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Complex zombies new types and variants proposition and some overhaul ideas


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My idea is to present this concept to TFP but first opinions and support about it.


Weak zombies :  decaying, burned or  dried  zombies - slow,  weak ,  they do a small dmg and  have small number of hp  - They can spawn everywhere but on desert and burned  forest have a bigger  chance to respawn not depended on gamestage (i easier to find them on dessert that in forest no matter how gamestage you have). 


Variants :  clothes depends on place when they are respawning : on cementary most of them wear suits and dresses with or without shoes , on desert have normal clothes and in the burn forest clothes are heavy burned. Their body depends on spawn location - on cementary and funeral houses they are highly decomposed some of them have visible bones, on desert they are dried almost like mummy and in burned forest they are burned


Gameplay purpose : They are low stage source of exp points and easy enemies . They drop nothing so they cannot be a "loot grinder" but in big number in POI's like cementary with crypt can be dangerouse for players without a good armor and weapons because even a small cementary can be death trap for unprepared surviors. And another role of them is "mimic" a burn victim in burning forest because they looks similar but burn victime are still burning 


NOTES : crawler zombie is a part of this types. They don't have feral or radiactive variants . They arent' respawning on blood moon horde.


Teen zombies :   they are 18 +- 2 yo old .  They are smaller that most zombies ( this same hight as screamer) can run and walk a little bit faster that normal zombie. They most time " play dead" otherwise a normal zombies they do it outside too . They can wait for a victim in long grass , between broken cars or in rows . When someone are nearby they get up and start chaising you. 


Variants and subtypes :  they have 3 subtypes

1.Normal : they wear normal civilian clothes : they wear random t-shirt , shirts, dresses, pants , w/without hat , with shoes and socks, in socks only or totaly barefoot.  Some of them have wounds and dirt : missing eye, bitten , broken arrow or knife in their bodies, dirty clothes blood on hands . They drop a loot this same as normal  civilian zombies . They respawning in house and roads, cities ( urban places).



2.High school: they wear high school jackets diffrents pants and shoes . Some of them have wounds and dirt : missing eye, bitten , broken arrow or knife in their bodies, dirty clothes, blood on hands . They drop a loot this same as normal  civilian zombies + books . They respawning in schools connected places like : schools , library, near new school bus


3.Wild child : they clothes are most fiber , but some of them wear mixed with normal clothes like : normal t-shirts and fiber pants . They have feathers in their hairs, bones neckles and leather bracelet and bare feet usually dirty. some of them have wounds and are dirty : missing eye, bitten , broken arrow or knife in their bodies, dirty or blood on on hands and feets . They drop a loot a feather and seds . This variants is a little bit faster.  They spawn in wild places like fields , forests or near lakes and farms.


Gameplay purpose; they are source of exp and loots in medium stage.  They are using as "shooting panic" - you are running fast throught forest and they get up unespected caunsing sometimes panic shooting in inexperied players and elimate a situation when player just running forward. It will forced them to be more careful. Another purpose is to be " first way" of zombies  when  blood moon started. They are faster that normal zombies so they first get into mines , and quick enough  to cause wasting ammuntions when unexperiend on nervouse player will try to eliminate them, and force player to make first barberwire in first 2 lines of defens to slow them down like ferals or dogs but in earlier stages 


Note: they can climb and jump faster that normal zombies 


Normal zombies : most common civilians (diffrent ages and clothes) 

Variants and subtypes :  

1. Normal : they are just normal civilans with diffrents clothes and wounds. Nothing special.

2. Workers : they wear workers uniforms. a little bit more hp (10%)  and have bigger chance to drop parts or books that normsl zombies

3. Postman : respawning in city- bigger chance to drop a lot of paper

4.  Doctors and nurce : typical medical clothes - bigger chance to respawn near hospital - bigger chance to drop 1-2 painkillers or vitamins

5. Office guy - zombies in suits and "office" clothes - bigger chance to respawn in big city and bigger chance to drop few old dollars

6. Cop : more hp (15% ) that normal zombie - bigger chance to drop ammo and gun parts. Variants - typical blue cop,  Grey prison cop, white scheriff ( bigger chance to drop magnum)



Fat zombies Fat zombie with chance to explode when dying and more health that normal zombie. 


