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Suggestion: Normal Zombies able to climb the walls!


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What do you guys think about adding "climbing the walls" ability to "Normal Zombies"


Let's face it, these zombies aren't dangerous at all (in comparison to "Tough Zombies", "Special Infected" or even "Animal Zombies"). If "Normal Zombies" had the ability to climb the walls it would be freaking awesome (even if you gave them this ability only for bloodmoons), they'd stop being a total waste of AI slots, it would deepen the gameplay and it would (to some extent) solve the "pathing" problem for some zombies).


This way it would be a bit harder to cheese the game but at the same time those zombies would remain quite weak.


Normal Zombies: (this category could climb)
Departed Woman
Festering Corpse
Infected Mother
Infected Survivor
Motivated Cheerleader Zombie
Plagued Nurse
Putrid Girl
Rotting Carcass
Reanimated Corpse
Skater Punk Zombie
Zombie Cowboy
Zombie Farmer
Zombie Stripper


Tough Zombies:
Bloated Walker
Fat Hawaiian
Fallen Soldier Zombie
Frozen Lumberjack
Hazmat Male Zombie
Hungry Female Zombie
Utility Worker Zombie
Zombie Biker


Special Infected:
Burn Victim
Crawler Zombie
Feral Wight
Infected Police Officer
Spider Zombies
Team Z Player Football Zombies


Animal Zombies:
Zombie Bears
Zombie Dogs
Zombie Vultures

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I don't mind the idea of a climbing zombie, but I worry using the normal zombies will make that attribute too common.


Would it mean that a player in their lower levels would deal exclusively with climbing zombies, or would this attribute emerge after a certain game stage? Or, would this attribute be applied to only a certain percentage of normal zombies?


Thankfully, military Z's aren't parachuting from planes or rappelling from helicopters. :)

Edited by zztong (see edit history)
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