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The movie theatres actually play REAL MOVIEs


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[QUOTE=tbird11299;126950]Would be awesome!!! If ur bored n ur base is a movie theater u should play a movie! So u and ur team can watch should make the movies zombie movies and the movies are rare to find[/QUOTE] issue's with this would be 1 data streaming would be huge 2 copyright issues - we know how the movie making scene wants to stop "Piracy" and movie/file sharing they would never allow it The idea is pretty cool though and in single player should not be so hard to have the game integrate with some sort of media player (other games do it already for music) and play a locally stored movie file.
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+1 for playable movie in the theater, but you would need to repair the projector, to keep with our crafting game theme. And, there would be multiple films you could load into it. - CDC warning info film - News film about the events of apocalypse - Zombie Movie :) - Fun Pimps trailers
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even find people home movies while looting, maybe even some film that caught some scenarios of the apocalypse while they were happening. See why that body is in that closet in the corner of the house... watch the video tape on his body. Would be cool as hell :D If not films then maybe find notes at first leading you to some bunker or stash of something would be nice.
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