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Q: How can I add/replace a terrain texture? My experiments didn't work.


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I wanted to add a nice grass lawn texture to the terrain texture with the goal being to create a new block type, similar to terrDirt, that could be placed into the terrain adding grass to replace whatever was there (in my case, sand; I want a nice lawn in front of my base).  I've got the XML files correct, I think:



<append xpath="/recipes">
<recipe name="terrGrassyDirt" count="1" craft_time="1">
	<ingredient name="resourceClayLump" count="16"/>
	<ingredient name="resourceYuccaFibers" count="2"/>



<append xpath="/materials">
<material id="Mgrassy_dirt">
	<property name="Extends" value="Mdirt"/>
	<property name="stepsound" value="grass"/>
	<property name="MaxDamage" value="200"/>



<append xpath="/blocks">
<block name="terrGrassyDirt">
	<property name="NoScrapping" value="true"/>
	<property name="Shape" value="Terrain"/>
	<property name="Mesh" value="terrain"/>
	<property name="LPHardnessScale" value="2"/>
	<property name="Map.Color" value="35,80,45"/>
	<property name="ImposterExclude" value="true"/>
	<property class="RepairItems">
      <property name="resourceClayLump" value="14"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceClayLump" count="14" tag="oreWoodHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceYuccaFibers" count="1" tag="allHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Destroy" count="0"/>
	<drop event="Fall" name="terrForestGround" count="1" prob="0.25" stick_chance="1"/>
	<drop event="Fall" name="resourceClayLump" count="44" prob="0.187" stick_chance="0"/>
	<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous"/>
	<property name="CanMobsSpawnOn" value="true"/>
	<property name="EconomicValue" value="5"/>
	<property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="1"/>
	<property name="SellableToTrader" value="false"/>
	<property name="FilterTags" value="fterrain"/>
	<property name="SortOrder1" value="d0k0"/>
	<property name="SortOrder2" value="0050"/>
	<property name="DisplayType" value="blockTerrainFertile"/>
	<property name="DescriptionKey" value="terrainBlockGroupDesc"/>
	<property name="Material" value="Mgrassy_dirt"/>
	<property name="CustomIcon" value="terrGrassyDirt" />
	<property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/>
	<property name="Texture" value="308"/>



Things I tried:


1) I use UABE to modify \7 Days To Die\Data\Bundles\terraintextures by replacing the existing sod.png (#308) texture with my grass texture (same size, also png) with "IsReadable=false".  Placing a terrGrassyDirt continued to show the splatmap terrain texture for that location (sand).


2) I use UABE to modify \7 Days To Die\Data\Bundles\terraintextures by replacing sod.png texture with my grass texture with "IsReadable=true".  Placing a terrGrassyDirt continued to show the splatmap terrain texture for that location (sand).


3) 1) I use UABE to modify \7 Days To Die\Data\Bundles\terraintextures by replacing the existing sand.png texture with my grass texture.  I just wanted to see if changing the terraintexture file did anything at all.  The sand in the game remained sand, not grass.



What am I missing?


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