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I Wonder...(Story Related Questions)


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Is there any marginal kind of story to this? I've played 7DtD for a while now, and there's...something there, clearly. 


I mean, Traitor Joel for example; Who is he a traitor to(Lets not forget his desk clerks, because clearly this guy is running a full store chain during the-...Kind of apocalypse? Considering there's some form of commerce, I'd say it's a pretty slow going extinction, honestly)? 


And, example No. 2: Crazy Jake. He's just downright crazy. Quite the stalker too, it seems since we get so many quests from him, and-...mostly him. There's a few stragglers, but Jake really likes watching you like you're the post apocalyptic Kardashian, like damn. 


Example No. 3; The now defunct store chains that populate the vast majority of the map such as Pop 'n Pills, Shotgun Messiah, Shamway Foods, etc. etc. I am aware that some of the stores are quite literally cheesy as hell, and most likely just an outright joke, but-...What about Higashi Pharmacuetical skyscraper? Clearly it has a connection with the Pop 'n Pills brand name as it doesn't have ANYTHING in the game with its' OWN brand name on it, even though clearly Higashi is one of the leading-if not, THE leading-giant in the medical industry. 


Example No. 4: The Duke who apparently controls all of the currency in this post-apocalyptic setting whom you do not want to be on the bad side of as explained in the note you get when you first load in a world as a new character(I think that was him? I'm not sure...). Which should entail a clear connection to the fact that there is a civilization SOMEWHERE out there, because obviously this "Duke" guy is the top dog of it all like a mafia boss would be.


I understand that there's not really much of a place at all for a story in this game, but...given these examples, the devs are clearly playing at some kind of game with it. I'm also aware that I shouldn't expect this story to ever come to light in the first place, and that they may never enlighten us to it(or maybe the answer is already here on this forum, I just haven't found it, and I'm just the latest in a long line of curious people who have asked the same question as myself), but...I dunno, I'm just curious.

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There is a story planned for the game and (as far as we users were informed) it covers hints about how the apocalypse started and a story about two rival factions, white river (where the traders seem to belong to) and the Duke (casino owner, shady, crime boss). Story will be added to Navezgane at least once bandits/NPCs are in.


Crazy Jake is IMHO just version 0.1 of the quest system, a funny placeholder.  Once bandits are in, they might actually incorporate a bandit camp with a Crazy Jake and maybe, maybe they will even say that was the plan all along.


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