Variants and subtypes : 

1. fat Civilians :  fat zombies in civilian clothes - they make a noise when they are active - 50% of explosion when they are killed

2. fat cop  he have range attack too and more health that normal fat zombie - 25% chance to drop pistolet or magnum and bullets 

3. drowned one -  they deal bigger dmg that rest fat zombies ,  it looks like fat coop but blue/green skin and ragged clothes, they don't have range attack but sometimes explode when is still alive and have a little hp.


Gameplay purpose :  They work as rich source of exp in medium gamestage. They can't destroing block when explode but can do a rly big dmg a have a 50% chance to infect player . They can't run , jump or climbing but have a rly good block damage so the are one of top tier targerts on  blood moon because there can destroy doors and walls faster that normal zombies  and in normal game it need to conider what is better option : risk to be killed in meele combat , waste ammo or run away.


Note : every variants have 25% chance to drop food or food schematic. And can't run so they don't feral version.




Tought zombies : they deal a more hp and deal bigger dmg . Some of them have armors too 


Variants and subtypes :  they have tiers 

-1 tier bikers  ( some of them have helmets- 20% less headshot dmg) - 25% more hp and deal more dmg that normal zombie. Variants : diffrents clothes and wounds : some of them have leather jackets with gang logos , tops and leather pants.  A lot of them have tatoo . Drop a parts and metal tools . More chance to respawn near bars and shops and on reads


-2. tier  lumberjack - this same stats as  bikers + bigger stun chance . 75% chance to drop a random axe or axe mods. Bigger chance to respawn in forest and wood cabine


- 3 tier bloated walker - they have a chance to have iron (30% less dmg) or steel armor (45% less dmg) - 50% more hp and deal 25% more dmg that normal zombies. Variants - diffent civilian clothes but 1,5X highter that  normal zombie . 75% chance to drop random gun or armor mods. 


-4. Soldier - get 50% range dmg and  75% melee dmg  Variants : camo depends on biom - diffrent wound and some of them wearing gasmask They in some places can respawn in black armor with logo this is PMC variant - this same stats but diffrent look and more chances to wear gasmask. 25% chance to drop  military armor or  top tier resources . Bigger chance to respawn near bunkers bases or military outposts.   Pmc variant have bigger chance to respawn in labs and skyscrapers.


Gameplay purpose : they give you a good amount of exp in medium and late game stage (depands of  tier). They are tanks and dps on blood moon . Hard challenge with promise of greate reward. They are maybe a little bit slower that normal zombies but chance good protection against stun so it makes them more difficult in melee fight but experienced player with sledhammer can beat them to the ground and finish them easlly when they are alone but when you see 5 soldiers you need a good gun or crossbown against them.


Special zombies : zombies with special trails

Worker in welder mask : 90% protection against headshots and stun immune. Variants : diffrents colours of their work suits. Bigger chance to respawn near factory POI


Riot police -  less bullet dmg and  less melee dmg protection. Always running so they are more dangerouse that tought zombie but have normal zombie hp. 25% chance to drop unique Riot armor - Better that military agains melee dmg but worst agains bullet dmg . Variants: Black armor in cites and police stations and grey armor in Prison and military bases


hazmat zombie - they have radiation  dmg aura so kill it fast or radiation kill you faster that you think . Chance to drop hazmat suit - armor with blood and infection immunity when you wear all set . Variants - blue , orange and yellow hazmat suits but some of them are nearly complate some of them are almost totaly destoyed and skin burned. Respawn only in labs and wastelands


screamer ( diffrent clothes , faces , dirt) - well this same as actual just more variants


spider zombies ( diffrent skin clothes - some of them looks like actual spider some of them like weak decaying zombie) - They can respawn in late gamestage - they usually stick on walls  and places . Waiting for surviors  to be near and jump on them make them panic and deal a dmg.


Gameplay purpose :  Add more variation to the gameplay and challnge to keep game fresh.


Boss zombies - stong late stage zombie 

feral wight ( but changed models similiar to volantile from dying light) - almost this same as actual one but more connected with lab poi


 Taran - highter that wight and bigger mussles that strong man - ragged  shorts ,a lot of wounds and medical equpment and chainses ( more realtic mix of sacrifice tank from l4d1 and police zombie from house of the dead 3 - this one with mace) . Can spawn above 200 gamestage in blood moon horde - 1 per 100 gamestage ( so you will have 2 of them in 300 gamestage, 3 of them in 400 gamestage etc) . They maybe are slow but their purpose is to be lord of the ring trolls or snk collouse titan - he have a lot of hp and make a big dmg. He will walk toward you to punch you until he or you die . Have fun ! and don't complain about no end game challenge - this guy make you tears


