon represents. Also, good for new players.
	Default: 	Level, elevation and temperatures are not displayed on the main HUD.
				Xp, water, and food are attached to the toolbelt without indicators and are tiny.
	Delete?: 	Safe to remove this section on existing games.
				To remove, delete this windows section. Localization can be ignored.
	XML's: 		windows, Localization
	Code:		(windows.xml) Removed default lower left stats.
				(windows.xml) Removed the display stats off of the toolbelt.				
				(windows.xml) Appended new display with positioning and details.
				(windows.xml) Adjusted surrounding windows to fit changes, such as God Mode / buff popups.
				(windows.xml) For consistent distance between margins and stats, made positional adjustments to lower right display.
				(Localization.txt) Created tooltip_key descriptions of stats not included in default localization.

	<!--Removed default lower left stats-->
		<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='HUDLeftStatBars']"/>	
	<!--Removed the display stats off of the toolbelt.-->
		<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowToolbelt']/rect/rect[@stat_type='Water']" /><!--water display-->
		<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowToolbelt']/rect/rect[@stat_type='Food']" />	<!--food display-->
		<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowToolbelt']/rect/sprite[@pos='0,6']" /><!--XP display-->
	<!--Appended new display with positioning and details.-->
		<append xpath="/windows">
			<window name="HUDLeftStatBars" >
			<rect name="hud" pos="9,145" rows="2" cols="1" width="168" side="right" >

				<!--Stealth Bar Adjustment-->
				<rect pos="1,55" width="150" height="36" controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Stealth" visible="{statvisible}">
					<sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,235" height="36" type="sliced" />						
					<sprite depth="2" name="background" color="0,0,0,140" type="sliced" />
					<filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="110,110,110,128" type="filled" fill="1" />
					<filledsprite depth="4" name="BarContent" color="{stealthcolor}" type="filled" fill="0" />
					<sprite depth="5" name="Icon" atlas="{staticonatlas|once}" sprite="{staticon|once}" size="32,32" pos="2,-2" foregroundlayer="true"/>
					<label depth="6" name="TextContent" pos="38,-5" font_size="28" color="[white]" justify="center"  text="{statcurrent}" height="34" width="100"/>
					<sprite depth="8" name="border" color="0,0,0,255" type="sliced" fillcenter="false"/>
					<filledsprite depth="8" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="150" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="1" />
					<filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="150" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="1" />

				<!--Health Bar Adjustment-->					
				<rect  pos="1,15" width="150" height="36" controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Health" visible="{statvisible}" >
					<sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,235" type="sliced"/>
					<sprite depth="2"  name="background" color="0,0,0,140" type="sliced" />
					<filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="110,110,110,128" width="149" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" />
					<filledsprite depth="5"  name="BarContent" color="255,0,0,180" width="149" type="filled" fill="0" />
					<sprite depth="6" name="Icon" atlas="{staticonatlas|once}" sprite="{staticon|once}" size="28,28" pos="2,-4" foregroundlayer="true"/>
					<label depth="7" name="TextContent" pos="46,-5" font_size="28" color="[white]" text="{statcurrentwithmax}" height="34"/>
					<sprite depth="8" name="border" color="0,0,0,255" type="sliced" fillcenter="false"/>
					<filledsprite depth="8"  name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="150" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" />
					<filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="150" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" />
				<!--Stamina Bar Adjustment-->
				<rect pos="1,-25" width="150" height="36"  controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Stamina" visible="{statvisible}" >
					<sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,235" type="sliced"/>						
					<sprite depth="2" name="background" color="0,0,0,140" type="sliced" />
					<filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="110,110,110,128" width="149" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" />
					<filledsprite depth="5" name="BarContent" color="0,54,255,180" width="149" type="filled" fill="0" />
					<sprite depth="6" name="Icon" atlas="{staticonatlas|once}" sprite="ui_game_symbol_agility" size="32,32" pos="2,-2" foregroundlayer="true"/>
					<label depth="7" name="TextContent" pos="46,-5" font_size="28" color="[white]" text="{statcurrentwithmax}" height="34"/>
					<sprite depth="8"  name="border" color="0,0,0,255" type="sliced" fillcenter="false"/>
					<filledsprite depth="8" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="150" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" />
					<filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="150" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" />

				<!--Outdoor Temperature and Player Elevation-->
				<rect name="OutdoorTemp" pos="160,-93" rows="1" cols="1" width="84" controller="MapStats"  side="right">
					<sprite depth="2" name="background" pos="-5,4" width="54" height="52" color="0,0,0,255" type="sliced" />
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowIcon" pos="13,-2" width="19" height="19" sprite="ui_game_symbol_temperature" color="[iconColor]" foregroundlayer="true" tooltip_key="xuiTemperature"/>
					<label depth="15" name="LevelNumber"  pos="22,-34" width="46" height="42" pivot="center" justify="center" text="{maptemperature}" color="230,187,18,250" font_size="22" tooltip_key="xuiTemperature"/>
				<rect name="Elevation" pos="218,-93" rows="1" cols="1" width="84" controller="MapStats"  side="right">
					<sprite depth="2" name="background" pos="-5,4" width="54" height="52" color="0,0,0,255" type="sliced" />
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowIcon" pos="13,-2" width="19" height="19" sprite="ui_game_symbol_climb" color="[iconColor]" foregroundlayer="true" tooltip_key="xuiElevation"/>
					<label depth="15"  name="LevelNumber" pos="22,-34" width="46" height="42" pivot="center" justify="center" text="{mapelevation}" color="0,150,54,250" font_size="22" tooltip_key="xuiElevation"/>
				<!--XP Bar Adjustments, Now Circle-->
				<rect pos="76,-103" width="75" height="75" cursor_area="true" xp_fill_speed="2" >
					<sprite depth="8" height="77" width="77"  name="border" sprite="ui_game_filled_circle" color="[black]" pivot="center" globalopacity="false"/>			
					<sprite depth="9" name="center" sprite="ui_game_filled_circle" color="115,115,115" pivot="center" globalopacity="false"/>
					<sprite depth="10" height="69" width="69"  name="border" sprite="ui_game_filled_circle" color="[black]" pivot="center" globalopacity="false"/>				
					<sprite depth="11" height="69" width="69" name="background" sprite="ui_game_filled_circle" color="{xpcolor}" pivot="center" globalopacity="false" type="filled" fill="{xp}" filldirection="radial360" controller="ToolbeltWindow"/>
					<sprite depth="12" width="55" height="55" name="center" sprite="ui_game_filled_circle" color="115,115,115" pivot="center" globalopacity="false"/>
					<label depth="15" pos="0,9" name="Level" width="45" height="42" pivot="center" justify="center" text="LEVEL" font_size="18"/>						
					<label depth="15" pos="0,-10" name="LevelNumber" width="45" height="42" pivot="center" justify="center" text="{cvar($LastPlayerLevel)}" font_size="20" controller="MapStats" />						
				<!--Food Bar Adjustments-->			
				<rect name="food" pos="1,-64" width="75" height="77"  controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Food" visible="{statvisible}">
					<sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,235" type="sliced" />									
					<sprite depth="2" name="background" color="0,0,0,140" type="sliced" />
					<filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="110,110,110,128" width="75" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" />
					<filledsprite depth="5" name="BarContent" color="0,150,54,180" width="75" type="filled" fill="0" filldirection="vertical" />
					<sprite depth="7" name="Icon" atlas="{staticonatlas|once}" sprite="ui_game_symbol_fork" size="22,28" pos="11,-47" foregroundlayer="true" tooltip_key="xuiFoodPercentage"/>
					<label depth="7" name="TextContent" pos="0,-2" font_size="18" color="[white]" text="{statcurrent}%" height="34" width="42" justify="center" tooltip_key="xuiFoodPercentage" />
					<sprite depth="8" name="border" color="0,0,0,255" type="sliced" fillcenter="false"/>
					<filledsprite depth="8" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="75" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" />
					<filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="75" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}"/>
				<!--Water Bar Adjustments-->	
				<rect name="water" pos="76,-64" width="75" height="77" controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Water" visible="{statvisible}">
					<sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,235" type="sliced"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="background" color="0,0,0,140" type="sliced" />									
					<filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="110,110,110,128" width="75" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}"/>
					<filledsprite depth="5" name="BarContent" color="0,200,255,180" width="75" type="filled" fill="0" filldirection="vertical" globalopacity="false"/>
					<sprite depth="7" name="Icon" atlas="{staticonatlas|once}" sprite="ui_game_symbol_water" size="30,30" pos="38,-45" foregroundlayer="true" tooltip_key="xuiWaterPercentage"/>
					<label depth="7" name="TextContent" pos="34,-2" font_size="18" color="[white]" text="{statcurrent}%"  height="34" width="42" justify="center" tooltip_key="xuiWaterPercentage"/>
					<sprite depth="8" name="border" color="0,0,0,255" type="sliced" fillcenter="false"/>
					<filledsprite depth="8" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="75" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" />
					<filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="75" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}"  />
	<!--Adjusted surrounding windows to fit changes, such as God Mode / buff popups-->
			<rect name="hud" pos="91,187" side="left" controller="BuffPopoutList" pivot="BottomLeft" >
				<panel width="168" height="46" name="item" visible="false" pivot="right" disableautobackground="true" pos="70, 0" style="press" sound="[recipe_click]" on_hover="true" >
					<sprite depth="3" pos="0,0"  name="Background" sprite="ui_game_popup" height="46" width="162" pivot="center" flip="Horizontally" color="[transparent]" />
					<sprite depth="4" name="Icon" size="40,40" pos="-54,0" pivot="center" color="[transparent]"/>
					<label depth="6" name="TextContent" pos="0,-2" font_size="28" color="[white]" justify="center" height="40" pivot="center"/>

