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Saving Prefabs in World Editor - Wiring / J and L function live servers.


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I've legit just made this account so I can ask if anybody knows how I can fix this issue. There is 0 info about this anywhere I can see.

I have built a building in prefab editor and wired a bunch of doors, traps, lights etc. I've gone ahead and saved the prefab so I can load it into a world (either a save or world editor). Anytime I load the prefab I have built, the wiring has NOT saved with it and neither does any of the batteries or fuel I have loaded into the generators and battery banks. Is this normal?


Basically I'm creating a little trap base for some mates for some fun and cant do it on live servers as the "[J] and [L] clear and fill" functions don't work on live servers which make a 40 hour build into a bloody 400 hour build - this forces me to use the prefab editor so I can place large amounts of blocks at once but then none of the wiring saves -.- (so now basically limited no matter what path I choose) 



Is there a way to enable the J and L clear and fill functions in a live friends only server?


Is there a way to save all wiring in the prefab builder so I can transfer the build with all the wiring intact into a live server?






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  • 5 months later...
On 12/23/2021 at 3:35 AM, Gizzy said:

Is there a way to save all wiring in the prefab builder so I can transfer the build with all the wiring intact into a live server?


5 hours ago, Nova1021 said:

I'm running into the same issue

In the save folder for your prefab is a power.dat file. That file has the wiring, batteries, engines, etc. data in it. You could try copying that file to your new world, but it would wipe out any previous wiring in that world.

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