Demolisher - almost this same as actual one but slimer, more armored  but slower - remember this urk hai berserk who blow up helm depps' walls? He is zombie version on this guy- he walks toward your walls to explode. So if you see colour "police light" and noisy "PEEP PEEP" grab your sniper rifle and pray to be better that legolas. Rohan'riders are not coming with help this time


Animal zombies : dogs , wolfs , bears ( delete a vulture plis)


Uncommon zombies : some mix of special and rest types of zombies  

civilian with backpack ( 100% chance for loot- junk stuff) . Can respawn everywhere

hobo with backpack ( cans and hobo staw) , Can respawn near roads and bars

soldier with backpack ( 100% chance for military stuff)  , Can respawn in labs, miliatary bases ,outpost 


stripper zombie - spawning only near bars and stipp clubs - 50% chance to drop 15-100 dollars ,

parachuchist ( 100% chance to drop - 1  molotow , pimpe bomb , first aid bandage or first aid kit - l4d2 reference ) , respawn like normal soldier zombie


mayor zombie - zombie in expensive black suit - 100% (chance to drop 100 - 1000 old dollars) ,

geek zombie - zombie with backpack with pins  thirt with cartoon logo and geek goggles ( 100% chance to drop books) - respawn at school


"vampire" teen girl with bloody mounth ,  in long dirty sweatshirt , shorts and dirty bare feet (abby from let me in refrence 100% chance to drop blood ) - respawn near bridges tunnels caves ruins 


zombie hunter with backpack - leather jacket and leather pants ( 100% chance to dropp random crossbow - reference to WD and Classic G.J Joe backpack) - respawn near snow biom


Special ops zombie- black military uniform looking almost like PMC and nightvision -  good protection, a lot of  hp and 100% to drop nightvision and a lot of bullets ( re hunk reference)  - respawn in military bases and labs


 Guy from gas station with bandge Gary ( only respawning there - another re refrence) 100% to chance to drop 10 - 15% gas cans .


Game purpose : add something unique to the gameplay - good enough to go for example on gas station but rare enough to don't be a loot grinder


Respawn proportion



Weak zombies have 20-40% chance to respawn depends on biom

Teen have 10- 30% chance depends on biom 

normal - 30-50% depends on biom

tought  - 5%-15% depends on biom

Special -  5%-15% not depends on biom - it depends on POI and game stage only

Boss - 1% not depends on biom - it depends on POI and game stage only

Zombie animal - it depends on biom.

Backpack 5% - but what variant have a chance a respawn depends on biom and PoI

Unique 2% - outside ( only vampire girl, hobo and civilian) , 5% in their POI- (vampire girl on bridges and tunnels, pilot in hotel , gasmark on military outpost and bunker etc)


Other stuff 


1. Add a car with skeleton inside - terminator refrence

2. add skeletons in ghost town, in caves and on desert

3. In some places add bloody footprint's some of them shoes some of them bare feet , bloody sighs of hands on some walls and doors , more  corpses variants - dead soldiers in bases or on sandbag, death wild teen near backpack in forest  or dead  Taran in labs

4. Broken weapons on road - broken gun or spear on half , arrows in wall . Broken guns can give you 1-2 gun parts

5.  Notes on the walls like - "Military ran away ! " NO EVAC - RUN FOR YOUR LIFE "  or refrences like " DEAD INSIDE" 

6. More props like - poster about zombie outbreak  and evacuation sites ,  destoyed barricades etc


I was writing this post by  2 hours (i'm serious) and sorry for grammar mistakes because i have problem with it and it don't depend on my. My purpouse it find  what people think about this  variants and groups - what change , what zombie types add , what should be ballanced etc. and present this " postulate" to guys from TFP . I know they have a lot to do and i know it will be added if they agree on this on maybe A 23 or A 24 but yours supports is very important - bigger support bigger chance of agreement right? Ofc some have say " it can be add by mods" but - i have not a programatic skill ( and you see i do a lot of mistakes so it can't work) and expensive tools to add models - subscription is sometime 1000 dolars per year a lot yeah?   So i try do more that complain and trying to do something.  Forum member will support this and they don't accept this idea? Fine at least we trying . It is better to fail that do nothing. So guys - i'm waiting for you feedback and ideas .


