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JaxTeller718 Presents The Vanilla Project (A20)


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57 minutes ago, Loucetios said:

That's what I use. The problem is, the trees aren't dropping the logs to make the modded wood, making it wasteful.


Should also be noted, all trees drop the same amount of wood logs (if applicable) no matter the tier, grown or natural. Would be nice to have them smaller amounts for lesser tiers. Capping at 5 seems fair enough since you can get easy amounts of stacks from just a few.

The trees in my installation drop the logs Are you just talking about the tree in your screenshot?


I was just mentioning the wood debris because its material per harvest makes no sense. Like how do get +4 wood debris from breaking one wood debris?


Also the thing with the the amount of logs based on the trees tier is a pretty cool idea. :)

Edited by LastTugBoat243 (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, LastTugBoat243 said:


The trees in my installation drop the logs Are you just talking about the tree in your screenshot?


I was just mentioning the wood debris because its material per harvest makes no sense. Like how do get +4 wood debris from breaking one wood debris?


Also the thing with the the amount of logs based on the trees tier is a pretty cool idea. :)


Just that tree type. The others work perfectly fine.

1 hour ago, Loucetios said:

That's what I use. The problem is, the trees aren't dropping the logs to make the modded wood, making it wasteful.


Should also be noted, all trees drop the same amount of wood logs (if applicable) no matter the tier, grown or natural. Would be nice to have them smaller amounts for lesser tiers. Capping at 5 seems fair enough since you can get easy amounts of stacks from just a few.


I have also recently just discovered wolves drop pork meat, and drop more (even coyotes) than a boar/pig themself. iirc a boar only dropped (without perks) 4 pieces and a dire wolf dropped about 7 - 9. The coyote dropped the same as the dire wolf. The dire wolf could be understandable since it's a beefed up regular wolf, but the coyotes are very easy to kill and appear semi-common in the desert. Could this be retuned to be reduced if possible? I only suggest it because you can combine the meat to make bacon and eggs very easily just by killing one or 2 coyotes to get food for about 4 days.


This mod is coming out amazing and is looking really good Jaxteller, keep it up!

Edited by Loucetios (see edit history)
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So I've discovered a few new things.


The tree below and similar dead trees drops terrain debris for wood, which reverts into 4 planks instead of wood logs.



Upon upgrading wood log spike from 1st Frame Tier requires the default wood instead of planks


Trader's heads will no longer turn (idk if implied or not, but I noticed their heads do not follow the player anymore)


Scrapping Old Chairs (and probably similar wooden ones) gives default wood instead of planks.


I will of course update this post with new bugs or discovered things to help surface and fix problems until updated.


Unpausing or pressing Esc out of the player menu or entering a Trader's inventory causes a lag spike (might just be me).


Traders could sell primitive ammunition alongside their pipe weapons they sell by default (to help fill in the ammunition counterpart role)


Dire Wolves, Coyotes, and Regular Wolves drop Pork (up to date) in quantity of 7 - 9 while Boars (pork-wise) drop 4 pieces.

Updated post. Hope this helps!

Edited by Loucetios (see edit history)
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On 1/16/2022 at 8:21 PM, LastTugBoat243 said:

These new Blocks are cool but the reinforced scrap iron block shape costs the same as the normal one they both cost 10 iron.image.thumb.png.4842e01049f4863f5bd58cce12e04733.png


Hi LastTugBoat243


In the next update of my mod it will be fixed, although it is not a big bug, you can live with it.
But it can still be fixed by Jaxteller for his Vanilla project mod.

5 hours ago, NightwindArts said:

How can we turn off the cave generation system? It's broken and keeps spawning caves right under the surface so that when you pick something up, the entire cave system collapses and destroys any POIs that it's under. This also affects trader areas as well.


Hi NightwindArts


Go into the 0-Score folder -> Config folder -> blocks.xml file -> Find CaveEnabled and change it from true to false, that should work.

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11 hours ago, Loucetios said:

Hey just checking in to make sure everything is okay. Been pretty quiet for over a week and didn't know if the author was on break or if a roadblock was hit or something. Love the mod either way, just curious.

I’ve been curious myself. But I didn’t wanna say anything.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I did some testing with the cave generation system, and it seems like the Sebastian-style generation was an issue, it starts at 1 block below surface level, and can never go deeper. If the terrain drops, the cave will get more shallow. So to bypass this, I changed the generation style to Legacy, it can still generate some issues randomly, but it should no longer sticks to the surface level, it will also generate actual prefabs and spawn points in the caves, no longer just blank caves. Sometimes I noticed that it gets an error where it will not generate pathing between cave cells, this seem to be dependent on the noisetype used but I'm not sure. This still makes interesting cavern nodes underground that will make  digging around a lot more interesting and meaningful.


With Legacy generation loading times will also be a lot faster compared to the Sebastian, as it took on larger maps up to 15 minutes just to generate the caves (sebastian) and around 1 minute (legacy). I'm still testing on what Noisetype it would generate caves that do not collapse on large scale. So far what I have found that do not work: Perlin, PerlinFractal, Cellular. What does seem to work is Simplex, with around 1h of testing I could not generate a cave system even in desert that would cause a huge cave system collapses or chain reactions. Also it seems like with Simplex it tends to avoid generating pathing between nodes when under poi's. 

