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POI's Within Trader Protected Radius


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This isn't a bug as much as an issue with POI placement. I was playing solo and exploring a new power substation POI that happened to be right next to a trader, and (unknown to me) within the protected block radius.


While exploring, one section of the floor gave out, dropping my character into a pit with zombies. Normally, after killing the zombies, you'd be able to break blocks or frame-pillar back out, but because of the protected block status, I was unable to do place or break any blocks and became stuck in the pit.

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I can't recommend enough to use a mod to turn off trader protection (if solo). When there will be mods for the A20 ...
In the meantime I guess you used the god mode to get out of there? F1 Open console -> Type dm -> close console -> Type Q to activate god mode and flying (if solo)

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In this case, God mode was the best solution. But the issue could still apply on a server, where God mode or teleporting may or may not be available.


Long run, looking at the code for POI placement to ensure those types of "trap" POIs don't end up in protected zones should be looked at.

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11 hours ago, meganoth said:

On a server the player just has to wait for nightfall when he is automatically expelled from the trader premises


That's not really a good solution. They either need to make sure POIs can't be placed inside the protection, or shrink the protection down. It's always been a bit too big as it can reach across a street into other POIs. That's a problem, especially with how dense it can be around traders now.

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