	<!--For consistent distance between margins and stats, made positional adjustments to lower right display-->
		<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='HUDRightStatBars']/grid[@pos='-194,55']/@pos">-194,50</set>
		<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='HUDRightStatBars']/rect[@pos='-177,106']/@pos">-177,100</set>

	Feature: 	Map information moved to its own section next to the map with labels.
		Why: 	Many stats and buttons are crammed together and most don't realize they exist.
				Some of the map stats cover up the map.

	Default: 	Subheader of the map is crammed with data and buttons that are hard to identify.
				Map stats are covering the bottom left corner of the map view.
	Delete?: 	Safe to remove this section on existing games.
				To remove, delete the sections under windows and styles. Localization can be ignored.
	XML's: 		windows, styles, Localization

	Code:		(Localization.txt) Created tooltip_key descriptions of stats not included in default localization.
				(styles.xml) Created an icon style that defaults to red for remove quick waypoint button.
				(windows.xml) Removed the map stats data that is shown ON the bottom left of the map.
				(windows.xml) Removed the subheader that is above the map and below the main header.
				(windows.xml) Created the new panel next to the map of the stats and buttons.
				(windows.xml) Adjusted Map header width to include the new panel.
				(windows.xml) Adjusted position of debug map overlay buttons to account for new header width.
				(windows.xml) Adjusted map view positioning to go where subheader used to be.

		<!--Removed the map stats data that is shown ON the bottom left of the map.-->
			<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapArea']/panel[@name='content']/panel[@name='mapView']/rect"/>
		<!--Removed the subheader that is above the map and below the main header-->
			<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapArea']/panel[@name='content']/rect[@name='toolbar']"/>
		<!--Created the new panel next to the map of the stats and buttons.-->	
			<append xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapArea']/panel[@name='content']">
				<rect depth="1" name="toolbar" width="260" height="712" pos="721,-5">
					<sprite color="[lightGrey]" type="sliced" />
					<sprite depth="8" name="backgroundMain" sprite="menu_empty3px" pos="-3,2" width="266" height="716" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false" />
					<label depth="1" name="title" pos="6,-12" width="248" height="28" text_key="lblCenterOnPlayer" font_size="26"/>
					<button depth="1" name="playerIcon" style="icon32px, press, hover" pivot="center" pos="25,-55" sprite="ui_game_symbol_map_player_arrow" tooltip="Center on Player" tooltip_key="lblCenterOnPlayer" sound="[paging_click]" />
					<label depth="1" name="playerPos" pos="50,-46" width="150" height="28" text="110 S 769 W" font_size="26"/>

					<label depth="1" name="title" pos="6,-125" width="248" height="28" text_key="lblCenterOnSleepingBag" font_size="26"/>
					<button depth="1" name="bedrollIcon" style="icon32px, press, hover" pivot="center" pos="25,-168" sprite="ui_game_symbol_map_bed" tooltip="Center on Sleeping Bag" tooltip_key="lblCenterOnSleepingBag" sound="[paging_click]" />
					<label depth="1" name="bedrollPos" pos="50,-159" width="150" height="28" text="300 N 832 W" font_size="26"/>

					<label depth="1" name="title" pos="6,-238" width="248" height="28" text_key="lblCursorPosition" font_size="26"/>
					<sprite depth="1" name="cursorIcon" style="icon32px, press, hover" pos="9,-265" sprite="ui_game_symbol_map_cursor" tooltip="Cursor Position" tooltip_key="lblCursorPosition" sound="[paging_click]"/>
					<label depth="1" name="cursorPos" pos="50,-272" width="130" height="28" text="300 N 832 W" font_size="26"/>

					<label depth="1" name="title" pos="6,-351" width="248" height="28" text_key="lblRemoveQuickWaypoint" font_size="26"/>
					<button depth="1" name="waypointIcon" style="icon32pxRed, hover" pivot="center" on_press="true" pos="25,-394" sprite="ui_game_symbol_map_waypoint_remove" tooltip="Remove Quick Waypoint" tooltip_key="lblRemoveQuickWaypoint" />
					<label depth="1" name="waypointDistance" pos="50,-385" width="122" height="28" text="0.2 KILOMETERS" font_size="26"/>
					<rect name="content" depth="5" pos="-4,-565" height="239" controller="MapStats">	
						<sprite depth="2" name="dayTimeIcon" width="24" height="24" pos="10,16" sprite="ui_game_symbol_clock" color="[iconColor]" foregroundlayer="true"/>
						<label depth="2" name="dayTimeLabel" pos="40,14" width="250" height="28" text="{mapdaytimetitle}: [DECEA3]{mapdaytime}[-]" font_size="26" visible="{showtime}"/>					
						<sprite depth="2" name="temperatureIcon" width="24" height="24" pos="10,-16" sprite="ui_game_symbol_temperature" color="[iconColor]" foregroundlayer="true"/>
						<label depth="2" name="temperatureLabel" pos="40,-18" width="250" height="28" text="Outdoor Temp: [DECEA3]{maptemperature}[-]" font_size="26"/>
						<sprite depth="2" name="tempIcon" width="24" height="24" pos="10,-48" sprite="ui_game_symbol_light_armor" color="[iconColor]" foregroundlayer="true"/>
						<label depth="2" name="tempLabel" pos="40,-50" width="250" height="28" text="{playercoretemptitle}: [DECEA3]{playercoretemp}[-]" font_size="26"/>
						<sprite depth="2" name="windIcon" width="24" height="24" pos="10,-80" sprite="ui_game_symbol_wind" color="[iconColor]" foregroundlayer="true"/>
						<label depth="2" name="windLabel" pos="40,-82" width="250" height="28" text="{mapwindtitle}: [DECEA3]{mapwind} MPH[-]" font_size="26"/>
						<sprite depth="2" name="elevIcon" width="24" height="24" pos="10,-112" sprite="ui_game_symbol_climb" color="[iconColor]" foregroundlayer="true"/>
						<label depth="2" name="elevLabel" pos="40,-114" width="250" height="28" text="{mapelevationtitle}: [DECEA3]{mapelevation} M[-]" font_size="26"/>
		<!--Adjusted Map header width to include the new panel.-->		
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapArea']/@width">981</set>
		<!--Adjusted position of debug map overlay buttons to account for new header width.-->		
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapArea']/panel[@name='header']/button[@name='switchStaticMap']/@pos">953,-21</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapArea']/panel[@name='header']/combobox[@name='cbxStaticMapType']/@pos">723,-6</set>
		<!--Adjusted map view positioning to go where subheader used to be.-->		
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapArea']/panel[@name='content']/panel[@name='mapView']/@pos">6,-6</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapArea']/panel[@name='content']/sprite[@name='backgroundMain']/@height">716</set>	
		<!--adusted share waypoints to meet map edges.-->
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapInvites']/rect[@name='content']/grid/@rows">3</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapInvites']/panel[@name='header']/@pos">3,-7</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapInvites']/rect[@name='toolbar']/@pos">6,-56</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapInvites']/rect[@name='content']/@pos">0,-50</set>
	Feature: 	Crafting and burning times adjusted for easier viewing.
		Why: 	I like readability and sometimes find it hard to differentiate the crafting time and whats behind it.
	Default: 	Burn time is  a bright red that for some, is difficult to read.
				Craft time in crafting queue is white with minimal differentiation of what is behind it.
	Delete?: 	Safe to remove this section on existing games.
				To remove, delete the sections under windows and controls.
	XML's: 		windows, contols
	Code:		(windows.xml) Added a line of code of the burning time to adjust the color.
				(controls.xml) Removed original crafting timer set-up.
				(controls.xml) Appended a new timer setting that changes the color and adds a background.
		<!--Added a line of code of the burning time to adjust the color.-->
			<setattribute xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowFuel']/panel[@style='header.panel']/label[@style='header.timer']" name="color">[white]</setattribute>