However, entrances to caves don't seem to be generated, so it is up to you to find them by digging around, although they are really common with these settings, cave nodes spread across almost whole map, so anywhere you dig you are not far away from something interesting. Some of them are just single nodes that aren't connected, but some of them are enormous networks that take irl days to discover completely. The settings that I'm using currently for these results, you need to edit the code in Blocks.xml under (game directory)\Mods\0-SCore\Config.



				<property name="Logging" value="false"/>
				<property name="CaveEnabled" value="true"/>

				<!-- Legacy is the original style.  Sebastian is an alternative, FastNosieSIMD -->
				<property name="GenerationType" value="Legacy" />
				<!-- Generate cave system only in mountains (above terrain height 100, or random through the map. All for every chunk has a cave system ) -->
				<!-- Deep Mountains will produce up to 100 levels, or until it reaches bedrock. This could cause lag during generation and an FPS drop. -->
				<property name="CaveType" value="Random" />
				<!-- Mountains, Random, All, DeepMountains -->

				<!-- Default is up to 5 levels, depending on depth of terrain. Note: This value is ignored if DeepMountains is selected -->
				<property name="MaxCaveLevels"  value="5" />

				<!-- How many cave clusters to create on a map. This value only takes effect when CaveType is Random  -->
				<property name="CaveCluster" value="50" />

				<!-- How many chunks to include per cluster. This value only takes effect when CaveType is Random -->
				<property name="CavesClusterSize" value="20" />

				<!-- RigidMulti, Billow, or FBM-->
				<!-- Default is RigidMulti-->
				<property name="FractalType" value="FBM" />

				<!-- Cellular, Cubic, CubicFractal, Perlin, PerlinFractal, Simplex, SimplexFractal, Value, ValueFractal, WhiteNoise -->
				<!-- Default is a SimplexFractal -->
				<property name="NoiseType" value="Simplex" />

				<!-- Determines what level of a noise threshold to drop a cave Block -->
				<!-- Higher numbers will result in more open caves horizontally -->
				<property name="CaveThresholdXZ" value="0.30"/>

				<!-- Determines what level of a noise threshold to drop down a level on the Y axis, making deeper caves. -->
				<!-- higher numbers will result in more vertical drops. A lower number, less so. -->
				<property name="CaveThresholdY" value="0.01"/>

				<!-- CavePOIs are placed where there is an isolated block (only one side of the block has air ), and a random roll between 0 to 100. Adjust this random roll here.-->
				<property name="POIRandomRoll" value="8" />
				<!-- 10% chance -->

				<!--https://leatherbee.org/index.php/2018/10/24/perlin-and-simplex-noise/#:~:text=Lacunarity%20and%20gain%20measure%20how,amplitude%20of%20the%20previous%20octave. -->
				<!-- Small adjustments are recommended. Large adjustments are.... inconsistent. -->
				<property name="Octaves" value="3"/>
				<property name="Lacunarity" value="1"/>
				<property name="Gain" value="0.5"/>
				<property name="Frequency" value="0.04"/>
				<property name="CavePOIs" value="Chiko_SCcave_01,Chiko_SCcave_02,Chiko_SCcave_03,Chiko_SCcave_04,Chiko_SCcave_05,Chiko_SCcave_06,Chiko_SCcave_07" />
				<property name="DeepCavePrefabs" value="Chiko_SCcave_08,Chiko_SCcave_09,Chiko_SCcave_11,Chiko_SCcave_12,Chiko_SCcave_13,Chiko_SCcave_14" />
				<!-- removed chiko 10 for investigation -->
				<property name="MaxPrefabPerChunk" value="1" />
				<property name="PrefabSister" value="garage_02,remnant_oldwest_06,cemetery_01,abandoned_house_01,house_burnt_06,vacant_lot_01,mp_waste_bldg_05_grey,oldwest_coal_factory,diner_03" />



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Yes. With these settings it's almost like houses in a city everywhere in the map, but in city areas the pathways are missing between nodes. Dig down a one block size tunnel, crouch in and go all the way there, move camera glitch it past the terrain and you can see underground nodes, or just change to god mode, fly mode and toggle collision, and go down past the terrain to investigate closer. Zombies spawn in nodes once you get closer. In wilderness pathways exist, but entrances to underground still dont generate. 

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Also a little thing, I was on my way back from a mission and I spotted a birds nest on the ground. So I stopped my bike and picked out the contents of the nest. Didn't think anything of it. But then I started hearing the sound of falling dirt and boom! I fell into a cave. But it didn't just stop there the ground all around fell in plus my bike! I grabbed my bike and got out but the hole kept getting bigger and swallowing more dirt. Eventually it stopped but before it was done it destroyed a POI. I think the cave generated too close to the surface and that's why it happened. But thought I should share.😊image.thumb.png.7db922a4107ef0b347b9c490b3c0d8c5.pngimage.thumb.png.202d05b18a761d4d09ee07b9eb3f8476.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

These are the mods I'm currently using with The Vanilla Project.





Better corpses ! 1.0 (Alpha 20)



3 Seater Gyrocopter V1.0








Edited by LastTugBoat243
I don't think the forum likes me showing file explorer (see edit history)
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1 minute ago, strigne said:

Two things I really miss from the old builds was not being able to tell if a zombie was actually dead which let them get back up and surprise you sometimes (did I imagine this?) and zombies corpses degenerating into terrain.

Are you talking about the zombies turning into decaying zombie corpse's?

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