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Is there a tutorial for a dev-environment to create a server-manager or something like this?

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Hello all,


I have a fairly busy server and also use a server manager for ports and stuff.
So far, so good.


Unfortunately, I miss a few functions in this server manager, but can not extend it myself because this is mainly closed source.
Which is perfectly ok.


But now the question. If I want to create my own server manager, what would I need for it?

I have seen that in the main C# is needed for it and that certainly in connection with Visual Studio.
This shouldn't really be a problem in principle, but unfortunately I have no idea how to get started.


Is there somewhere a tutorial or documentation for this or other information that would help me to realize this?

If someone can give me some smart hints, that would be great.


Thank you in advance.

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3 minutes ago, dwarfmaster1974 said:

Hello all,


I have a fairly busy server and also use a server manager for ports and stuff.
So far, so good.


Unfortunately, I miss a few functions in this server manager, but can not extend it myself because this is mainly closed source.
Which is perfectly ok.


But now the question. If I want to create my own server manager, what would I need for it?

I have seen that in the main C# is needed for it and that certainly in connection with Visual Studio.
This shouldn't really be a problem in principle, but unfortunately I have no idea how to get started.


Is there somewhere a tutorial or documentation for this or other information that would help me to realize this?

If someone can give me some smart hints, that would be great.


Thank you in advance.


You're basically asking for a tutorial on topic "How to become a C# programmer", because that's what you would need to achieve your goal. Don't get me wrong, I would be the last person who would want to say anything discouraging here, but please do keep in mind that learning any programming language with no previous experience in programming is hard, it requires a lot of dedication, active self improvement by trial and error, because it's all about constant learning of new technical things by doing things. Again, not to discourage you, I'm just telling you what to expect if you decide to take this path and this would be the best time to really consider whether it's actually for you or not. If you do take this path, great, if not, nobody will blame you or anything. If you have no previous experience in programming, you need to start with basic principles first, mostly general rules in programming that aren't even about the specific programming language you want to learn in the end, but luckily there are learning materials and books for beginners that save you a lot of time, because if you have no previous experience, you may as well learn the basics by learning your target programming language. A good programming handbook for beginners usually also explains how to install the IDE - Visual Studio in your case.


Check out this 9 Best C# Books for Beginners article. Just pick one to get started, good luck. :)

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