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It is a good feeling when you just finish your roof and it starts to rain


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There's something about being rained on in this game... Even when I'm in the forest and the temp is fine, I don't like it. I think it's the way the notification is like, "YOU ARE WET" and tracks your percentage like you're supposed to do something about it. Like you're gonna die  or turn into a fish  or something if it hits 100%. Makes me feel bad when I get rained on. If I have to get in the water for any reason, I want to run home and change into dry clothes.  Like I need to fix it so the game will stop telling me about it. LOL


I was up working on my roof today too. Fixed those weird damaged frame blocks and then painted it. "Tan metal roof" I think was the color. It wasn't raining, thankfully, because then I would have felt weird about painting in the rain. bombshelter_md_01 is turning into a beautiful home. 


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lol the rain drives me crazy, I don't like it AT ALL and just turn it off in the console every time it starts.  This is literally the only change I make to the game that could be considered an advantage.   I just find it depressing for some reason.  Maybe because in an earlier alpha the weather would change when you switched biomes, I remember crossing into wasteland and boom the rain starts every single time.

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