		<!--5th Crafting Slot-->
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCraftingQueue']/rect/grid/@cols">5</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCraftingQueue']/rect/@pos">9,0</set>

	Feature: 	1. Wider and accurate compass with a center mark.
				2. Date and time separated and given a background for easier readability.
				3. Date and time now shown on all menus.
		Why: 	1. I like being able to walk in a straight line directly to my targeted location.
				2. I like readability and found them scrunhced together difficult. And in the way.
				3. Sometimes I spend a lot of time in the menus; its good to know the date and time.

	Default: 	Smaller compass that does not directly pinpoint the markers you are walking towards.
				Date and time under compass, close together in one color.
				Date and time is NOT shown on menus.
	Delete?: 	Safe to remove this section on existing games.
				To remove, delete this section under windows.
	XML's: 		windows
	Code:		(windows.xml) Widened and centered the compass area.
				(windows.xml) Adjusted colors of the compass backgrounds.
				(windows.xml) Adjusted the actual compass and its rotational stats.
				(windows.xml) Added a center mark on the compass.
				(windows.xml) Removed original Day and Time set-up.
				(windows.xml) Recreated Day and Time seperately with backgrounds.
				(windows.xml) Added the Day and Time onto every window.
		<!--Widened and centered the compass area.-->
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/@pos">-260,-9</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/@width">520</set>
		<!--Adjusted colors of the compass backgrounds.-->
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/sprite[@depth='0']/@color">0,0,0,255</set>	
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/sprite[@depth='0']/@width">456</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/sprite[@depth='0']/@pos">32,0</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/sprite[@depth='1']/@color">120,120,120,255</set>	
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/sprite[@depth='1']/@width">450</set>	
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/sprite[@depth='1']/@pos">35,-3</set>	

		<!--Adjusted the actual compass and its rotational stats.-->
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/texture/@width">450</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/texture/@rect_size">0.35,1</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/texture/@rect_offset">{#compass_rotation / 360 + 0.067 - 0.18},0</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/texture/@pos">35,-12</set>			
		<!--Added a center mark on the compass.-->
			<append xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']">
				<label depth="20" name="TextContent" pos="69,5" width="380" height="60" text="I" font_size="60" color="22,22,22,235" justify="center"/>
		<!--Removed original Day and Time set-up.-->
			<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/sprite[@pos='240,-60']"/>
		<!--Recreated Day and Time seperately with backgrounds.-->
			<append xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']">
				<rect name="hud" pos="-117,-1" rows="1" cols="1" width="121">
						<sprite depth="1" pos="0,-2" height="38" width="121" color="0,0,0,200" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true"/>	
						<label depth="2" name="TextContent" pos="4,-9" width="113" height="30" text="{daytitle}: [{daycolor}]{day}" font_size="28" color="[white]" justify="center" visible="{showtime}"/>	
				<rect name="hud" pos="515,-1" rows="1" cols="1" width="108" >
						<sprite depth="1" pos="0,-2" height="38" width="121" color="0,0,0,200" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true"/>	
						<label depth="2" name="TextContent" pos="4,-9" width="113" height="30" text="{timetitle}: [DECEA3]{time}" font_size="28" color="[white]" justify="center" visible="{showtime}"/>				
		<!--Added the Day and Time onto every window.-->
			<append xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowPagingHeader']">
				<sprite depth="1" name="timeBackground" width="230" height="34" pos="-345,-5" color="[black]"/>
				<sprite depth="2" name="dayTimeIcon" width="24" height="24" pos="-330,-10" sprite="ui_game_symbol_clock" color="[iconColor]" foregroundlayer="true" visible="{showtime}"/>
				<label depth="2" name="dayTimeLabel" pos="-300,-12" width="230" height="28" text="{mapdaytimetitle}: [DECEA3]{mapdaytime}[-]" font_size="22" controller="MapStats" visible="{showtime}"/>
			<append xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowNonPagingHeader']">
				<sprite depth="1" name="timeBackground" width="230" height="34" pos="-345,-5" color="[black]"/>
				<sprite depth="2" name="dayTimeIcon" width="24" height="24" pos="-330,-10" sprite="ui_game_symbol_clock" color="[iconColor]" foregroundlayer="true" visible="{showtime}"/>	
				<label depth="2" name="dayTimeLabel" pos="-300,-12" width="230" height="28" text="{mapdaytimetitle}: [DECEA3]{mapdaytime}[-]" font_size="22" controller="MapStats" visible="{showtime}"/>	

	Feature: 	Lowered toolbelt for backpack mod compatibility and added slot numbers.
		Why: 	I like compatibility of backpack mods.
				I sometimes mix up which slot is which in a quick moment.

	Default: 	Toolbelt often blocked a bit of larger backpack mods and without slot numbers.

	Delete?: 	Safe to remove this section on existing games.
				To remove, delete this section under windows.

	XML's: 		windows
	Code:		(windows.xml) Lowered the toolbelt.
				(windows.xml) Created slot numbers for each slot.

