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Purgatory Server-Side Overhaul Collection Mod Official A19.6 v1.0.1 Download


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Hello, we are enjoying this mod now.


However, everyone is confused by the four-hour depub (?) After hearing the sound of the gunshot.

and we also teleport to my bed with the CSMM [/ bed] command, but we are also in trouble that HP decreases 17 ? 

at that time.


Can you tell me the name of the mod that provides that two depub. ?

and Can you also tell me the name of the mod that will cause the item to disappear when the item is exhausted? ..


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There is a trick to not losing health with the bedroll. 

But you could far easier overcome it by crafting or salvaging a bed rather than a bedroll. Which will most likely work with your /bed command as the bed is classed exactly the same as a bedroll but does not have the safe space buff from standing on it. 


Idk what you mean by the word depub. 


You can't remove the mod that causes the destroy on degrade, as that's a part of purgatory itself. Use the combiner if you don't have repair kits, and watch the health of your items. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do not think it's going to be likely i'm sorry to say. I wanted to achieve safety for saves, but it was not possible at my current skill level at least for everything that needed to be done. In order to fix a few issues and correct some that i hadn't noticed until i was working on this update, i had to move some blocks and items around in the load orders, which changes their id number used by the save to call on each item correctly. 

I do think the changes are worth it, and you can always try the update after backing up your save to another folder first. That way if it does break it, you can always revert version and replace your copied save back into the saves folder to bring the save back safely.

I did remove the old worlds in this update though so i could save space for the upload. I would overwrite rather than delete the old version first that way you still have those worlds if your save was using one of them.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello guys can you help me with this?


I can load and play with no errors when I host but when I upload it to our server. The game just will not start and keep prompting a whole few rows of this error :


2021-10-24T00:54:13 25.600 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'recipes.xml' failed
2021-10-24T00:54:13 25.600 EXC No item/block/material with name 'modDyeJawoodlePurple' existing
Exception: No item/block/material with name 'modDyeJawoodlePurple' existing


I tried commenting out recipes.xml that has modDyeJawoodlePurple or replacing it with vanilla dyes and the next ReachGreen dye came up then DistroGold and then the Melee Sledge HammerT3 error came up. That is tedious work.


Please advise.

Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, so, commenting out the key items will cause all kinds of red errors. 

Commenting them out is not the way to stop red errors.


Figuring out what you added or removed which is causing the conflict is the first step.

To do that, post your output log.


Logic would dictate you removed the purgatory core file, and the other files which depend on it's pieces are throwing up red errors as the pieces it adds are missing.

Which would create all kinds of problems for you when trying to play the mod, as without the key items and blocks and other changes made in the core, many aspects of the mod will either be inaccessible or nonfunctional. 

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It's an issue with that map sadly. I need to make some new ones, as i didnt test the new ones as much as the ones from the first two versions. That map doesn't have enough traders near the player spawn locations. 

I'd recommend either use the rwg to generate a new map.

Or i could work on a new one, i have another update almost ready but was trying to wait for a20 before updating again. 

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13 minutes ago, magejosh said:

It's an issue with that map sadly. I need to make some new ones, as i didnt test the new ones as much as the ones from the first two versions. That map doesn't have enough traders near the player spawn locations. 

I'd recommend either use the rwg to generate a new map.

Or i could work on a new one, i have another update almost ready but was trying to wait for a20 before updating again. 

Ahh roger. I just loaded the 8k and have a trader nearby so will try out the 8k and see how it goes. I just wanted to a map that would have the intended pois for the mod and i know with rwg that dont always happen. thank you for the quick reply. And thnx for creating the mod have seen a lil about it and excited to get into it.

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  • 6 months later...

Idk if anyone is looking, but the a20 version of Purgatory is not server-side, and is still in development but getting closer to release. If you want to check it out now, it's definitely at a playable state and mostly in need of endgame items tweaks, a few endgame entities need finished still, and some new ideas i have planned still need to be written. 

