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Player level or experience dependent recipes


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Hello survivors,


is it possible to make recipes so that, for example, a recipe is only unlocked when I have a certain level or a certain amount of XP. NOT perk or learnable things. That will not fit my target.


My idea would be to make ammunition cheaper for an easier start on our server.

The higher you go in the level, the more expensive it will be.


Is that possible?

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3 hours ago, dwarfmaster1974 said:

Hello survivors,


is it possible to make recipes so that, for example, a recipe is only unlocked when I have a certain level or a certain amount of XP. NOT perk or learnable things. That will not fit my target.


My idea would be to make ammunition cheaper for an easier start on our server.

The higher you go in the level, the more expensive it will be.


Is that possible?


Yes, it is certainly possible to do this using player level.


You will need to use a perk to manage the recipe unlocks and the scaling of the ammo cost.  Look at how the   tags="perkAdvancedEngineering"  is used in both the progression and recipes files to see how the cost scaling is done.   Set up the perk with a base_skill_point_cost="0" and use level requirements similar to the below:

<level_requirements level="5"><requirement name="PlayerLevel" operation="GTE" value="25" desc_key="reqPlayerLevel25"/></level_requirements>



You can then use a buff the automatically increment the perk level when the player level reaches the right number.  Use the following example in the buffStatusCheck01 to see how you can trigger a small buff to run that will increment your perk based on player level change:

            <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="AddBuff" buff="buffLevelUpTracking">
                <requirement name="PlayerLevel" operation="GT" value="@$LastPlayerLevel"/>




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