		<!--Lowered the toolbelt.-->
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowToolbelt']/@pos">-377,82</set>
		<!--Created slot numbers for each slot.-->
			<append xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowToolbelt']">
				<rect name="agf10slots">
					<sprite depth="19" pos="32,10" height="13" width="14" color="0,0,0,250" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true" />		
					<label depth="20" name="slot#" pos="32,10" width="14" height="12" text="[DECEA3]1" font_size="12" color="" justify="center"/>
					<sprite depth="19" pos="107,10" height="13" width="14" color="0,0,0,250" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true" />		
					<label depth="20" name="slot#" pos="107,10" width="14" height="12" text="[DECEA3]2" font_size="12" color="" justify="center"/>	

					<sprite depth="19" pos="182,10" height="13" width="14" color="0,0,0,250" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true" />		
					<label depth="20" name="slot#" pos="182,10" width="14" height="12" text="[DECEA3]3" font_size="12" color="" justify="center"/>	

					<sprite depth="19" pos="257,10" height="13" width="14" color="0,0,0,250" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true" />		
					<label depth="20" name="slot#" pos="257,10" width="14" height="12" text="[DECEA3]4" font_size="12" color="" justify="center"/>		

					<sprite depth="19" pos="332,10" height="13" width="14" color="0,0,0,250" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true" />		
					<label depth="20" name="slot#" pos="332,10" width="14" height="12" text="[DECEA3]5" font_size="12" color="" justify="center"/>	

					<sprite depth="19" pos="407,10" height="13" width="14" color="0,0,0,250" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true" />		
					<label depth="20" name="slot#" pos="407,10" width="14" height="12" text="[DECEA3]6" font_size="12" color="" justify="center"/>	

					<sprite depth="19" pos="482,10" height="13" width="14" color="0,0,0,250" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true" />		
					<label depth="20" name="slot#" pos="482,10" width="14" height="12" text="[DECEA3]7" font_size="12" color="" justify="center"/>	

					<sprite depth="19" pos="557,10" height="13" width="14" color="0,0,0,250" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true" />		
					<label depth="20" name="slot#" pos="557,10" width="14" height="12" text="[DECEA3]8" font_size="12" color="" justify="center"/>
					<sprite depth="19" pos="632,10" height="13" width="14" color="0,0,0,250" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true" />		
					<label depth="20" name="slot#" pos="632,10" width="14" height="12" text="[DECEA3]9" font_size="12" color="" justify="center"/>

					<sprite depth="19" pos="707,10" height="13" width="14" color="0,0,0,250" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true" />		
					<label depth="20" name="slot#" pos="707,10" width="14" height="12" text="[DECEA3]10" font_size="12" color="" justify="center"/>

	Feature: 	Viewing quest selections made easier with improved background, color, and poi_names.
	Why: 		Sometimes found it difficult to read the the selection with the transparent background.
				I prefer to know the POI from the quest options list.
	Default: 	The background of the quest selections is see-through (transparent).
				There are NO names of the POI when looking at the quest options until you select one.
				Colors are mostly white with the ingames yellowish/peach color only.	
	Delete?: 	Safe to remove this section on existing games.
				To remove, delete this section under windows.
					Within Localization, delete lines that start with "quest_".
	XML's: 		windows, Localization
	Code:		(Localization.txt) Added the POI names into the quest selection text.
				(Localization.txt) Arranged quest details in consistent order and with a color scheme.
				(windows.xml) Removed existing quest selection window.
				(windows.xml) Created new quest selection window with wider and solid background.
		<!--Removed existing quest selection window.-->
			<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowResponses']"/>
		<!--Created new quest selection window with wider and solid background.-->
			<append xpath="/windows">
				<window name="windowResponses" pos="-750,0" width="700" height="320" anchor="RightCenter" cursor_area="true">
					<sprite depth="0" name="background" pos="-25,25" width="740" height="350" type="sliced" color="96,96,96,255" globalopacity="false"/>
					<sprite depth="1" name="background" pos="-20,20" width="730" height="340" type="sliced" color="0,0,0,255" globalopacity="false"/>
					<grid name="items" pos="3,-6" rows="8" cols="1" width="690" height="200" cell_width="590" cell_height="40" repeat_content="true" arrangement="vertical" controller="DialogResponseList">
						<response_entry id="0" />



NEW FILE (windows.xml)



		<!--Removing the entering area x thing.-->
		<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowEntering']"/>
		<!--positioning of location name-->
		<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowLocation']/label/@pos">0,-8</set>
		<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowLocation']/label/@justify">Right</set>
		<!--removal of skulls and background-->
		<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowLocation']/sprite"/>		
		<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowLocation']/grid"/>

		<!--Added the location display onto every window.-->
		<append xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowNonPagingHeader']">
			<rect name="Location" pos="525, -5" width="240" height="60" depth="-20" controller="Location">
				<sprite pos="0,6" name="Background" sprite="menu_empty" color="[darkestGrey]" height="46" width="250" type="sliced" />
				<grid pos="125, -12" pivot="center" cols="8" cell_width="30" cell_height="16">
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor1}" visible="{visible1}" />
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor2}" visible="{visible2}"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor3}" visible="{visible3}"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor4}" visible="{visible4}"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor5}" visible="{visible5}"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor6}" visible="{visible6}"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor7}" visible="{visible7}"/>
					<rect width="16" height="16" visible="{visible_half}">
						<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" type="filled" fill="0.5" color="255,128,0"/>
						<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" type="filled" fill="0.5" fillinvert="true"  color="[lightGrey]"/>
		<append xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowPagingHeader']">
			<rect name="Location" pos="725, -5" width="240" height="60" depth="-20" controller="Location">
				<sprite pos="0,6" name="Background" sprite="menu_empty" color="[darkestGrey]" height="46" width="250" type="sliced" />
				<grid pos="125, -12" pivot="center" cols="8" cell_width="30" cell_height="16">
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor1}" visible="{visible1}" />
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor2}" visible="{visible2}"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor3}" visible="{visible3}"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor4}" visible="{visible4}"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor5}" visible="{visible5}"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor6}" visible="{visible6}"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" color="{difficultycolor7}" visible="{visible7}"/>
					<rect width="16" height="16" visible="{visible_half}">
						<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" type="filled" fill="0.5" color="255,128,0"/>
						<sprite depth="2" name="windowicon" width="28" height="28" sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" type="filled" fill="0.5" fillinvert="true"  color="[lightGrey]"/>

	Feature: 	1. Improved readability of the chat output when sending and receiving messages.
				2. The background of the Chat Output fades when the text does, not immeidately after sending a message.
				3. Chat windows now appear behind other windows.
		Why:	1. My goal is for easier readability / accessability.
				2. When the background faded before the text, I would have to reopen chat to read the messages!
				3. Decided to have chat behind menus so they don't interrupt whatever you are doing in the menus.
	Default: 	You would have to read white text without any background to aid in visibility.
				Chat window will get in the way of seeing menu items.
	Delete?: 	Safe to remove this section on existing games.
				To remove, delete this windows section.

	XML's: 		windows
	Code:		(windows.xml) Removed original chat windows.
				(windows.xml) Appended new chat window placing the output background within the chat.

	<!--Removed original chat windows-->
		<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='chatoutput']"/>
		<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='chat']"/>
	<!--Appended new chat window placing the output background within the chat.-->
		<append xpath="/windows">
			<window name="chatoutput" pos="20, -250" depth="-1" width="500" height="250" anchor="LeftTop" controller="ChatOutput" fadeout_wait_time="5" fadeout_duration="2">
				<textlist name="txtOutput" pos="8,-214" width="484" height="210" list_style="chat" pivot="bottomleft" depth="2" font_size="26" crispness="Never">
					<sprite depth="-1" name="border" pos="-8,212" width="500" height="218" sprite="menu_empty2px" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false"/>
					<sprite depth="-1" color="[darkGrey]" pos="-8,212" width="500" height="218" type="sliced"   globalopacitymod=".95" />

			<window name="chat" pos="20, -250" width="500" height="250" anchor="LeftTop" controller="Chat" cursor_area="true">
				<rect name="input" depth="2" pos="0,-218" height="32">
					<sprite depth="8" name="border"   sprite="menu_empty2px" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false"/>
					<sprite color="[darkGrey]" type="sliced" globalopacitymod="0.95" />
					<combobox name="cbxTarget" type="ComboBoxList`1[EChatType]" value_max="party" pos="2, -6" width="100" height="22" font_size="22" localization_prefix="xuiChatTarget" />
					<textfield name="txtInput" backgroundcolor="[transparent]" depth="2" pos="110,-16" width="386" height="28" pivot="left" justify="left" overflow="ClampContent" max_line_count="1" crispness="Never" open_vk_on_open="true"/>

