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JaxTeller718 Presents The Vanilla Project (A20)


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40 minutes ago, HYper said:

i'm confused now, i have a lot of sticks and wood log but i need wood to upgrade my blocks.. how do i get that or was that supposed to be removed? i'm trying to build a horde base but now i cant upgrade my cube frames.



Do you have the latest version of the mod? its on 1.2. If so and this is still occurring i will post a fix shortly

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59 minutes ago, HYper said:

i'm confused now, i have a lot of sticks and wood log but i need wood to upgrade my blocks.. how do i get that or was that supposed to be removed? i'm trying to build a horde base but now i cant upgrade my cube frames.



You are correct. Good find. I fixed Repairs but not Upgrades. It is now fixed. Grab a redownload and it should be good to go. Sorry about that

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oh thanks! i was about to say i realized i had to scrap the wood log but the process is twice as long. ill try the re-upload/fix now.


Edit: (working remote so i can test lol. gave me red errors when loading, don't think it worked)

said at end of error "@name has invalid token"


Edit #2: i messed around with the blocks.xml file and edited the upgrade section to say: @name and @value and it worked, dk if i did it right but i can upgrade again, just fyi for those that have similar issue.

thanks Jax for all the great mods!

Edited by HYper (see edit history)
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I got red text when trying to load 1.2 today.

2021-12-15T15:04:15 147.453 WRN XML patch for "blocks.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-TheVanillaProject" did not apply: <set xpath="//drop[@event='Harvest' and @name='terrDestroyedWoodDebris' and @count='70']/@count"  (line 292 at pos 3)
2021-12-15T15:04:15 147.458 WRN XML patch for "blocks.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-TheVanillaProject" did not apply: <set xpath="//drop[@event='Harvest' and @name='terrDestroyedWoodDebris' and @count='110']/@count"  (line 293 at pos 3)
2021-12-15T15:04:15 147.463 WRN XML patch for "blocks.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-TheVanillaProject" did not apply: <set xpath="//drop[@event='Harvest' and @name='terrDestroyedWoodDebris' and @count='150']/@count"  (line 294 at pos 3)
2021-12-15T15:04:15 147.493 ERR XML loader: Patching 'blocks.xml' from mod 'JaxTeller718-TheVanillaProject' failed:
2021-12-15T15:04:15 147.498 EXC XML.Patch (/JaxTeller718/set, line 301 at pos 3): XPath evaluation failed: '//property[@class='UpgradeBlock']/property[@name='Item and @value='resourceWood'']/@name' has an invalid token.
  at XmlPatcher.singlePatch (XmlFile _targetFile, System.Xml.XmlElement _patchElement, System.String _patchName) [0x001d3] in <121d1e4a719c47f49c224fa4fc9d63b1>:0 
  at XmlPatcher.PatchXml (XmlFile _xmlFile, XmlFile _patchXml, System.String _patchName) [0x00041] in <121d1e4a719c47f49c224fa4fc9d63b1>:0 
  at XmlPatcher+<LoadAndPatchConfig>d__0.MoveNext () [0x00210] in <121d1e4a719c47f49c224fa4fc9d63b1>:0 
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

And some WRNs if they suit your fancy.

2021-12-15T15:04:31 163.145 INF Loaded (local): item_modifiers
2021-12-15T15:04:31 163.204 WRN XML patch for "entityclasses.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-TheVanillaProject" did not apply: <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='zombieBoe']/property[@name='MoveSpeedAggro']/@value"  (line 94 at pos 3)
2021-12-15T15:04:31 163.204 WRN XML patch for "entityclasses.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-TheVanillaProject" did not apply: <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='zombieMoe']/property[@name='MoveSpeedAggro']/@value"  (line 97 at pos 3)
2021-12-15T15:04:31 163.204 WRN XML patch for "entityclasses.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-TheVanillaProject" did not apply: <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='zombieLab']/property[@name='MoveSpeedAggro']/@value"  (line 99 at pos 3)
2021-12-15T15:04:31 163.205 WRN XML patch for "entityclasses.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-TheVanillaProject" did not apply: <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='zombieScreamer']/property[@name='MoveSpeedAggro']/@value"  (line 100 at pos 3)
2021-12-15T15:04:31 163.205 WRN XML patch for "entityclasses.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-TheVanillaProject" did not apply: <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='zombieDarlene']/property[@name='MoveSpeedAggro']/@value"  (line 101 at pos 3)
2021-12-15T15:04:31 163.205 WRN XML patch for "entityclasses.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-TheVanillaProject" did not apply: <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='zombieYo']/property[@name='MoveSpeedAggro']/@value"  (line 103 at pos 3)
2021-12-15T15:04:31 163.205 WRN XML patch for "entityclasses.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-TheVanillaProject" did not apply: <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='zombieSteveCrawler']/property[@name='MoveSpeedAggro']/@value"  (line 105 at pos 3)
2021-12-15T15:04:31 163.206 WRN XML patch for "entityclasses.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-TheVanillaProject" did not apply: <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='zombieUtilityWorker']/property[@name='MoveSpeedAggro']/@value"  (line 113 at pos 3)
2021-12-15T15:04:31 163.207 WRN XML patch for "entityclasses.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-TheVanillaProject" did not apply: <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='zombieJanitor']/property[@name='MoveSpeedAggro']/@value"  (line 119 at pos 3)

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i edited this line myself as the dl i belive hasn't been upped still (or the link hasn't been updated):


<set xpath="//property[@class='UpgradeBlock']/property[@name and @value='resourceWood']/@name">resourceWoodPlanksJT</set>


the "@name and " is what i edited and now no red and working..however, it won't tell you what you used, almost like unlimited, to me. but it works.