In the a20 version you will have to manage sleepiness, stress, wellness, nutrition, as well as the normal food and water, health and stamina. There are 17 material progression stages for building, and most stages downgrade to the one before them. Meaning your bases have much more defense than they do in vanilla, but some zombies and other entities are strong against different building materials. There are more than 100 new zombies, fantasy creatures, and NPCs. Not all NPC's are hireable, but some are. There's even a small white fox companion NPC you can hire for 10 raw meat if you find it. And the vanilla zombies have all had purgatory specific tweaks, including becoming supercharged on horde nights. 

I have added some teleport spells, as well as integrated Alchemy from BadPoly for the potions and ores. Loot is still plentiful, but backpack space is harder to unlock than in a19. 

Also incorporated Tactical Action Tristam Edition, as well as over 250 other mods to create a truly unique new playthrough experience despite the familiar looking pieces. Many new zombie, vehicle, and item models used this time around. Gaining classes no longer grants perk points like it did in a19 to prevent the cheesing of the leveling system. Dying also now resets your character back to level 1 and removes all perks and books read. As a counterpoint, most books are not destroyed when read, unless you open them from the hotbar with right click action, which grants you a perk point and destroys the book rather than granting the benefits of reading the book. If playing multiplayer, there is a Patch Modlet in the 0-archive-disable mod folder which you will need to move up one folder level to sit with the other mods. This is because sleeping speeds up the passage of time, which is a problem when playing MP. Iceburg71's proper repair kits is in use, and vanilla repair kits have had their repair amounts greatly reduced as that makes repairing the tactical action weapons sufficiently costly to counter their super high durability and other improved stats. Curse of Anubis mod is integrated mechanically and storywise as best as i could so far. I've also implemented new spawning mechanics that i created to make the environment more alive and deadly to you, as well as leveraged Fillunderscore's improved hordes, and adapted Khaine's dangerous cities and Boids infinite hordes to completely alter the flow of non poi zombies into player experience at random intervals and at rates and numbers you may not be ready to deal with at any given moment. Gamestaging all of that has been a challenge but i believe it's getting really close to where i want it to be, and the important gamestage changes relevant to spawning will happen at 50, 125, and 250 so far. Max level has been set to 99k but I also set the rate of increasing XP cost per level to be adjusted to make early levels easy to go through and everything above 50 to be harder than it is in vanilla. 


So if after reading that wall of text you still want to check it out. Download it here for use with a20.4 7d2d: V0.88 Purgatory Overhaul Mod Collection

Also if you find any bugs, it's quicker to join my discord and submit them in the #purgatory-bugs channel to get help resolving the issue. You can find the link in the main menu and in the pause menu while in game. Instructions for install are in the zip file. 

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  • 3 months later...
On 5/10/2022 at 7:51 PM, magejosh said:

as well as over 250 other mods

very nice! The most I was able to personally get loaded on my own without tearing my hair out (and without giving up on some mods I really wanted, due to sooo many errors/warnings) was maybe ?120? mods loaded and maybe 8% of that were my own mods.  I know it can be a lot of work hand tweaking and hunting down xml collisions things like this.  I really wish there were a way to check "what mods are incompatible with others" without having to load them int a game.

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13 minutes ago, doughphunghus said:

very nice! The most I was able to personally get loaded on my own without tearing my hair out (and without giving up on some mods I really wanted, due to sooo many errors/warnings) was maybe ?120? mods loaded and maybe 8% of that were my own mods.  I know it can be a lot of work hand tweaking and hunting down xml collisions things like this.  I really wish there were a way to check "what mods are incompatible with others" without having to load them int a game.

Now that's a good idea right there. A dry run xml parser. That way we can see errors without having to load assets.


Anyways, current version is up to 369 mods. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TIfvFpPdvZ0ISDttPDtr89_x2d9XeJtc/view?usp=sharing

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