	Feature: 	1. Compact and readable display of health, stamina, food, water, level, xp, elevation, and temperature.
				2. Health bar above stamina.
				3. XP bar now in a circle.
				4. Food/water displayed with percentages.
				5. Tooltip_keys used on added stat icons. 
				   -When you move your cursor over an icon, a text label will tell you what it represents.
		Why: 	1. In my opinion, default HUD is way too simple without providing enough useful information.
				2. Something about Health above Stamina seems the norm for me, so I did that.
				3. XP bar in circle gives you a quicker idea of how far along you are in leveling up.
				4. I wanted a more direct way to see hunger and thirst status.
				5. Tooltip_keys help when someone doesn't know what an icon represents. Also, good for new players.
	Default: 	Level, elevation and temperatures are not displayed on the main HUD.
				Xp, water, and food are attached to the toolbelt without indicators and are tiny.
	Delete?: 	Safe to remove this section on existing games.
				To remove, delete this windows section. Localization can be ignored.
	XML's: 		windows, Localization
	Code:		(windows.xml) Removed default lower left stats.
				(windows.xml) Removed the display stats off of the toolbelt.				
				(windows.xml) Appended new display with positioning and details.
				(windows.xml) Adjusted surrounding windows to fit changes, such as God Mode / buff popups.
				(windows.xml) For consistent distance between margins and stats, made positional adjustments to lower right display.
				(Localization.txt) Created tooltip_key descriptions of stats not included in default localization.

	<!--Removed default lower left stats-->
		<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='HUDLeftStatBars']"/>	
	<!--Removed the display stats off of the toolbelt.-->
		<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowToolbelt']/rect/rect[@stat_type='Water']" /><!--water display-->
		<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowToolbelt']/rect/rect[@stat_type='Food']" />	<!--food display-->
		<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowToolbelt']/rect/sprite[@pos='0,6']" /><!--XP display-->
	<!--Appended new display with positioning and details.-->
		<append xpath="/windows">
			<window name="HUDLeftStatBars" >
			<rect name="hud" pos="9,145" rows="2" cols="1" width="168" side="right" >

				<!--Stealth Bar Adjustment-->
				<rect pos="1,55" width="150" height="36" controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Stealth" visible="{statvisible}">
					<sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,235" height="36" type="sliced" />						
					<sprite depth="2" name="background" color="0,0,0,140" type="sliced" />
					<filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="110,110,110,128" type="filled" fill="1" />
					<filledsprite depth="4" name="BarContent" color="{stealthcolor}" type="filled" fill="0" />
					<sprite depth="5" name="Icon" atlas="{staticonatlas|once}" sprite="{staticon|once}" size="32,32" pos="2,-2" foregroundlayer="true"/>
					<label depth="6" name="TextContent" pos="38,-5" font_size="28" color="[white]" justify="center"  text="{statcurrent}" height="34" width="100"/>
					<sprite depth="8" name="border" color="0,0,0,255" type="sliced" fillcenter="false"/>
					<filledsprite depth="8" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="150" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="1" />
					<filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="150" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="1" />

				<!--Health Bar Adjustment-->					
				<rect  pos="1,15" width="150" height="36" controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Health" visible="{statvisible}" >
					<sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,235" type="sliced"/>
					<sprite depth="2"  name="background" color="0,0,0,140" type="sliced" />
					<filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="110,110,110,128" width="149" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" />
					<filledsprite depth="5"  name="BarContent" color="255,0,0,180" width="149" type="filled" fill="0" />
					<sprite depth="6" name="Icon" atlas="{staticonatlas|once}" sprite="{staticon|once}" size="28,28" pos="2,-4" foregroundlayer="true"/>
					<label depth="7" name="TextContent" pos="46,-5" font_size="28" color="[white]" text="{statcurrentwithmax}" height="34"/>
					<sprite depth="8" name="border" color="0,0,0,255" type="sliced" fillcenter="false"/>
					<filledsprite depth="8"  name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="150" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" />
					<filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="150" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" />
				<!--Stamina Bar Adjustment-->
				<rect pos="1,-25" width="150" height="36"  controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Stamina" visible="{statvisible}" >
					<sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,235" type="sliced"/>						
					<sprite depth="2" name="background" color="0,0,0,140" type="sliced" />
					<filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="110,110,110,128" width="149" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" />
					<filledsprite depth="5" name="BarContent" color="0,54,255,180" width="149" type="filled" fill="0" />
					<sprite depth="6" name="Icon" atlas="{staticonatlas|once}" sprite="ui_game_symbol_agility" size="32,32" pos="2,-2" foregroundlayer="true"/>
					<label depth="7" name="TextContent" pos="46,-5" font_size="28" color="[white]" text="{statcurrentwithmax}" height="34"/>
					<sprite depth="8"  name="border" color="0,0,0,255" type="sliced" fillcenter="false"/>
					<filledsprite depth="8" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="150" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" />
					<filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="150" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" />

