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No power in POI's


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One thing is that they are painted as if lighted. To change that you would probably need to paint them dark and substitute their models (which needs more than xml). But if you can live with that small discrepancy there is also the actual light they emit and that seems to be changeable just with some xml edits. Just check out their xml and change values that seems to be about lighting.


I just looked into Data/Config/blocks.xml and searched for "light". Found the block "porchLight01" and in there a line "<property name="Light" value="0.5"/>". My guess is that if you remove that line or change it to "0" in all porchlight blocks you will see a much darker world.


Nice thing is that many other lighted blocks seem to inherit that value from the porchLight blocks (via "Extends" properties), so you even darkened a lot of POIs inside with a few small changes. I couldn't find more blocks with the Light property, changing these could possibly be all you need to do


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Yup.. tried changing the light property and it had no effect. I was able to do what I wanted by making the Shape property to invisible but that also meant that no place in the world would have any light fixtures. I also replaced a light with a non-light block and changed the class from "Light" to nothing and that works as well. But that means changing each block with some new block. 


As I have said, I spent over 10 hours looking at all of the xml trying a ton of different combinations with no luck. But I really appreciate you taking the time to try and help. The only REAL way to fix this from what I can figure out would be to load EACH POI in the program and manually turn off all of the lights then save the POI, which take a really long time and be broken when A20 comes out.

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11 hours ago, Dayhawk said:

OK so after yet another day I finally figured out a solution. So it will take me a bit but I will have a mod that makes all POI's have no power. Welcome to the world after the grid is dead. Muhahaha

Does that also extend to power devices made by the player?  Is the player stuck with just torches and candles, or does lights made by the player work normally?


Curious as I think that is a cool idea to be totally dark.  I like to make my world darker than the game's default settings to get that "Oh crap" sensation at night  🙂

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I have not touched Player made blocks. So this is POI's only. If the world is to have power again its up to the players to make it. I think the mod is working now. Good news is that its only a Modlet so it is server side. No client install required. It doesn't have to be a new map either. This can be applied to an existing map. But once done you can't go back. I will be testing it out for a little bit and then releasing it.

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