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Alpha 20 Experimental Dedicated Server Update Error Please Help


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Hey everyone this is my first time posting. I have never really had issues with 7dtd Dedicated servers before but alpha 20 each time it updates keeps giving me the same error. I know the logical thing is to just not update the server but I am genuinely curious if there is a way to fix this;

2021-12-17T22:47:54 48.359 WRN Entry missing 'platform' or 'userid' attribute: <player id="76561198050848788" lastlogin="2021-01-04 21:37:01"><acl id="76561198002951184" /><acl id="76561198002963344" /><lpblock pos="-1696,61,782" /><bedroll pos="-1701,67,772" /></player>
2021-12-17T22:47:54 48.359 ERR player-entry has missing or invalid user-identifier attributes: <player id="76561198050848788" lastlogin="2021-01-04 21:37:01"><acl id="76561198002951184" /><acl id="76561198002963344" /><lpblock pos="-1696,61,782" /><bedroll pos="-1701,67,772" /></player>



I assume...;

ERR player-entry has missing or invalid user-identifier attributes:


...Is the problem. Any idea how to remedy this? Any help is appreciated. 

Edited by Brpetrella (see edit history)
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  • Brpetrella changed the title to Alpha 20 Experimental Dedicated Server Update Error Please Help

I was going to post on this as well, but was able to resolve the issue, but it was a PITA. Here are the steps I took to resolve the issue (hopefully it doesn't come back)


1) Save your server world(s), serverconfig, and mods folder somewhere else.

2) Uninstall 7d2d dedicated server

3) Install 7d2d Alpha 19.5 server (I had to do this because reinstalling A20 did not fix the issue)

4) Update to A20 experimental from 19.5

5) Copy back over your world(s), serverconfig, and mods folder.


I hope this resolves your issue as well.


Side note: I guess if this happened to you as well then it might be a bug and not a fluke like I thought it might be. However, I did not have as long of an error as you did. Personally my error was just the WRN Entry missing 'platform' or 'userid' attribute: <player id="76561198050848788" lastlogin="2021-01-04 21:37:01"> (with my last login showing 2019-11-01 which is definitely not accurate)

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I'm having the same problem as well. This is the second time I've had this. The first time was when they did the first update to the A20 beta so I thought it was related to that and created a new game. However, using the above suggestion, it still persists when adding my game save to the new download even when first installing the 19.5 then updating to the beta.


2021-12-18T0b:06:44 44.456 ERR player-entry has missing or invalid user-identifier attributes: (player id="76561198069146422" lastlogin="2020-06-17 19:56:04" />


I will try with a fresh game after starting with the 19.5 then updating to the beta to see if the problem continues.

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In my humble opinion going back to 19.5 is not the solution. As a checklist here some stuff you should have done or do now:


1) Install Microsoft Visual C Redistributables 2022 if you don't have it already, maybe even reinstall it(?) even if you do


2) Look at your virus scanner. Are the directories where your savegames are stored and the games directory inside steam excluded from scanning? (I'm on a different OS and don't need to do this so I'm a bit unsure which dir is the important one to exclude, so my advice is to do both). You don't want to exclude all of steam as you still want games to be checked by your scanner. And once 7D2D is out of EA you should remove the exception on the game directory again.


3) Start the game launcher, switch to the Tools-tab, select the last option in that list, check all boxes and start it. This will delete all settings, all generated world on the local machine, all save games. If you wanna keep a world and savegame, make a backup before doing this.


4) Delete the game's directory by hand, i.e. not through steam but with Windows Explorer. Revalidate the game through steam, it will take some time. The current version should now be A20 b233. If you have a separate dedicated server, revalidate that one too.


5) Now that everything is clean, add the serverconfig.xml to the dedicated server if you have one. Make sure there is a line with "ZombieFeralSense" in it, otherwise you used a 19.5 serverconfig.xml as basis, that would not be good.


6) Whatever world you are creating or starting, it should have a unique name so it never can interfer with any worlds reloaded from backup. The easiest way to insure that is to have the string "A20" in all world names you create for A20.


7) Play the game. If it still doesn't work, come back here, make a new thread, read

https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/?do=getNewComment and follow iits advice how to post your logfile.



Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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10 minutes ago, meganoth said:

1) Install Microsoft Visual C Redistributables 2022 if you don't have it already, maybe even reinstall it(?) even if you do


Some people also noted that they had previous version of this on their computer and once they deleted the previous versions (and just had 2022 installed), it fixed issues they were seeing.


Not sure if this is true, but something to look into.

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1 hour ago, BFT2020 said:


Some people also noted that they had previous version of this on their computer and once they deleted the previous versions (and just had 2022 installed), it fixed issues they were seeing.


Not sure if this is true, but something to look into.

I would hold off on doing this unless you have tried everything else (I know I am quoting my own post).  The previous versions may be needed for other software / games so deleting old files might cause issues elsewhere.

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