				<!--Outdoor Temperature and Player Elevation-->
				<rect name="OutdoorTemp" pos="160,-93" rows="1" cols="1" width="84" controller="MapStats"  side="right">
					<sprite depth="2" name="background" pos="-5,4" width="54" height="52" color="0,0,0,255" type="sliced" />
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowIcon" pos="13,-2" width="19" height="19" sprite="ui_game_symbol_temperature" color="[iconColor]" foregroundlayer="true" tooltip_key="xuiTemperature"/>
					<label depth="15" name="LevelNumber"  pos="22,-34" width="46" height="42" pivot="center" justify="center" text="{maptemperature}" color="230,187,18,250" font_size="22" tooltip_key="xuiTemperature"/>
				<rect name="Elevation" pos="218,-93" rows="1" cols="1" width="84" controller="MapStats"  side="right">
					<sprite depth="2" name="background" pos="-5,4" width="54" height="52" color="0,0,0,255" type="sliced" />
					<sprite depth="2" name="windowIcon" pos="13,-2" width="19" height="19" sprite="ui_game_symbol_climb" color="[iconColor]" foregroundlayer="true" tooltip_key="xuiElevation"/>
					<label depth="15"  name="LevelNumber" pos="22,-34" width="46" height="42" pivot="center" justify="center" text="{mapelevation}" color="0,150,54,250" font_size="22" tooltip_key="xuiElevation"/>
				<!--XP Bar Adjustments, Now Circle-->
				<rect pos="76,-103" width="75" height="75" cursor_area="true" xp_fill_speed="2" >
					<sprite depth="8" height="77" width="77"  name="border" sprite="ui_game_filled_circle" color="[black]" pivot="center" globalopacity="false"/>			
					<sprite depth="9" name="center" sprite="ui_game_filled_circle" color="115,115,115" pivot="center" globalopacity="false"/>
					<sprite depth="10" height="69" width="69"  name="border" sprite="ui_game_filled_circle" color="[black]" pivot="center" globalopacity="false"/>				
					<sprite depth="11" height="69" width="69" name="background" sprite="ui_game_filled_circle" color="{xpcolor}" pivot="center" globalopacity="false" type="filled" fill="{xp}" filldirection="radial360" controller="ToolbeltWindow"/>
					<sprite depth="12" width="55" height="55" name="center" sprite="ui_game_filled_circle" color="115,115,115" pivot="center" globalopacity="false"/>
					<label depth="15" pos="0,9" name="Level" width="45" height="42" pivot="center" justify="center" text="LEVEL" font_size="18"/>						
					<label depth="15" pos="0,-10" name="LevelNumber" width="45" height="42" pivot="center" justify="center" text="{cvar($LastPlayerLevel)}" font_size="20" controller="MapStats" />						
				<!--Food Bar Adjustments-->			
				<rect name="food" pos="1,-64" width="75" height="77"  controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Food" visible="{statvisible}">
					<sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,235" type="sliced" />									
					<sprite depth="2" name="background" color="0,0,0,140" type="sliced" />
					<filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="110,110,110,128" width="75" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" />
					<filledsprite depth="5" name="BarContent" color="0,150,54,180" width="75" type="filled" fill="0" filldirection="vertical" />
					<sprite depth="7" name="Icon" atlas="{staticonatlas|once}" sprite="ui_game_symbol_fork" size="22,28" pos="11,-47" foregroundlayer="true" tooltip_key="xuiFoodPercentage"/>
					<label depth="7" name="TextContent" pos="0,-2" font_size="18" color="[white]" text="{statcurrent}%" height="34" width="42" justify="center" tooltip_key="xuiFoodPercentage" />
					<sprite depth="8" name="border" color="0,0,0,255" type="sliced" fillcenter="false"/>
					<filledsprite depth="8" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="75" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" />
					<filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="75" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}"/>
				<!--Water Bar Adjustments-->	
				<rect name="water" pos="76,-64" width="75" height="77" controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Water" visible="{statvisible}">
					<sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,235" type="sliced"/>
					<sprite depth="2" name="background" color="0,0,0,140" type="sliced" />									
					<filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="110,110,110,128" width="75" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}"/>
					<filledsprite depth="5" name="BarContent" color="0,200,255,180" width="75" type="filled" fill="0" filldirection="vertical" globalopacity="false"/>
					<sprite depth="7" name="Icon" atlas="{staticonatlas|once}" sprite="ui_game_symbol_water" size="30,30" pos="38,-45" foregroundlayer="true" tooltip_key="xuiWaterPercentage"/>
					<label depth="7" name="TextContent" pos="34,-2" font_size="18" color="[white]" text="{statcurrent}%"  height="34" width="42" justify="center" tooltip_key="xuiWaterPercentage"/>
					<sprite depth="8" name="border" color="0,0,0,255" type="sliced" fillcenter="false"/>
					<filledsprite depth="8" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="75" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}" />
					<filledsprite depth="3" name="background" color="0,0,0,255" width="75" fillcenter="false" type="filled" fill="{statmodifiedmax}"  />
	<!--Adjusted surrounding windows to fit changes, such as God Mode / buff popups-->
			<rect name="hud" pos="91,187" side="left" controller="BuffPopoutList" pivot="BottomLeft" >
				<panel width="168" height="46" name="item" visible="false" pivot="right" disableautobackground="true" pos="70, 0" style="press" sound="[recipe_click]" on_hover="true" >
					<sprite depth="3" pos="0,0"  name="Background" sprite="ui_game_popup" height="46" width="162" pivot="center" flip="Horizontally" color="[transparent]" />
					<sprite depth="4" name="Icon" size="40,40" pos="-54,0" pivot="center" color="[transparent]"/>
					<label depth="6" name="TextContent" pos="0,-2" font_size="28" color="[white]" justify="center" height="40" pivot="center"/>

	<!--For consistent distance between margins and stats, made positional adjustments to lower right display-->
		<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='HUDRightStatBars']/grid[@pos='-194,55']/@pos">-194,50</set>
		<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='HUDRightStatBars']/rect[@pos='-177,106']/@pos">-177,100</set>

	Feature: 	Map information moved to its own section next to the map with labels.
		Why: 	Many stats and buttons are crammed together and most don't realize they exist.
				Some of the map stats cover up the map.

	Default: 	Subheader of the map is crammed with data and buttons that are hard to identify.
				Map stats are covering the bottom left corner of the map view.
	Delete?: 	Safe to remove this section on existing games.
				To remove, delete the sections under windows and styles. Localization can be ignored.
	XML's: 		windows, styles, Localization

	Code:		(Localization.txt) Created tooltip_key descriptions of stats not included in default localization.
				(styles.xml) Created an icon style that defaults to red for remove quick waypoint button.
				(windows.xml) Removed the map stats data that is shown ON the bottom left of the map.
				(windows.xml) Removed the subheader that is above the map and below the main header.
				(windows.xml) Created the new panel next to the map of the stats and buttons.
				(windows.xml) Adjusted Map header width to include the new panel.
				(windows.xml) Adjusted position of debug map overlay buttons to account for new header width.
				(windows.xml) Adjusted map view positioning to go where subheader used to be.

		<!--Removed the map stats data that is shown ON the bottom left of the map.-->
			<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapArea']/panel[@name='content']/panel[@name='mapView']/rect"/>
		<!--Removed the subheader that is above the map and below the main header-->
			<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapArea']/panel[@name='content']/rect[@name='toolbar']"/>
		<!--Created the new panel next to the map of the stats and buttons.-->	
			<append xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapArea']/panel[@name='content']">
				<rect depth="1" name="toolbar" width="260" height="712" pos="721,-5">
					<sprite color="[lightGrey]" type="sliced" />
					<sprite depth="8" name="backgroundMain" sprite="menu_empty3px" pos="-3,2" width="266" height="716" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false" />
					<label depth="1" name="title" pos="6,-12" width="248" height="28" text_key="lblCenterOnPlayer" font_size="26"/>
					<button depth="1" name="playerIcon" style="icon32px, press, hover" pivot="center" pos="25,-55" sprite="ui_game_symbol_map_player_arrow" tooltip="Center on Player" tooltip_key="lblCenterOnPlayer" sound="[paging_click]" />
					<label depth="1" name="playerPos" pos="50,-46" width="150" height="28" text="110 S 769 W" font_size="26"/>

					<label depth="1" name="title" pos="6,-125" width="248" height="28" text_key="lblCenterOnSleepingBag" font_size="26"/>
					<button depth="1" name="bedrollIcon" style="icon32px, press, hover" pivot="center" pos="25,-168" sprite="ui_game_symbol_map_bed" tooltip="Center on Sleeping Bag" tooltip_key="lblCenterOnSleepingBag" sound="[paging_click]" />
					<label depth="1" name="bedrollPos" pos="50,-159" width="150" height="28" text="300 N 832 W" font_size="26"/>

					<label depth="1" name="title" pos="6,-238" width="248" height="28" text_key="lblCursorPosition" font_size="26"/>
					<sprite depth="1" name="cursorIcon" style="icon32px, press, hover" pos="9,-265" sprite="ui_game_symbol_map_cursor" tooltip="Cursor Position" tooltip_key="lblCursorPosition" sound="[paging_click]"/>
					<label depth="1" name="cursorPos" pos="50,-272" width="130" height="28" text="300 N 832 W" font_size="26"/>

