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Help me fix this code

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<remove xpath="items/item[@name='gunRifleT2LeverActionRifle' or @name='gunMGT1AK47' or @name='gunMGT2TacticalAR' or @name='gunMGT0PipeMachineGun']/@value">




i want to remove all 762mm ammo from the lists of these guns but it doesnt work


adding ammo with <append> works fine

Edited by DerRadikaleRichard (see edit history)
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39 minutes ago, DerRadikaleRichard said:

<remove xpath="items/item[@name='gunRifleT2LeverActionRifle' or @name='gunMGT1AK47' or @name='gunMGT2TacticalAR' or @name='gunMGT0PipeMachineGun']/@value">




i want to remove all 762mm ammo from the lists of these guns but it doesnt work


adding ammo with <append> works fine


Hi Richard


I think you are missing a / before the word items, it sure works for you.

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5 minutes ago, DerRadikaleRichard said:

i know i allways edited the vanilla xmls in the past but then my mod is incompatible with most other mods


If your mod is incompatible with other mods, it is because they apply something the same as yours (items, loot, blocks, etc), but it is easy to correct them.
You say that adding "append" works for you, then apply it that way.

Apply using "set xpath" instead of "remove" and see if it works for you.

But change the type of ammunition, the one you want to serve only in those weapons.

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I think you don't have the full path for it.  Try this instead

<remove xpath="/items/item[@name='gunRifleT2LeverActionRifle' or @name='gunMGT1AK47' or @name='gunMGT2TacticalAR' or @name='gunMGT0PipeMachineGun']/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Magazine_items']">


However, that removes the ammo value completely.  If you are changing the ammo, you should just do set xpath as recommended by Gouki or append

Edited by BFT2020 (see edit history)
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If you are trying to remove just part of the attribute, you would need to use removeattribute


The code for that would be



<removeattribute xpath="/items/item[@name='gunRifleT2LeverActionRifle' or @name='gunMGT1AK47' or @name='gunMGT2TacticalAR' or @name='gunMGT0PipeMachineGun']/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Magazine_items']/@value">
</removeattribute > 
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