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Check out this video that Saven's World just posted directed at The Fun Pimps


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  • Rabbitslovecactus changed the title to Check out this video that Saven's World just posted directed at The Fun Pimps

One of the most crucial problems that affect each and every player playing the game minecraft stile (by building structures) are the bugs in stability calculation. And those do not seem to be dismantled over the years and alphas, but quiet the opposite.


If the funpimps would allow the guy, who created the path optimization for alpha 17, to rectify the ridiculous buggy implementation of the stability model, i bet a rather big chunk of players would be thankful and glad about that decision. I would even go so far as to completely redirect all efforts that have gone into pathing stupidities since A17 - which are so perfectly pointedly described here by Rabbitslovecactus - to correcting those crucial, deep underlying bugs that strew salt into the otherwise outstanding gaming concept. Since years already.

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every alpha someone like Saven  claims to know what motivates TFP and how decisions are made; they have always been wrong.  just like when i yell at my tv screen, telling the coach that he was an idiot for going for 4th and 1.  thankfully, TFP just keeps on doing their work, and we keep getting a better game

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