					<label depth="1" name="title" pos="6,-351" width="248" height="28" text_key="lblRemoveQuickWaypoint" font_size="26"/>
					<button depth="1" name="waypointIcon" style="icon32pxRed, hover" pivot="center" on_press="true" pos="25,-394" sprite="ui_game_symbol_map_waypoint_remove" tooltip="Remove Quick Waypoint" tooltip_key="lblRemoveQuickWaypoint" />
					<label depth="1" name="waypointDistance" pos="50,-385" width="122" height="28" text="0.2 KILOMETERS" font_size="26"/>
					<rect name="content" depth="5" pos="-4,-565" height="239" controller="MapStats">	
						<sprite depth="2" name="dayTimeIcon" width="24" height="24" pos="10,16" sprite="ui_game_symbol_clock" color="[iconColor]" foregroundlayer="true"/>
						<label depth="2" name="dayTimeLabel" pos="40,14" width="250" height="28" text="{mapdaytimetitle}: [DECEA3]{mapdaytime}[-]" font_size="26" visible="{showtime}"/>					
						<sprite depth="2" name="temperatureIcon" width="24" height="24" pos="10,-16" sprite="ui_game_symbol_temperature" color="[iconColor]" foregroundlayer="true"/>
						<label depth="2" name="temperatureLabel" pos="40,-18" width="250" height="28" text="Outdoor Temp: [DECEA3]{maptemperature}[-]" font_size="26"/>
						<sprite depth="2" name="tempIcon" width="24" height="24" pos="10,-48" sprite="ui_game_symbol_light_armor" color="[iconColor]" foregroundlayer="true"/>
						<label depth="2" name="tempLabel" pos="40,-50" width="250" height="28" text="{playercoretemptitle}: [DECEA3]{playercoretemp}[-]" font_size="26"/>
						<sprite depth="2" name="windIcon" width="24" height="24" pos="10,-80" sprite="ui_game_symbol_wind" color="[iconColor]" foregroundlayer="true"/>
						<label depth="2" name="windLabel" pos="40,-82" width="250" height="28" text="{mapwindtitle}: [DECEA3]{mapwind} MPH[-]" font_size="26"/>
						<sprite depth="2" name="elevIcon" width="24" height="24" pos="10,-112" sprite="ui_game_symbol_climb" color="[iconColor]" foregroundlayer="true"/>
						<label depth="2" name="elevLabel" pos="40,-114" width="250" height="28" text="{mapelevationtitle}: [DECEA3]{mapelevation} M[-]" font_size="26"/>
		<!--Adjusted Map header width to include the new panel.-->		
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapArea']/@width">981</set>
		<!--Adjusted position of debug map overlay buttons to account for new header width.-->		
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapArea']/panel[@name='header']/button[@name='switchStaticMap']/@pos">953,-21</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapArea']/panel[@name='header']/combobox[@name='cbxStaticMapType']/@pos">723,-6</set>
		<!--Adjusted map view positioning to go where subheader used to be.-->		
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapArea']/panel[@name='content']/panel[@name='mapView']/@pos">6,-6</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapArea']/panel[@name='content']/sprite[@name='backgroundMain']/@height">716</set>	
		<!--adusted share waypoints to meet map edges.-->
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapInvites']/rect[@name='content']/grid/@rows">3</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapInvites']/panel[@name='header']/@pos">3,-7</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapInvites']/rect[@name='toolbar']/@pos">6,-56</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='mapInvites']/rect[@name='content']/@pos">0,-50</set>
	Feature: 	Crafting and burning times adjusted for easier viewing.
		Why: 	I like readability and sometimes find it hard to differentiate the crafting time and whats behind it.
	Default: 	Burn time is  a bright red that for some, is difficult to read.
				Craft time in crafting queue is white with minimal differentiation of what is behind it.
	Delete?: 	Safe to remove this section on existing games.
				To remove, delete the sections under windows and controls.
	XML's: 		windows, contols
	Code:		(windows.xml) Added a line of code of the burning time to adjust the color.
				(controls.xml) Removed original crafting timer set-up.
				(controls.xml) Appended a new timer setting that changes the color and adds a background.
		<!--Added a line of code of the burning time to adjust the color.-->
			<setattribute xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowFuel']/panel[@style='header.panel']/label[@style='header.timer']" name="color">[white]</setattribute>

		<!--5th Crafting Slot-->
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCraftingQueue']/rect/grid/@cols">5</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCraftingQueue']/rect/@pos">9,0</set>

	Feature: 	1. Wider and accurate compass with a center mark.
				2. Date and time separated and given a background for easier readability.
				3. Date and time now shown on all menus.
		Why: 	1. I like being able to walk in a straight line directly to my targeted location.
				2. I like readability and found them scrunhced together difficult. And in the way.
				3. Sometimes I spend a lot of time in the menus; its good to know the date and time.

	Default: 	Smaller compass that does not directly pinpoint the markers you are walking towards.
				Date and time under compass, close together in one color.
				Date and time is NOT shown on menus.
	Delete?: 	Safe to remove this section on existing games.
				To remove, delete this section under windows.
	XML's: 		windows
	Code:		(windows.xml) Widened and centered the compass area.
				(windows.xml) Adjusted colors of the compass backgrounds.
				(windows.xml) Adjusted the actual compass and its rotational stats.
				(windows.xml) Added a center mark on the compass.
				(windows.xml) Removed original Day and Time set-up.
				(windows.xml) Recreated Day and Time seperately with backgrounds.
				(windows.xml) Added the Day and Time onto every window.
		<!--Widened and centered the compass area.-->
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/@pos">-260,-9</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/@width">520</set>
		<!--Adjusted colors of the compass backgrounds.-->
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/sprite[@depth='0']/@color">0,0,0,255</set>	
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/sprite[@depth='0']/@width">456</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/sprite[@depth='0']/@pos">32,0</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/sprite[@depth='1']/@color">120,120,120,255</set>	
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/sprite[@depth='1']/@width">450</set>	
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/sprite[@depth='1']/@pos">35,-3</set>	

		<!--Adjusted the actual compass and its rotational stats.-->
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/texture/@width">450</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/texture/@rect_size">0.35,1</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/texture/@rect_offset">{#compass_rotation / 360 + 0.067 - 0.18},0</set>
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/texture/@pos">35,-12</set>			
		<!--Added a center mark on the compass.-->
			<append xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']">
				<label depth="20" name="TextContent" pos="69,5" width="380" height="60" text="I" font_size="60" color="22,22,22,235" justify="center"/>
		<!--Removed original Day and Time set-up.-->
			<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']/sprite[@pos='240,-60']"/>
		<!--Recreated Day and Time seperately with backgrounds.-->
			<append xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowCompass']">
				<rect name="hud" pos="-117,-1" rows="1" cols="1" width="121">
						<sprite depth="1" pos="0,-2" height="38" width="121" color="0,0,0,200" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true"/>	
						<label depth="2" name="TextContent" pos="4,-9" width="113" height="30" text="{daytitle}: [{daycolor}]{day}" font_size="28" color="[white]" justify="center" visible="{showtime}"/>	
				<rect name="hud" pos="515,-1" rows="1" cols="1" width="108" >
						<sprite depth="1" pos="0,-2" height="38" width="121" color="0,0,0,200" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true"/>	
						<label depth="2" name="TextContent" pos="4,-9" width="113" height="30" text="{timetitle}: [DECEA3]{time}" font_size="28" color="[white]" justify="center" visible="{showtime}"/>				
		<!--Added the Day and Time onto every window.-->
			<append xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowPagingHeader']">
				<sprite depth="1" name="timeBackground" width="230" height="34" pos="-345,-5" color="[black]"/>
				<sprite depth="2" name="dayTimeIcon" width="24" height="24" pos="-330,-10" sprite="ui_game_symbol_clock" color="[iconColor]" foregroundlayer="true" visible="{showtime}"/>
				<label depth="2" name="dayTimeLabel" pos="-300,-12" width="230" height="28" text="{mapdaytimetitle}: [DECEA3]{mapdaytime}[-]" font_size="22" controller="MapStats" visible="{showtime}"/>
			<append xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowNonPagingHeader']">
				<sprite depth="1" name="timeBackground" width="230" height="34" pos="-345,-5" color="[black]"/>
				<sprite depth="2" name="dayTimeIcon" width="24" height="24" pos="-330,-10" sprite="ui_game_symbol_clock" color="[iconColor]" foregroundlayer="true" visible="{showtime}"/>	
				<label depth="2" name="dayTimeLabel" pos="-300,-12" width="230" height="28" text="{mapdaytimetitle}: [DECEA3]{mapdaytime}[-]" font_size="22" controller="MapStats" visible="{showtime}"/>	

	Feature: 	Lowered toolbelt for backpack mod compatibility and added slot numbers.
		Why: 	I like compatibility of backpack mods.
				I sometimes mix up which slot is which in a quick moment.

