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Maximum safe speed?

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The vehicles got much slower in recent patch versions, presumably so the $300 rigs at Walmart can load the world before you fly off into the void or something. For the rest of us, what is a maximum safe speed? I am not looking to make a racing game, but as somebody who owns both motorcycles and off-road vehicles and a pickup, bikes are faster than jeeps. I would like to tweak the speeds so the minibike and motorcycle are a tad faster but I don't want to break anything. I personally do not care if the mod works on a system bought for under $1000. I am targeting actual gamers such as my friends and I. Assume a minimum of a good SATA SSD, high-end graphics card (2070, 2080, 2080 Ti, 3080, 3080 Ti, 3090), at least 16GB of decent RAM, a good CPU like the X series by Intel, and probably an NVME drive like we use. Not trying to segregate the community and I don't suspect many will be running my mod anyway, but I am targeting actual gaming rigs here.


So what would be a safe upper-limit on speed for a good rig?

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First is normal base speed, second is the speed when holding shift as well.


You can set it to whatever, but somewhere around 20-25 you stop really seeing a difference. It takes other changes to make them faster at that point, but that should be fast enough.

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We tried the new vehicle setup on our dedicated server starting last night. Players love it. Fastest speed is via sprint, and it is 22. Even our player on a RAID0 HDD setup had no issues, so we have a winner. Speeds are now the bicycle being slowest, then minibike, then 4x4, then motorcycle, and finally the gyrocopter. Now, how do I spawn the dang blimp?

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2 hours ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

We tried the new vehicle setup on our dedicated server starting last night. Players love it. Fastest speed is via sprint, and it is 22. Even our player on a RAID0 HDD setup had no issues, so we have a winner. Speeds are now the bicycle being slowest, then minibike, then 4x4, then motorcycle, and finally the gyrocopter. Now, how do I spawn the dang blimp?

Probably by adding something like this to your items.xml mod file, if the Prefab for it is actually there :D



<item name="vehicleBlimpPlaceable">
    <property name="Extends" value="vehicleMinibikePlaceable"/>
    <property name="Meshfile" value="#Entities/Vehicles?Jokeblimp_Prefab.prefab"/>
    <property name="EconomicValue" value="30000"/>
    <property class="Action1">
        <property name="Vehicle" value="vehicleJokeblimp"/>
        <property name="VehicleSize" value="2.5, 2.1, 5"/>
    <effect_group name="vehicleJokeblimpPlaceable" tiered="false">
        <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="4"/>
        <passive_effect name="ModPowerBonus" operation="base_add" value="300" tags="EconomicValue"/>
        <passive_effect name="DegradationMax" operation="base_set" value="7500"/>


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Oh now you've got me curious. I imagine it is something The Pimps are going to add in the future, so I left it alone but I may try now.




Tried it. Got Null Reference errors when trying to place it. It does indeed have a model, but the entity type is unknown. Guess we'll wait for The Pimps to throw it in. It looks great though.

Edited by The_Great_Sephiroth (see edit history)
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Found more code, added it tot he mod, still get an unknown entity type of negative one, still get a reference set to null reference exception. Guess we need some C++ code.

    <append xpath="/entityclasses">
        <entity_class name="vehicleJokeblimp">
            <property name="Tags" value="vehicle"/>
            <property name="Class" value="EntityVBlimp"/>
            <property name="Parent" value="Cars"/>
            <property name="Prefab" value="#Entities/Vehicles?jokeblimp_Prefab.prefab"/>
            <property name="ModelType" value="Standard"/>
            <property name="SurfaceCategory" value="metal"/>
            <property name="IgnoreTrigger" value="true"/>
            <property name="LootListAlive" value="82"/>
            <property name="IsEnemyEntity" value="false"/>
            <property name="Explosion.ParticleIndex" value="6"/>
            <property name="Explosion.RadiusBlocks" value="6"/>
            <property name="Explosion.RadiusEntities" value="6"/>
            <property name="RotateToGround" value="true"/>
            <property name="Faction" value="none"/>
            <property name="MapIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_minibike"/>

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