Edited by Matt115 (see edit history)
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And loot i will make it simple like : okay there is a 50% chance to be spawned normal zombie in city. Zombie cop (group) have 15% from 50% - 7,5 % . sheriffe variant have 33,3% of respawn - 2,5%  and 50% from 2,5% = 1,25% so chances to drop magnum is quiet low 

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On 5/10/2021 at 5:07 PM, Matt115 said:

My idea is to present this concept to TFP but first opinions and support about it.


Weak zombies :  decaying, burned or  dried  zombies - slow,  weak ,  they do a small dmg and  have small number of hp  - They can spawn everywhere but on desert and burned  forest have a bigger  chance to respawn not depended on gamestage (i easier to find them on dessert that in forest no matter how gamestage you have). 


Variants :  clothes depends on place when they are respawning : on cementary most of them wear suits and dresses with or without shoes , on desert have normal clothes and in the burn forest clothes are heavy burned. Their body depends on spawn location - on cementary and funeral houses they are highly decomposed some of them have visible bones, on desert they are dried almost like mummy and in burned forest they are burned




I like this idea but it would be kinda hard to do. like i said Many a time. they should add a Normal zombie that looks like the Crawler but it walks (A super rotten zombie)

but i am OK with a specials type of zombies. but then again they are slowly going away with them. mostly the rad ones!



On 5/10/2021 at 5:07 PM, Matt115 said:

NOTES : crawler zombie is a part of this types. They don't have feral or radiactive variants . They arent' respawning on blood moon horde

101% agree! i would love to see the feral Crawler move Fast and Maybe Leap at you! like the leaper from dead space. 


On 5/10/2021 at 5:07 PM, Matt115 said:

Teen zombies :   they are 18 +- 2 yo old .  They are smaller that most zombies ( this same hight as screamer) can run and walk a little bit faster that normal zombie. They most time " play dead" otherwise a normal zombies they do it outside too . They can wait for a victim in long grass , between broken cars or in rows . When someone are nearby they get up and start chaising you. 

They already said no Kids zombies. that can get the game banned in many places!, i uses to be in this camp but iv lost it


On 5/10/2021 at 5:07 PM, Matt115 said:

Special zombies

I already made a Post about something like this but i like some of the ideas!

the riot is pretty good and the haz zombie but for the rest... hmmm

here some of my zombie ideas/TLC

Screamer: New model, still female, skinny as Hell and a bit taller! she can puke blood at you to Blind you a bit. And has a VERY rare chance to spawn in a Bloodmoon (later on)

Cop: When they blow up they emit toxic gas, better range, Acid pools on ground deal damage over time 

Spider zombie: rather then climb they Jump... REALLY HIGH! they can just up to 30 blocks high and long! they have this sac on their neck that they shoot Goo at a close range to slow you down. like a web! and able to move faster!

Feral wright: Super Zombie, better jump, more damage, Only die via Headshot, Bleed, fire or Bombs! if not they will stay at at most 100 HP. 

New zombies

  • radioactive Walker: Takes the role of all Rad zombies and ahs as much Health as a Radioactive Bloated zombie. Able to heal themselves slowly . they do not run but they can spawn in the wasteland. deal rad damage on hit (lowers max HP, Stamina, food and water
  • Plagued Walker: you hate getting sick? well you may want to bring a Mask and come Corona Wipes cuz these zeds are just FILLED WITH that Nasty stuff!. most likely zombies that have been around for a Long time, they are rather slinky but they have these Large Bloody Boils on them and have there veins showing and there eyes are almost Pure blood red! the Normal ones have base zombie health but the feral are stronger and can Infect you Very fast. Unlike with normal zombies that when they infect you thats it, you just heal up and that's it. but these zombies will keep adding up infection until ether the zombie is dead or if you die! they are rather on the rare side though.
  • Slasher: This zombies arms have been worn down to the point where the bones have turn into blades, Has High AP damage so your armor maybe help but not much, and has a high chance to cause bleed to you! but against blocks... they are not too good, they wear a Old rotten shorts with dark grey skin and white eyes! its chest is open to the elements so you can see its ribs, lungs, etc!
  • Puker: Take a cop zombie, make him chug 8 bottles of Alcohol and you got the puker!. this zombie looks like he is wearing a Firefighter gear and helmet but the gasmask has melted off! and only parts of the mask and helmet are left. Its a more close range attacker and when you get near it. it pukes a Large cluster of Acid. it applies Burning damage and it does more damage to blocks and your armor! when they die they leave a Large acid pile!
  • Ravager: What happens when you get a Spider zombie and put them on coke???? the Ravager! she is a mean zombie that is nearly always Feral! SHE is even worst when she is feral! She is able to do a Short "tackle" that does stun damage, but unlike most zombies she moves backwards when you try to aproce her to try to dodge your melee attacks! She has long nails too tear you apart!. when she is feral, she moves EVEN faster almost nightmare speed, and is a Pain to kill, she will even try to get on your car/gyro and try to break it! she is wearing a Patient robes that haves ALOT of blood and she also has Handcuffs on, she has Long black hair with chunks of it missing and her face is almost fully rotten off!  
  • Brute: this big strong bulky zombie looks like a bodybuilder but... a zombie and a lot meaner! it a Light Behemoth, with the same HP as a Demolisher and just the same size but it has different abilities. They can Charge at you and deal alot of damage to blocks, cars and you! the Melee attacks near always stun you, they are very hard to knock down!. when feral they move a bit faster and they are even stronger! 
  • Infected Wastelander: this zombie is more of a "base" term for Survivors/NPCs that become infected. if the NPCs die they have a chance to either die and be eaten OR they turn into a zombie, they will spawn in with there armor/cloths but the NPCs eyes are white, and whatever armor they had, they will keep and uses against you! 
Edited by Adam the Waster (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