	Default: 	Toolbelt often blocked a bit of larger backpack mods and without slot numbers.

	Delete?: 	Safe to remove this section on existing games.
				To remove, delete this section under windows.

	XML's: 		windows
	Code:		(windows.xml) Lowered the toolbelt.
				(windows.xml) Created slot numbers for each slot.

		<!--Lowered the toolbelt.-->
			<set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowToolbelt']/@pos">-377,82</set>
		<!--Created slot numbers for each slot.-->
			<append xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowToolbelt']">
				<rect name="agf10slots">
					<sprite depth="19" pos="32,10" height="13" width="14" color="0,0,0,250" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true" />		
					<label depth="20" name="slot#" pos="32,10" width="14" height="12" text="[DECEA3]1" font_size="12" color="" justify="center"/>
					<sprite depth="19" pos="107,10" height="13" width="14" color="0,0,0,250" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true" />		
					<label depth="20" name="slot#" pos="107,10" width="14" height="12" text="[DECEA3]2" font_size="12" color="" justify="center"/>	

					<sprite depth="19" pos="182,10" height="13" width="14" color="0,0,0,250" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true" />		
					<label depth="20" name="slot#" pos="182,10" width="14" height="12" text="[DECEA3]3" font_size="12" color="" justify="center"/>	

					<sprite depth="19" pos="257,10" height="13" width="14" color="0,0,0,250" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true" />		
					<label depth="20" name="slot#" pos="257,10" width="14" height="12" text="[DECEA3]4" font_size="12" color="" justify="center"/>		

					<sprite depth="19" pos="332,10" height="13" width="14" color="0,0,0,250" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true" />		
					<label depth="20" name="slot#" pos="332,10" width="14" height="12" text="[DECEA3]5" font_size="12" color="" justify="center"/>	

					<sprite depth="19" pos="407,10" height="13" width="14" color="0,0,0,250" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true" />		
					<label depth="20" name="slot#" pos="407,10" width="14" height="12" text="[DECEA3]6" font_size="12" color="" justify="center"/>	

					<sprite depth="19" pos="482,10" height="13" width="14" color="0,0,0,250" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true" />		
					<label depth="20" name="slot#" pos="482,10" width="14" height="12" text="[DECEA3]7" font_size="12" color="" justify="center"/>	

					<sprite depth="19" pos="557,10" height="13" width="14" color="0,0,0,250" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true" />		
					<label depth="20" name="slot#" pos="557,10" width="14" height="12" text="[DECEA3]8" font_size="12" color="" justify="center"/>
					<sprite depth="19" pos="632,10" height="13" width="14" color="0,0,0,250" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true" />		
					<label depth="20" name="slot#" pos="632,10" width="14" height="12" text="[DECEA3]9" font_size="12" color="" justify="center"/>

					<sprite depth="19" pos="707,10" height="13" width="14" color="0,0,0,250" type="sliced" foregroundlayer="true" />		
					<label depth="20" name="slot#" pos="707,10" width="14" height="12" text="[DECEA3]10" font_size="12" color="" justify="center"/>

	Feature: 	Viewing quest selections made easier with improved background, color, and poi_names.
	Why: 		Sometimes found it difficult to read the the selection with the transparent background.
				I prefer to know the POI from the quest options list.
	Default: 	The background of the quest selections is see-through (transparent).
				There are NO names of the POI when looking at the quest options until you select one.
				Colors are mostly white with the ingames yellowish/peach color only.	
	Delete?: 	Safe to remove this section on existing games.
				To remove, delete this section under windows.
					Within Localization, delete lines that start with "quest_".
	XML's: 		windows, Localization
	Code:		(Localization.txt) Added the POI names into the quest selection text.
				(Localization.txt) Arranged quest details in consistent order and with a color scheme.
				(windows.xml) Removed existing quest selection window.
				(windows.xml) Created new quest selection window with wider and solid background.
		<!--Removed existing quest selection window.-->
			<remove xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowResponses']"/>
		<!--Created new quest selection window with wider and solid background.-->
			<append xpath="/windows">
				<window name="windowResponses" pos="-750,0" width="700" height="320" anchor="RightCenter" cursor_area="true">
					<sprite depth="0" name="background" pos="-25,25" width="740" height="350" type="sliced" color="96,96,96,255" globalopacity="false"/>
					<sprite depth="1" name="background" pos="-20,20" width="730" height="340" type="sliced" color="0,0,0,255" globalopacity="false"/>
					<grid name="items" pos="3,-6" rows="8" cols="1" width="690" height="200" cell_width="590" cell_height="40" repeat_content="true" arrangement="vertical" controller="DialogResponseList">
						<response_entry id="0" />




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Pushed  <Version value="" /> to the repo.   XUI was edited by Sphereii to make the windows used by NPCCore more vanilla compatible.  This resolves the bug when the game errors if you decline a quest.  It may make the mod more compatible with UI mods, but that's untested.  

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31 minutes ago, xyth said:

Pushed  <Version value="" /> to the repo.   XUI was edited by Sphereii to make the windows used by NPCCore more vanilla compatible.  This resolves the bug when the game errors if you decline a quest.  It may make the mod more compatible with UI mods, but that's untested.  


Okay to add to existing game? I know NPC and SCore can be sensitive when adding to existing saves. 

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56 minutes ago, MrSamuelAdams said:


Okay to add to existing game? I know NPC and SCore can be sensitive when adding to existing saves. 

I think so, its XUI only.  I changed it on a current game and didn't notice any issues.


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So I put this into my save, and now unable to interact with trader :( 


Where can I find the download for the last version? 


So, I got the pervious version of what I had for NPCCore, and reloaded my back up save and still unable to interact with Trader? Is there any fix to that? 😕 or am I SOL?


Would a chunk reset work or do anything?


So I did a chunk reset and seemed to work. :D 


Guess can't update or touch NPC Core in a save game, least for me. Breaks talking to the trader oddly enough. 

Edited by MrSamuelAdams (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, MrSamuelAdams said:

So I put this into my save, and now unable to interact with trader :( 


Where can I find the download for the last version? 


So, I got the pervious version of what I had for NPCCore, and reloaded my back up save and still unable to interact with Trader? Is there any fix to that? 😕 or am I SOL?


Would a chunk reset work or do anything?


So I did a chunk reset and seemed to work. :D 


Guess can't update or touch NPC Core in a save game, least for me. Breaks talking to the trader oddly enough. 

Did you have an active quest in the game?  That might explain the need to reset


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So i logged back into my save....Can't talk to him again. So strange. 




So I had to do another chunk reset for it to work. So odd. 


Any idea why it keeps doing that though, why I have to chunk reset now every time I log in to talk to trader. I have to like...fly away...Forward 10 days, reset and then it works. 

Any clue what could reset it so I don't have to keep doing that lol 

Edited by MrSamuelAdams (see edit history)
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14 hours ago, MrSamuelAdams said:

So I put this into my save, and now unable to interact with trader :( 


Where can I find the download for the last version? 


So, I got the pervious version of what I had for NPCCore, and reloaded my back up save and still unable to interact with Trader? Is there any fix to that? 😕 or am I SOL?


Would a chunk reset work or do anything?


So I did a chunk reset and seemed to work. :D 


Guess can't update or touch NPC Core in a save game, least for me. Breaks talking to the trader oddly enough. 

Did you have an active quest in the game?  That might explain the need to reset


This update is unusual for the NPCCore as it involves the user interface, which hasn't changed in many alphas.  Your issue could be related to a broken quest, that got originally bugged due to the error this update prevents from happening.  Maybe removing that bugged quest will solve it, maybe not.  It could also be due to some other mod changing the UI as well.  I don't have any other ideas to offer.

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