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discovered something else but it may not be this mod... is coffee affected? i cant craft that and i have the chef perk 1 and have the ingredients but campfire dont show up with it.


edit: nm, its the other mod from jax, i need a coffeemaker now lol. (the changes, i need to remember them, haha)

Edited by HYper (see edit history)
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I just subscribed to the forums to thank you for doing this mod and your modlets! 

I have some questions/feedback:

- When upgrading from shape to wood, it doesn't use planks in inventory, is it normal ?
- Action skills don't seem to work. I needed to install it separately from your other post.

I really like how your mod extends the gameplay and need more crafting to do things. It feels more survival and less shooting festival. Keep up the good work!

(Sorry for any mistakes, english is not my mother's tongue)

Edited by Cendar (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, Cendar said:

I just subscribed to the forums to thank you for doing this mod and your modlets! 

I have some questions/feedback:

- When upgrading from shape to wood, it doesn't use planks in inventory, is it normal ?
- Action skills don't seem to work. I needed to install it separately from your other post.

I really like how your mod extends the gameplay and need more crafting to do things. It feels more survival and less shooting festival. Keep up the good work!

(Sorry for any mistakes, english is not my mother's tongue)

I will look into why the Action Skills on this one are not working correctly. If you place any of my other modlets into this one I am not sure if there will be issues. I am not developing this to work with other modlets (simply because it will be impossible to ensure they work with the changes to wood and rocks etc) but i will have a look and hopefully I can get it to work properly. That goes for both above posts.

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18 hours ago, JaxTeller718 said:

...If you place any of my other modlets into this one I am not sure if there will be issues. I am not developing this to work with other modlets (simply because it will be impossible to ensure they work with the changes to wood and rocks etc) but i will have a look and hopefully I can get it to work properly...

Oh yes, you're right! I should have specified I tried with only The Vanilla Project mod and none others.

To be sure, I started a new game on a generated map with only The Vanilla Project. It's the same: upgrading from shape to wood don't use planks and Action Skills don't appear on the skills menu ingame.

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42 minutes ago, Cendar said:

Oh yes, you're right! I should have specified I tried with only The Vanilla Project mod and none others.

To be sure, I started a new game on a generated map with only The Vanilla Project. It's the same: upgrading from shape to wood don't use planks and Action Skills don't appear on the skills menu ingame.

Ok thank you for the report and my apologies for this. I am fixing this now

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13 minutes ago, JaxTeller718 said:

Ok thank you for the report and my apologies for this. I am fixing this now

I have a fix in for Action Skills. Sorry about that, this MAY wipe out current games.


As for wood frame not using wood it seems like this happens in vanilla too. Frame Shapes is a "freebie" it seems. Since you are using wood to make the shape it does not take anything when you upgrade the wood frame blocks which is .... weird. I may add it myself so that it makes a bit more sense. i will post here when this update is ready.

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37 minutes ago, JaxTeller718 said:

I have a fix in for Action Skills. Sorry about that, this MAY wipe out current games.


As for wood frame not using wood it seems like this happens in vanilla too. Frame Shapes is a "freebie" it seems. Since you are using wood to make the shape it does not take anything when you upgrade the wood frame blocks which is .... weird. I may add it myself so that it makes a bit more sense. i will post here when this update is ready.

Thanks! It's not a problem, for science, I'm ready to restart a new game if I must. ;)

For the wood frames, I'm sorry, but in vanilla A20, without mods, building a wood frame cost 2 wood and upgrading it to a wood block uses 8 wood more. Maybe you should check if your installation is not corrupted by something else? 🤔

Edited by Cendar (see edit history)
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4 minutes ago, Cendar said:

Thanks! It's not a problem, I'm ready to restart a new game if I must. ;)

For the wood frames, I'm sorry, but in vanilla A20, without mods, building a wood frame cost 2 wood and upgrading it to a wood block uses 8 wood more. Maybe you should check if your installation is not corrupted by something else? 🤔

It's not I made an assumption without looking lol. You are correct. But this is all fixed now, i tested upgrading and repairing and opening the skills screen and everything shows. Thank you again for pointing this out. I do believe this is all fixed up now and ready for a long term game,


here's the notes. File is updated


-Fix for Action Skills Not Showing
-Fixed Stone Axe, Hammer and Nailgun not using Wood Planks for Upgrades
-Removed Buying Action Skills. Purchasing skills would not work with levelling through usage. You still had to buy the skill making LBD useless
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Is it possible to reintroduce the old block upgrade system to the game? Where you could upgrade blocks like: Wood --> Reinforced Wood --> Iron Reinforced Wood --> Cobblestone --> Concrete --> Reinforced Concrete --> Steel? Thank you for the action skills fix. I'm excited to try that out.

Sorry forgot to ask. What is the new name for the blunderbuss? I can't seem to find it in the crafting menu.

Edited by LastTugBoat243 (see edit history)
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5 minutes ago, LastTugBoat243 said:

Is it possible to reintroduce the old block upgrade system to the game? Where you could upgrade blocks like: Wood --> Reinforced Wood --> Iron Reinforced Wood --> Cobblestone --> Concrete --> Reinforced Concrete --> Steel? Thank you for the action skills fix. I'm excited to try that out.

I would LOVE to but they removed all of those textures AND removed the ability to put the wet concrete drying as well. :(  Just more wonderful removals from the game each alpha

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There is a mod that does the same thing. You could see you could make it compatible with this pack if that's possible. Link to mod --> (https://7daystodiemods.com/gk-old-system-upgrade/) Hey btw is the current file updated to 1.5? I Did a fresh install of alpha 20 with the mod and started a new world in Navesgame with default settings but didn't see the action skill points you had shown in the screenshot.

Is very much a shame that the fun pimps seem to be doing away with a lot of very nice features in the game. Its only gonna get worse it seems.


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