I like this idea but it would be kinda hard to do. like i said Many a time. they should add a Normal zombie that looks like the Crawler but it walks (A super rotten zombie)

but i am OK with a specials type of zombies. but then again they are slowly going away with them. mostly the rad ones!



101% agree! i would love to see the feral Crawler move Fast and Maybe Leap at you! like the leaper from dead space. 


They already said no Kids zombies. that can get the game banned in many places!, i uses to be in this camp but iv lost it


I already made a Post about something like this but i like some of the ideas!

the riot is pretty good and the haz zombie but for the rest... hmmm

here some of my zombie ideas/TLC

Screamer: New model, still female, skinny as Hell and a bit taller! she can puke blood at you to Blind you a bit. And has a VERY rare chance to spawn in a Bloodmoon (later on)

Cop: When they blow up they emit toxic gas, better range, Acid pools on ground deal damage over time 

Spider zombie: rather then climb they Jump... REALLY HIGH! they can just up to 30 blocks high and long! they have this sac on their neck that they shoot Goo at a close range to slow you down. like a web! and able to move faster!

Feral wright: Super Zombie, better jump, more damage, Only die via Headshot, Bleed, fire or Bombs! if not they will stay at at most 100 HP. 

New zombies

  • radioactive Walker: Takes the role of all Rad zombies and ahs as much Health as a Radioactive Bloated zombie. Able to heal themselves slowly . they do not run but they can spawn in the wasteland. deal rad damage on hit (lowers max HP, Stamina, food and water


Thx for anwer !. Okay i will write it in points

1. weak zombies are working like training program - 1-2 from hit from wooden club and they are dead so they are easy but they learn to be careful because high chance of infected.  They are slow and more "base attackers" that "feral attackers" . Taran and demolishoner roles are to destroy defense but in diffrent way, Feral going to get you when  some of them make a hole in the wall.

2 I little mistake : all weak zombies (crawler too) don't have feral version and can't be in blood moon hordes

3. I find a solution on this : change high school in to undergraduate school  - In Poland maturity is set on 18 yo just like in Germany ( i don't know how it is set in Austrialia) and high school is  on 16-19 age  chart and "job high school" or "technical high school" is 16-20 age chart so i do mistake with it but undergraduate school will end this problem. Well cheerleader look like 25 so a little bit make her face "elfish" and you will get what i mean. And teen zombies are "code name" because "speedster" don't work and zombie "watchers" don't fit good too . And wild child - this is a refrence to hippie movment - in Poland hippie called themself "flowers children" and were connected with students. So i know how to make it legal but i need better name XD So they are NOT CHILDREN , they are young adults 18-24 yo - just i don't have better name now 😅


4. Well  worker with wielder mask work like a bait - players aim on head right? So this guys works like necroforms from dead space.   Screamer -good idea but she can still respawn alone near a base ( a little boomer vibs), Cop good to but i have a problem with acid pool- idk it will work on this engine 😕 . Okay spider zombie -  he can have mutated legs but i don't know how to make it like hunter from l4d2 rip-off

5. Yeah this idea with walker is rly good :)

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