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Games changes resolution and crashes.


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Now I know that this is a bug that has persisted for several years, and that the dev team has stated that they have no interest in fixing it, but there is a large bug in which the game will randomly change your resolution. If you write something out to prevent it from doing so it crashes the game.

Have the devs even tried to fix this glitch yet?

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I don't remember hearing of this glitch before. FIrst you say that there is a supposed statement from the dev team that they know about it but have no interest in fixing it and then you ask if they have even tried fixing it. So which story are you going with?


In A18 they introduced dynamic resolution which can be configured to only occur at a specified FPS level or entirely disabled in the options menu. But that was the first time there ever was a setting that would change your resolution during gameplay and it hasn't been around for years and it isn't a glitch. You also don't need to write anything to prevent it. You simply toggle it off in the video options.

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It's especially hard to troubleshoot the issue when zero information is provided, and the topic isn't even posted in the correct forum section.


Now that the thread has been moved to a more appropriate section, you might take a stab at reading the Pinned threads here, and following instructions.

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