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  1. So I added the 3rd forge input slot to my server which is fantastic, but now splitting a stack in half to make it cook in evenly obviously doesn't work great since I have to manually split it into 3rds for the 3rd input. I was curious if there are any mods that have a custom button or a way to manually choose the amount you wish to put into a new stack (such as in Guild Wars 2 by holding alt? or perhaps shift idr) and a slider menu comes up and you can either push the arrows or type your own number in. Or adding a custom Button which I believe I can figure out how to do, but if the ability to do manual/custom stack sizes is not accessible/able to be modified, then I won't go that route. My 2nd question has to do with wiring distances. I believe they are at 15 blocks right now, and I am wishing to change them up to 20 blocks or so if possible. I have looked everywhere in the XML's I can think of but I am guessing it is in the <property name="Class" value="ConnectPower"/> code, but I do not think I can modify that through XML alone. I tried changing the <passive_effect name="BlockRange" operation="base_set" value="4"/> but ofcourse all that did was make it so I could click the block to initiate the wiring connection from 20 blocks away and not finish connecting it 🤦‍♂️ Any help or knowledge is much appreciated -Alf
  2. Probably by adding something like this to your items.xml mod file, if the Prefab for it is actually there
  3. If you want the "UpgradeToBlock" code, I already did this is in my server and can give you the code so you don't have to do it all xD I didn't add it to the Trader or any Loot Containers, but that's pretty simple as well I also have a recipe for Stainless Steel Polish but it uses new materials, can always change it up though, that's the easy part
  4. Edit: If you want it to do more damage, I think all you have to change is the <passive_effect name="HealthChangeOT" operation="base_add" value="-6"/> to something more negative but you will probably want to make your own buff to do it so you don't change the default electric fence too
  5. Gotcha, thanks for the info! Ill just use one of the other models won't be as funny but it will still work
  6. Alright so I got the Junk Sledge Model to show up but now I have the problem where I cannot wire any power sources to/from the turret block itself it looks so cute with the size it is too lol I'm going to guess that since it isn't in the Entities/Traps/*** model path that is probably can't have an electrical hookup? Hopefully that is incorrect but if not oh well
  7. Just a quick look, I think you can just change this number in your serverconfig file <property name="LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier" value="4"/> <!-- How much protected claim area block hardness is increased when a player is online. 0 means infinite (no damage will ever be taken). Default is 4x --> make it 0 and theoretically no damage should be able to happen when you are online. also I guess you could make it like 500 and then it would take almost no damage if you wanted it like that
  8. Basically I am making a melee electricity powered Auto Turret and I would like to use the Junk Sledge model. I am seeing that the way it is spawned from an item is far different than the code for blocks. Has anyone ever tried to do something like this or is it even possible? Any help would be great! Thanks, Alf
  9. Thanks for the idea I had done this already and while it did prevent an index out of bounds error they still didn't burn in and my 2nd smelting slot was not usable xD I think it had to do with having two different materials set for each new items, one for unit and one for scrap, oddly enough
  10. I hope I didn't get you too worried 😕 I'm not 100% sure what I did differently this time (I think maybe I had the unit_nickel and resourceNickel materials backwords) but it is working correctly now! Thank you so much!! You were right about this part I believe, I think the issue was I had them named incorrectly when I tried it the first time, but thank you for the help!!
  11. I looked through the files and noticed there was a file called mining.unity3d. Do you know if this is where it changes the max input materials from 6? I already have done what is done in this mod other than this one file (and the icons and prefabs I'm not counting since I didn't make any new ones) Edit: If it is done using that unity file I'll probably just add a second forge type workstation that only does my new resources, should work fine, but it'd be really sweet if it all could be in one Edit 2: I tried all the files except the unity file and get a smorgasbord of errors xD I suppose it is necessary
  12. oh sweet! I looked through some mods on here but didn't find anything. I narrowed down the "only one smelter input" working thing to this line - "<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='forge']/property[@class='Workstation']/property[@name='InputMaterials']/@value">,chromium,nickel</append> " adding the two extra materials here seems to mess it up
  13. I believe these are logically the same end result as what I had, I tried it this way and still to no avail. I'm a little confused why I would need a second material as MresourceClayLump is used for both unit_clay and resourceClayLump. I tried to add a second material for each regardless and still no dice Thanks for the help though!! Maybe my issue is related to the forge only having one usable input when I do the above code 🤔 Edit: Just for giggles, I removed stone and clay from the accepted inputs and put the grid back to 6 and it cooks in the chromium and nickel so I'm not sure what is missing lol Edit 2: Everything burns out correctly too 🤔
  14. I apologize for the double post but I can't seem to find the edit post option 😕 I tried the above and it was unsuccessful, I'll put all my code below so you can see if I'm missing something I'm not seeing. I've looked through every XML file for anything relating to the forge and modified what I thought needed it. Thanks! Edit: I guess there is a time limit on editing? xD I forgot to mention that for some reason this code prevents the 2nd input slot from working correctly, the item just sits there and does not burn in. I tested it on brass and other things. I'm at a complete loss as to why this happens, so any help with that would be appreciated too! Blocks.XML Items.XML Materials.XML Recipes.XML in the XUI folder, windows.XML
  15. Awesome! That is one thing I didn’t try as I saw a bunch of materials that were not smeltable and didn’t think that was necessary :) I’ll try it out, thank you!!
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