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Modifying serverconfig.xml in a mod?

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I am working on a mod that will require certain server settings put a certain way for it to be played correctly.


For example:


<set xpath="ServerSettings\property[@name='DayNightLength']/@value">30</set>
<set xpath="ServerSettings\property[@name='LootAbundance']/@value">1</set>
<set xpath="ServerSettings\property[@name='DayNightLength']/@value">30</set>
<set xpath="ServerSettings\property[@name='BloodMoonFrequency']/@value">1</set>


I have tried adding a serverconfig.xml in to the config folder in my mod, but it is ignored.


Is this possible?

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and scroll down to [*]UIMenu.


I never really got it so I usually manually edit my menu but maybe you can figure it out.


I am not %100 sure it still works but it may give you an idea of what to do.


They may just change the single player menu but at least it may give you a start

Edited by Gamida (see edit history)
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12 minutes ago, Gamida said:

Go here...



and scroll down to [*]UIMenu.


I never really got it so I usually manually edit my menu but maybe you can figure it out.


I am not %100 sure it still works but it may give you an idea of what to do.


They may just change the single player menu but at least it may give you a start


Thanks I have taken a look, but dont think that helps you set default settings, just changes the options available but I am guessing the options changed since that mod was released

3 minutes ago, meganoth said:

It would be a security hole to be able to change serverconfig.xml. I don't think this will ever be made possible for xml-only mods.



I did wonder that seeing as you could add yourself to server admins, change server password etc, but wasnt sure if certain things like day/night length and difficulty were possible.


thanks for the reply though

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